pt tap talk teknologi blog

Dalam bisnis startup maupun bisnis lainnya, terdapat beberapa hal krusial, salah satunya adalah pengembangan produk. Perusahaan yang memiliki fokus di bidang inovasi berkelanjutan, selalu dituntut untuk selalu bisa melakukan pembaruan fiturnya.

Produk berada dalam irisan yang berada di antara teknologi, bisnis, dan pengalaman pengguna atau User Experience (UX). Inti dari produk yang diciptakan adalah produk tersebut harus bermanfaat, diinginkan oleh konsumen, dan juga memiliki daya guna dan layak digunakan. Di sini lah product management atau manajemen produk berperan penting.

Manajemen produk atau product management adalah fungsi organisasi dalam perusahaan yang berurusan dengan pengembangan produk baru, pembenaran bisnis, perencanaan, verifikasi, perkiraan, penetapan harga, peluncuran produk, dan pemasaran produk atau produk di semua tahap siklus hidup produk.

Manajemen produk adalah fungsi strategis. Menyusun strategi dan deskripsi tentang faktor “mengapa?” dari produk. Orang yang bertanggung jawab adalah manajer produk. Seorang manajer produk bertanggung jawab untuk mengkomunikasikan tujuan dan rencana produk kepada seluruh perusahaan. Mereka harus memastikan setiap orang bekerja menuju tujuan organisasi bersama.

Manajemen produk mencakup serangkaian tanggung jawab strategis yang berkelanjutan. Mereka seharusnya tidak bertanggung jawab atas detail tingkat dasar dari proses pengembangan.

Organisasi yang pintar memisahkan fungsi ini dan menetapkan elemen taktis ke manajer proyek, seperti penjadwalan dan pengelolaan beban kerja. Divisi yang berbeda ini membuat manajer produk bebas untuk fokus pada strategi tingkat yang lebih tinggi.

Jika dibahas dan dibedah lebih dalam lagi, product management harus berada di tengah product strategy, product marketing, dan product development. Hal-hal tersebut adalah faktor-faktor yang harus diperhatikan dan dipertimbangkan saat melakukan pengaturan produk.

Seperti yang dijelaskan dalam definisi manajemen proyek, prosesnya mencakup beberapa komponen. Hal ini berimplikasi pada pekerjaan product manager yang mengkondisikan pemasaran tim internal perusahaan kepada tim support, termasuk tim pengembangan serta tim penjualan. Selain menggabungkan visi, manajer produk perlu memahami berbagai perspektif yang dimiliki orang-orang ini.

Setelah pengembang, desainer, dan tim lain mulai mengembangkan produk, tugas manajer produk selanjutnya adalah mengukur kemajuan proses dan membuat pengukuran yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi untuk status pengujian. Proses ini juga harus disertai dengan analisis kinerja produk yang berkelanjutan. Proses pemantauan juga harus dilakukan agar peta jalan produk dapat dipertahankan dan prioritas tugas dapat dikonfigurasi.

Managing product ini tentu berkaitan dengan aspek-aspek bisnis lainnya. JIka tidak handal dalam melakukan manajemen produk, maka aspek  support, customers, development, sales, legal, finance, research, dan marketing akan terpengaruh. Hal ini menunjukkan seberapa pentingnya manajemen produk.

Bagaimana cara mengoptimalkan product management?

Manajer produk seringkali memiliki tanggung jawab yang sangat banyak. Waktu adalah komoditas yang berharga. Mereka harus efisien dan terorganisir untuk melakukan percakapan dan rapat yang diperlukan sambil tetap memiliki cukup bandwidth untuk menyelesaikan beberapa pekerjaan.

Membuat keputusan — dan mendapatkan konsensus internal tentang keputusan tersebut — bisa sangat menyebalkan. Untuk menyelesaikan semuanya dengan segera, manajer produk harus menemukan cara yang dapat diskalakan untuk mencapai kesepakatan dengan cepat. Peran yang didefinisikan dengan jelas dan proses yang konsisten memungkinkan para pihak yang terlibat fokus pada subjek yang sedang dibahas.

Bahkan bagaimana manajer produk menjadwalkan pekerjaan mereka dapat menghasilkan peningkatan output dan sesi kerja yang lebih berkualitas. Dengan meminimalkan pengalihan konteks, manajer produk dapat mengelompokkan tugas serupa untuk menjaga fokus dan membatasi gangguan.

Ini termasuk menyediakan waktu untuk berpikir strategis. Sulit untuk mendalami subjek tertentu jika ada gangguan terus-menerus. Manajer produk harus menyisihkan waktu untuk tugas penting ini dan menciptakan lingkungan tempat mereka dapat berkonsentrasi.

Selain itu, penelitian oleh Jerry Wind dari University of Pennsylvania membuktikan bahwa demonstrasi dari dan kontribusi dari penelitian atau riset adalah kritikal dan sangat penting untuk membangun manajemen produk dan pengembangan produk baru yang baik.

Penelitian tersebut menyatakan, 

Dari sudut pandang metodologis, riset pemasaran dan aktivitas pemodelan yang diasosiasikan dengan keputusan produk termasuk yang paling baik dari semua disiplin ilmu. Namun, terlepas dari kemajuan luar biasa dalam metodologi ini, tingkat kegagalan produk baru masih mengejutkan. Mengingat ketersediaan luas dari penelitian canggih dan metode analitis, tidak ada alasan untuk tingkat kegagalan yang tinggi. Namun, hal itu dapat dikaitkan dengan salah satu alasan berikut:

Studi lain oleh William H. Murphy dan Linda Gorchels yang berjudul How to improve product management effectiveness, menunjukkan bahwa manajer produk menghabiskan waktu terbesar bekerja dengan mereka yang berada di bagian penjualan, R&D, dan produksi dengan jumlah kontak yang moderat dengan periklanan dan layanan produk. Banyak manajer produk merasa bahwa mereka akan melakukan pekerjaan mereka dengan lebih baik jika mereka dapat menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu untuk upaya terkait strategi dan lebih sedikit waktu untuk bekerja untuk mempercepat proyek melalui departemen lain. Beberapa komponen pekerjaan tertentu diidentifikasi harus ada jika manajer produk menginginkan yang terbaik pada pekerjaan mereka. mengutamakan keunggulan produk dan  selalu berusaha menginvestasikan  waktu dalam manajemen produk yang baik untuk memastikan kualitas produk yang dihasilkan adalah yang terbaik di bidangnya.

Saat ini, menelfon pelanggan sudah tidak efektif lagi. Mereka sebisa mungkin tidak menjawab panggilan telepon, dan jumlahnya menurun dibandingkan dahulu. Selain itu, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk membalas e-mail juga menjadi lebih lama. Alternatif self-service yang tidak bersifat personal juga tidak cukup untuk mengatasi semua keadaan yang mungkin terjadi.

Inikah All In One Chat Solution Terbaik yang Pernah Ada?

Jadi, bagaimana bisnis Anda menyelesaikan semua masalah itu? Jawabannya adalah aplikasi all in one chat solution.

Semua kebutuhan pelanggan menjadi terpenuhi. Pertama, mereka nyaman dan mudah digunakan. Kedua, komunikasi online terjadi secara real-time. Terakhir, dapat memecahkan masalah dengan cepat dan personal.

Tidak perlu melihat terlalu jauh, karena adalah solusi omnichannel lengkap yang sempurna. memberikan solusi yang akan mendukung bisnis pelanggan dan memprioritaskan penyelesaian masalah yang dihadapi pelanggan sampai akhir.

Tidak hanya menawarkan solusi bagi pengguna Bisnis, juga memberikan solusi yang lebih baik bagi Pengguna/Pelanggan dalam berkomunikasi. jelas merupakan ahli dalam produk-produknya.

Solusi Obrolan Paling Berharga untuk Perusahaan Anda

Solusi Obrolan Paling Berharga untuk Perusahaan Anda

1. PowerTalk

PowerTalk adalah Chat SDK dan whitelable terbaik di Indonesia. Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa platform obrolan dirancang oleh kami, Anda dapat menyesuaikannya seolah-olah itu milik Anda sendiri.

Kerangka PowerTalk berbeda dari API messenger lainnya. Kami berdedikasi untuk memberikan semua pengguna kami keterlibatan dan pengalaman sebaik mungkin.

Ini adalah solusi obrolan yang aman dan terjamin untuk bisnis dari semua ukuran. Seluruh materinya juga terus-menerus dienkripsi. Anda dapat menggunakan PowerTalk di web, di tablet, atau di ponsel Anda.

Baca juga: PowerTalk, Aplikasi Chat Internal Kantor yang Bikin Makin Produktif

2. SendTalk

Pernahkah Anda menerima pesan OTP? Salah satu produk bisa menawarkan layanan ini untuk Anda.

SendTalk dikembangkan sebagai penyedia layanan kode one-time password (OTP) berbasis WhatsApp untuk situs web dan aplikasi bisnis. Dengan menggunakan WhatsApp untuk mengirim kode OTP, keamanan akun pelanggan akan lebih terlindungi.

Kelebihan SendTalk OTP adalah pengiriman OTP berbasis WhatsApp yang lebih konsisten, terverifikasi, real-time, sekaligus dapat memberikan notifikasi aktivitas akun.

Dengan produk ini, kami dapat membantu Anda untuk menghemat biaya. Karena mengirim OTP dengan WhatsApp lebih murah daripada SMS.

Baca juga: Tutorial Mengirim OTP WhatsApp dengan SendTalk

3. OneTalk

Terakhir, salah satu produk terbaik adalah OneTalk.

OneTalk adalah solusi komunikasi omnichannel untuk perusahaan Anda. Anda dapat menanggapi konsumen menggunakan messenger yang mereka pilih.

Untuk meningkatkan pengalaman penjualan, pemasaran, dan dukungan Anda, gunakan satu dasbor untuk menangani WhatsApp, DM Instagram, DM Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, LINE, dan email.

Baca juga: Pentingnya Omnichannel untuk Media Sosial Customer Service

Apa fitur lain yang dimiliki OneTalk?

1. Single Dashboard and Inbox 

OneTalk menyatukan semua saluran messenger Anda dalam satu inbox. Anda dapat memenuhi permintaan klien Anda dan berkomunikasi dengan mereka melalui berbagai metode.

Omnichannel ini dapat menangani pesanan online dengan chat respon cepat dari mana saja dan kapan saja. Tentunya hal ini benar-benar akan memuaskan pelanggan Anda.

Anda juga dapat mengelola akun WhatsApp Anda dari satu dasbor, membuatnya lebih mudah untuk mengelola obrolan dan melacak anggota tim Anda.

2. FAQ Chatbot Untuk Bot

Alur kerja dan chatbot yang mudah disiapkan mengurangi waktu untuk menjawab pesan yang berulang. Anda dapat menyusun pertanyaan apa yang paling sering ditanyakan oleh pelanggan Anda dan membuat jawaban otomatis untuk semua pertanyaan tersebut.

Anda juga dapat mengirim salam dan pesan jauh untuk memberi tahu pelanggan betapa Anda menghargai kehadiran mereka.

3. Penugasan Agen

Agen dapat fokus pada pertanyaan yang lebih terkonsentrasi. Anda dapat menetapkan sistem distribusi pesan ke agent di OneTalk, seperti Unassigned, Round-robin, dan Balanced. Siapkan penugasan dalam tiga metode berbeda dan pilih salah satu yang paling sesuai dengan organisasi dan proses Anda.

Selain itu, Anda juga dapat mengalokasikan agen untuk case berdasarkan keahlian mereka. Hasilnya, mereka akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah klien lebih cepat.

4. Advanced & Personalized Broadcast 

Dengan fitur Broadcast Message kami, Anda dapat mengirim informasi secara otomatis. Anda dapat mengirimkan notifikasi kepada pelanggan Anda secara teratur untuk memberi mereka informasi tentang informasi, promo, dan lainnya.

Anda juga diperbolehkan untuk membuat segmen tertentu dari database Anda, personalisasi, dan mengirim beberapa pesan secara sekaligus ke beberapa pelanggan sekaligus.

5. Personalisasi Notifikasi Proaktif dan Kirim Pesan API 

Tetap update konsumen sepanjang perjalanan mereka dengan mengirimkan pemberitahuan, pengingat, insentif, dan alerts.

Jika Anda menggunakan OneTalk untuk bisnis kesehatan, misalnya, Anda dapat mengirim pesan kepada pasien Anda jika ada perubahan jadwal atau pengingat. Hasilnya, pasien Anda tidak melewatkan satu kunjungan pun.

Atau, Anda dapat mengirim pesan secara teratur untuk mengingatkan klien Anda tentang tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran yang akan datang.

6. Case Details & History

Case Details dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi perilaku customer. Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang customer Anda dengan melihat berapa lama mereka telah menunggu, riwayat case mereka, saluran yang mereka gunakan, dari mana mereka berasal, dan lain-lain.

WOW! Betapa menakjubkannya itu? Dengan, Anda dapat memiliki begitu banyak fitur untuk terhubung dengan pelanggan Anda.

Nah, jika Anda masih belum yakin inilah alasan mengapa Anda harus memilih kami.

Terakhir, agen kami selalu ada dan siap membantu menyelesaikan semua masalah dan pertanyaan Anda. Yang perlu Anda lakukan hanya klik di sini.

Nowadays, customers don’t answer phone calls as much as they do. And, the time it waits for an email response is excessive. Self-service alternatives are impersonal and insufficient to address all potential circumstances.

So, how does your business solve it all? Well, the answer is an all-in-one chat solution app.

They help to address all customers’ needs. First, they are convenient and easy to use. Second, online communication happens in real-time. And lastly, it can solve problems quickly and personally.

Is This The Best All in One Chat Solution Ever?

Don’t look too far, cause is the perfect all-in-one chat. provides solutions that will support the customer's business and prioritize solving the problems that customers face to the end.

Not only offers a solution for Business users, also delivers a better solution for Users/Customers in communication. is definitely an expert in its products.

The Most Valuable Chat Solutions for Your Company

The Most Valuable Chat Solutions for Your Company

1. PowerTalk

PowerTalk is Indonesia's most excellent chat SDK and white-label. Despite the fact that the chat platform was designed by us, you may customize it as if it were your own.

The PowerTalk framework is different from other messaging APIs. We are dedicated to giving all of our users the greatest possible engagement and experience.

It's a safe and secure chat solution for businesses of all sizes. Its entire material is likewise constantly encrypted. You may use PowerTalk on the web, on a tablet, or on your phone.

2. SendTalk

Have you ever received an OTP message? One of’s products does that. 

SendTalk was developed as a WhatsApp-based one-time password (OTP) code service provider for websites and business applications. By using WhatsApp to send OTP codes, customer account security will be more protected.

The advantages of SendTalk OTP are more consistent WhatsApp-based OTP delivery, verification, real-time verification, and account activity notifications.

With this product, we can help you to save costs. Because sending OTP with WhatsApp is cheaper than SMS.

3. OneTalk

Lastly, one of best products is OneTalk.

OneTalk is an omnichannel communication solution for your company. You may respond to consumers using the messenger that they choose.

To improve your sales, marketing, and support experience, use a single dashboard to handle WhatsApp, Instagram DM, Twitter DM, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, LINE, and email.

What other features does OneTalk have?

1. One management dashboard and inbox

OneTalk brings all of your channels together in a single mailbox. You can meet your clients' demands and communicate with them through numerous methods.

This omnichannel can handle online orders with a quick response chat from anywhere at any time. It will completely satisfy your customer.

You can also manage your WhatsApp account from a single dashboard, making it easier to manage chats and keep track of your team members.

2. FAQ Chatbot for Bot 

Workflows and chatbots that are simple to set up reduce duplicate messages. You can compile what is the most frequent query asked by your customers and create an automatic answer for all those questions.

You're also able to send out greetings and away messages to let your customer know how you appreciate their presence.

3. Agent Allocation

Agents can focus on high-value inquiries if work is offloaded. You may establish assignment rules in OneTalk, such as unassigned, round-robin, and balanced. Set up case assignments in three different methods and choose the one that best suits your organization and process.

Aside from that, you may allocate agents to cases based on their expertise. As a result, they will be able to resolve client issues more quickly.

4. Broadcasting is more advanced and personalized

With our broadcast feature, you can send information automatically. You may send your customers alerts on a regular basis to keep them informed about the information, promos, and others.

You are also allowed to create a specific segment of your database, personalized, and send multiple broadcast messages.

5. Personalized Proactive Notifications and Send Message API

Keep consumers updated throughout their journey by sending timely notifications, reminders, incentives, and alerts.

If you use OneTalk for the health business, for example, you may send a message to your patient if there is a schedule change or a reminder. As a result, your patient hasn't missed a single visit. 

Alternatively, you can send out messages on a regular basis to remind your clients of their forthcoming payment due date.

6. Case Detail and history

Case Details can be used to identify client behavior. You may learn more about your consumers by looking at how long they've waited, their case history, the channels they use, where they're from, and others.

WOW! How amazing is that? With, you can have so many features to connect with your customer.

Well, if you're still not convinced this is the reason why you should choose us.

Lastly, our agent is always there and ready to help solve all of your problems and questions. All you need to do is click here.

Also read: Why You Should Invest On Communication Platform

lifepal perkuat digital marketing meeting

Di masa pandemi seperti saat ini, kegiatan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) dan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) semakin bertambah.

Agar para pelaku usaha lebih sadar pada literasi dan perencanaan keuangan serta kiat-kiat pemasaran di era digital, Lifepal mengajak 10 UKM serta UMKM binaan berkolaborasi dalam kegiatan webinar “Digital Marketing dan Financial Planning untuk UKM di Masa Pandemi”.

Webinar ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi dan sebagai sarana sharing bagi para pelaku usaha dalam mengelola bisnisnya di tengah ketidakpastian akibat pandemi Covid-19.

Dalam webinar kali ini, materi disampaikan oleh Head of SEO, Dudung Rahmanto serta Perencana Keuangan Lifepal, Aulia Akbar, CFP®, AEPP®.

Kehadiran pembicara terkait dengan digital marketing dan financial planning, para pelaku usaha dapat mengetahui seputar  bagaimana memaksimalkan SEO dan membangun perencanaan keuangan yang baik. Dengan begitu, usaha yang dijalani dapat bertahan atau bahkan menghasilkan revenue yang lebih besar.

Dudung Rahmanto mengatakan, penggunaan layanan digital di Indonesia meningkat dua kali lipat di masa Pandemi. Karena itu, perlu strategi bagi para pelaku UKM/UMKM meningkatkan digital marketing mereka.

“Mengingat sebagian besar pemakai internet menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu di rumah. Bekerja dari rumah, seperti karyawan, guru, ASN, akademisi, dan lain-lain. Hal ini merupakan kesempatan bagus untuk pelaku usaha menerapkan strategi digital marketing, melalui media sosial, organic melalui SEO maupun paid channel,” kata Dudung.

Berikut ini adalah cara-cara yang bisa dilakukan para pelaku usaha UKM dan UMKM untuk merencanakan keuangan.

Kenali bahwa bisnis adalah investasi

Sejatinya, bisnis adalah investasi. Tidak dipungkiri, bahwa tujuan utama dari bisnis adalah mendapatkan penghasilan tetap, sementara gak sedikit juga yang bercita-cita untuk menggapai merdeka finansial dari bisnisnya.

Patut diketahui bahwa ada baiknya untuk menjaga keamanan finansial terlebih dulu sebelum berinvestasi.

Perbaiki cash flow

Sudah sangat wajib Anda memiliki rekening yang terpisah antara rekening pribadi dan bisnis. Hal ini untuk mempermudah proses pencatatan arus kas bisnis dan keuangan Anda.

Tidak ada salahnya pula untuk menggaji diri sendiri demi kesehatan keuangan usaha. Pengeluaran atas gaji akan masuk ke bagian beban operasional usaha Anda.

Sementara itu, laba bersih yang didapat tentu bisa digunakan untuk kebutuhan ekspansi usaha.

Tetapkan pengeluaran bulanan

Lakukan perhitungan atas pengeluaran bulanan Anda dengan seksama. Mulai dari kebutuhan yang bersifat wajib, butuh, dan ingin.

Akan ada masa di mana pemasukan Anda menjadi lebih kecil dari seperti biasanya lantaran siklus bisnis yang tak terprediksi. Bahkan, ada pula masa-masa di mana Anda tidak mendapatkan pemasukan sama sekali lantaran risiko usaha.

Karena itu, usahakan agar pengeluaran bulanan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari Anda bersifat tetap. Sehingga Anda bisa menghitung berapa dana darurat dan uang pertanggungan asuransi yang dibutuhkan.

Siapkan dana darurat

Sebelum memulai usaha, hal yang wajib Anda miliki adalah dana darurat yang memadai. Ketahui bahwa penghasilan Anda sebagai wirausahawan tidaklah tetap.

Risiko berkurang atau hilangnya penghasilan karena usaha berpotensi terjadi kapan saja. Bagi pengusaha baru, tidak ada salahnya menyiapkan dana darurat setara 2 tahun pengeluaran Anda.

Dana darurat ini berfungsi sebagai dana untuk memitigasi risiko di saat Anda tidak bisa mencetak penghasilan bersih dari usaha.

Miliki proteksi

Bila saat ini Anda mendapat fasilitas asuransi kesehatan dari kantor untuk diri sendiri maupun anggota keluarga, maka fasilitas itu tidak akan Anda peroleh lagi secara gratis jika banting setir menjadi pengusaha.

Selain memiliki dana darurat, miliki pula asuransi untuk menghindari hilangnya atau terkurasnya tabungan Anda karena sejumlah risiko atau musibah yang muncul menimpa diri Anda.

Bila Anda sama sekali belum memiliki asuransi dan hanya punya bujet terbatas untuk membayar jaminan kesehatan, pertimbangkanlah untuk membeli asuransi rawat inap terlebih dahulu. Sementara itu, bila Anda harus menjalani proses rawat jalan, manfaatkan BPJS Kesehatan.

Selain itu, jika Anda adalah pencari nafkah, Anda wajib melindungi keluarga dengan memiliki asuransi jiwa.

Ketahui pula bahwa semakin tua usia Anda ketika membeli asuransi, makin mahal pula premi yang harus Anda bayarkan.

Kenali bisnis yang dijalani dan kesehatan keuangan usaha Anda

Sangat bahaya bila Anda sendiri tidak memahami bisnis yang dijalani dengan baik.

Sebuah rencana bisnis akan bisa menjawab pertanyaan penting tentang apa yang Anda jual? Siapa pangsa pasar Anda? Seperti apa proyeksi bisnis Anda? Dan, bagaimana Anda menjaga kesehatan keuangan di usaha Anda.

Lakukan pencatatan keuangan usaha Anda agar bisa mengenali kesehatan keuangan Anda dengan baik. Dan yang tidak kalah penting adalah, pisahkan rekening pribadi dan rekening bisnis Anda.

Investasi ke diri sendiri

Perkembangan dunia bisnis akan berlangsung dengan sangat cepat dan tak terprediksi. Sebagai pengusaha, Anda akan dituntut untuk belajar terus.

Maka jangan sungkan untuk mengalokasikan dana demi pengembangan diri, sebut saja dengan sering mengikuti webinar-webinar bisnis, memilih mentor, dan lain sebagainya.

Sementara itu, untuk mengoptimalkan digital marketing bagi UKM, ada beberapa langkah yang bisa dilakukan, di antaranya:

Plan digital marketing di kondisi sekarang

Issue 1 - Berhubungan kondisi pasar

  1. Kesulitan transportasi travel
  2. Sakit ringan -berat
  3. Laptop lemot
  4. Obesitas, dan sebagainya.

Solusi 1:

Menawarkan solusi melalui produk Anda

  1. Jualan tiket pesawat seperti Traveloka dan lain-lain
  2. Jualan asuransi kesehatan, seperti yang dilakukan Lifepal
  3. Upgrade hardware; Tokopedia
  4. Health tech; Alodokter, Halodocs, dan sebagainya.

Issue 2 - Berhubungan kondisi trending sekarang

  1. Covid-19
  2. PHK
  3. Passive income.

Solusi 2 - Membuka opportunity bisnis baru

  1. Menghubungkan kategori kesehatan dengan produk kita
  2. Membuka Affiliate System, Reseller, Dropship untuk mereka yang kena PHK
  3. Blogger, YouTuber, dan sebagainya.

To do list pelaku usaha ada 3:

  1. Cari potential keyword yang berhubungan dengan produk Anda
  2. Cari potential keywords yang berhubungan dengan issue trend sekarang:

3. Jadilah yang pertama tahu, dan action: Create your unique value

- Tidak sama seperti di pasaran.

Strategi jualan lebih mahal, tapi laris bak kacang goreng!

Digital Marketing tips dari lifepal

Target penjualan online per hari 100 buah, bisakah?

Berat! Karena banyak pesaing, kebutuhan barang yang cepat, dan bisa dibeli di pasar atau supermarket/minimarket dan sebagainya.

Untuk itu, ada beberapa strategi yang bisa dilakukan, yaitu:

Syarat laku keras:

  1. Packaging menarik
  2. Kualitas, fresh, aman, enak, terjamin
  3. Direkomendasikan orang lain
  4. Free shipping
  5. Buy 3 free 1 small
  6. Dapatkan kontaknya untuk share promotion
  7. Konsumen testimonials: Status WA, page testimoni di web, testi di MP.

3 hal yang harus mulai dilakukan

Ada 3 hal yang dilakukan untuk mewujudkan penjualan bak kacang goreng, yaitu:

1. Create website

- Konten (keywords), optimasi (offpage dan onpage), serta index.

Bagaimana membuat artikel atau konten yang benar?

- Kepo keywords yang digunakan competitor dengan mengeceknya lewat Google atau Ahrefs.

Adapun Tools lain yang harus dimiliki content creator: Streaming Frog (audit onpage), Ahrefs keywords explorer, dan GSC.

2. Create social media

Langkah pertama adalah mengetahui social media yang tren di Indonesia. Lalu, mengetahui bagaimana riset keywords yang viral untuk social media?

  1. Google Trends
  2. Media Trends
  3. Google News; local; specific category.

Untuk mengetahui riset keywords yang viral di social media dilihat dari domisili yaitu Indonesia, past hour, all categories dan web search. Lalu, melihat trending articles dari media.

3. Optimasi

Yang bisa dilakukan dengan onpage analysis, keywords analysis, content optimization dan competitor insight.

To do list!

Adapun beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan digital marketing, adalah:

  1. Content: Memproduksi konten yang berkualitas dan dengan kuantitas yang baik, serta mencakup semua kebutuhan secara organik.
  2. Optimasi: Meningkatkan keywords yang drop di setiap harinya.
  3. Audit situs website Anda: Perbaiki masalah website terkait desktop atau seluler.
  4. Sejajarkan tren pasar: Temukan dan periksa kata kunci yang sedang tren terkait niche Anda.

Itulah tips-tips perencanaan keuangan dan digital marketing bagi pemilik UKM dan UMKM. Semoga bermanfaat!

Sumber artikel

Artikel ini ditulis oleh Aulia Akbar, CFP®, Financial Educator Lifepal dan Head of SEO, Dudung Rahmanto sebagai bagian dari kolaborasi dengan

masalah perusahaan teknologi

Pandemi membantu membawa raksasa teknologi dunia seperti Inc. dan Microsoft Corp. kepada kesuksesan yang baru pada tahun 2020. Pergeseran ke belanja online dan kerja jarak jauh dipercepat dengan kecepatan yang tidak dapat dibayangkan tanpa virus corona.

Tetapi ada tanda-tanda bahwa masa-masa kejayaan itu akan segera berakhir. Akhir tahun lalu, pemerintah di AS, China, dan Eropa secara terpisah mulai menyelidiki apakah Big Tech terlalu besar. Pengawasan di Washington diperkirakan akan berlanjut di bawah pemerintahan Biden, yang juga tampaknya cenderung melanjutkan pembatasan ekspor administrasi Trump terhadap perusahaan China yang merombak rantai pasokan global.

Sementara Big Tech mungkin menghadapi tantangan terbesarnya dalam beberapa tahun, beberapa sektor dapat melihat ke depan ke 2022. Dunia kendaraan listrik mungkin akhirnya akan tiba. Presiden terpilih Joe Biden berjanji untuk menjadikan keamanan siber sebagai prioritas. Dan Washington akan mulai membagikan insentif keuangan untuk membantu perusahaan AS tetap berada di depan saingan China.

Dunia teknologi pada tahun 2020 memiliki hasil yang beragam. Penjualan PC dan notebook mengalami tahun yang luar biasa. Bekerja dari rumah menjadi normal dan memaksa perusahaan untuk menyadari bahwa mengizinkan orang untuk bekerja di luar kantor bekerja dengan baik.

Tetapi itu juga merupakan tahun di mana media sosial menyebabkan peningkatan volume berita hoaks dan ujaran kebencian dan menjadi ancaman bagi demokrasi di seluruh dunia. Pada akhir tahun 2020, Facebook menghadapi gugatan anti-trust yang besar. Dua pendukung Silicon Valley, HPE dan Oracle, memutuskan untuk memindahkan kantor pusat mereka dari Silicon Valley. Sebagian dari AS memiliki pandangan yang lebih negatif tentang teknologi daripada yang positif, dan gerakan anti science mulai meningkat.

Namun, dunia teknologi akan memiliki setidaknya lima tantangan besar yang harus dihadapi pada tahun 2022 yang dapat membuat tahun baru menjadi tahun yang sulit bagi banyak perusahaan teknologi.

Dengan semua fakta itu, memilih beberapa prediksi yang mungkin akan dihadapi oleh perusahaan teknologi pada tahun 2022.

1. Memfasilitasi masa depan pekerjaan

Perusahaan sedang mempertimbangkan seperti apa kembali ke tempat kerja nantinya, dan logistik pasca pandemi perlu memasukkan keselamatan karyawan, baik fisik maupun mental.

Produktivitas kerja dengan sistem saat ini, work from home, tentu tidak sama seperti dulu saat semua pekerja melakukan kerja optimal dan kontributif di perusahaan. Komunikasi langsung yang dulu dilakukan juga dapat dengan mudah dilakukan ketimbang melakukan komunikasi lewat gawai. 

Semua perubahan dan revisi yang disampaikan akan lebih mudah untuk diberikan saat bertatap muka langsung dan melakukan diskusi dengan cepat secara real time.

Hingga kini, membatasi interaksi langsung antar pekerja dengan menerapkan sistem work from home atau bekerja dari rumah. Hal ini dilakukan untuk tetap menjaga keamanan semua sumber daya kami.

2. Employee Productivity Measurement

Seperti yang telah disebutkan juga pada poin pertama, produktivitas pekerja akan menjadi salah satu tantangan sekaligus masalah teratas yang harus ditangani pada tahun ini. 

Produktivitas memang tetap akan ada pada masa pandemi ini, tetapi, tentu tidak akan sama dengan level produktivitas pekerja saat belum ada pandemi ini. selalu berusaha untuk menjaga level produktivitas dengan rajin menjalankan komunikasi pada setiap pekerjaan yang dilakukan.

3. Serangan ransomware

Ransomware adalah jenis malware kriptovirologi yang mengancam untuk mempublikasikan data korban atau memblokir akses secara permanen kecuali uang tebusan dibayarkan. Meskipun beberapa ransomware yang mudah dapat mengunci sistem sehingga tidak sulit bagi orang yang berpengetahuan untuk memulihkannya, malware yang lebih berkembang menggunakan teknik yang disebut pemerasan cryptoviral.

Ransomware mengenkripsi file korban, membuatnya tidak dapat diakses, dan menuntut pembayaran tebusan untuk mendekripsi mereka. Dalam serangan pemerasan cryptoviral yang diterapkan dengan benar, memulihkan file tanpa kunci dekripsi adalah masalah yang sulit diselesaikan - dan sulit untuk melacak mata uang digital seperti paysafecard atau Bitcoin dan mata uang kripto lainnya yang digunakan untuk tebusan, melacak dan menuntut para pelaku dengan sulit.

Serangan ransomware biasanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan Trojan yang menyamar sebagai file sah yang mengelabui pengguna untuk diunduh atau dibuka ketika file tersebut masuk sebagai lampiran email.

4. Deepfake content

Teknik deepfake biasanya berupa video atau audio yang dihasilkan oleh Kecerdasan Buatan dari orang sungguhan yang melakukan dan mengatakan hal-hal fiksi. Ini sering digunakan untuk membuat berita palsu dan bahkan melakukan penipuan dunia maya. Dampaknya sebagian besar dapat dilihat di bidang politik, yang bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi pemilih atau mengkritik kandidat lain

Beberapa contoh deepfake sangat meyakinkan. Mereka menunjukkan bagaimana teknologi pembelajaran mendalam dapat mengubah jalur pipa untuk seniman dan pembuat film 3D, dan secara serius mempersingkat waktu pengeditan manual. Namun, ada kekhawatiran yang berkembang tentang bagaimana teknologi tersebut dapat disalahgunakan untuk membuat video hasil rekayasa yang realistis yang memiliki tujuan negatif.

Semakin banyak orang yang menggunakan konten deep fake, yaitu konten yang dibuat agar terlihat nyata tetapi sebenarnya tidak dengan menggunakan AI.

5. Poor User Experience dengan produk

Karena segala sesuatu harus dilakukan secara online, User Experience yang dirasakan oleh customer Anda terhadap produk akan menjadi terdampak. Poor User Experience atau Pengalaman Pengguna yang buruk akan mengurangi relationship intimacy (rasa kedekatan pengguna terhadap produk) pengguna karena segala sesuatu yang serba online

Kami,, selalu berusaha memastikan semua produk kami user friendly agar hal ini tidak terjadi.

Dengan 5 masalah yang disebutkan di atas, perusahaan teknologi harus berinovasi dan mengantisipasi masalah yang mungkin akan muncul. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan-perubahan yang mungkin terjadi dan merencanakan strategi antisipasi untuk masalah-masalah tersebut.

Live Chat Best Practices: Sales, Marketing and Support

Today's great customer service is about reaching customers wherever they are. And now, there's one forum where more future clients are than everywhere else: live chat. Think of the way you speak to people every day. You're probably using iMessage and WhatsApp for family and friends, and you're probably spending more time talking to coworkers on Slack than in person (especially nowadays). And when we're talking to people every day via texting, customers want to be able to speak to the company as well.

Unfortunately, conventional live chat software is still rooted in old-school customer service methods. Customers are forced to adopt a queue attitude in conditions like these, where they are treated like a ticket number rather than a human being. Not only that, but the team's time is taken up with answering easy, routine questions as quickly as possible, while more complex or urgent requests – despite having a higher priority – are left waiting.

But, live chat can actually be used to boost your company. There are a lot of ways you can use it to your advantage.

There are 3 use cases for a live chat on your websites:

1. Marketing

You're missing out if you think live chat is just for customer service. The lead generation machine will benefit from live chat marketing. Live chat is being used by forward-thinking businesses to incorporate conversational marketing on their websites.

The issue is that a considerable portion of your website visitors who may purchase your product do not find their way to a feedback form or a demo request. In fact, the vast majority of them would depart without taking any action. The standard marketing stack's average conversion rate isn't pretty.

With live chat, the focus shifts from passively collecting contact information of a potential customer to proactively engaging people in conversation using targeted outbound messages. Instead of forcing people to complete static form submissions, go through the tedious marketing qualification process, and wait for follow-ups (that may never come), live chat helps companies engage with potential prospects in real time, be it with humans. Targeted conversation between people or via chat bot chat machine to spark their interest. Without messaging tools to engage them, these possibilities would simply disappear and be lost forever.

The lead generations to apply this method are Google and Facebook Ads with Call To Action or CTA. CTA will direct your customer to WhatsApp chat, and you can automatically send template messages. With OneTalk by, a trusted omnichannel messaging platform, messages are received in your chosen platform and immediately greeted by template messages. Other than that, OneTalk has a Disposition feature that can track customer’s behavior analytics. 

2. Sales

Live chat for sales! Today, customers have more choices than before. This means that they are in control of the sales process, and it is the company that provides an instant, profitable on-demand sales experience.

For a company that embraces this and creates rewarding, original and impactful sales experiences, the results speak for themselves. According to intercom, website visitors are 82% more likely to become customers if they speak up first. In addition, it is 13% more valuable than an account where the business did not have a conversation before signing up.

Not only that, but this is also another area where using bots to supplement your live chat makes sense: our research shows that bot-assisted conversations convert 36 percent better, owing to the fact that bots can respond faster than humans for most repetitive tasks.

3. Customer Support

Traditionally, most companies have viewed customer support as a cost center rather than a true value driver. As a result, they have done everything they can to reduce those costs, relying on an outdated support ticket system where the help center management, not the customer experience, takes priority.

This kind of support is no longer good enough. Conversely, customer support can be a factor that makes or breaks a customer's decision to work with you: According to Microsoft's Global Customer Service Status Report, 90% of respondents said customer service was an important factor in their choice and loyalty. To brands, and 58% will cut ties with the business due to poor customer service.

Live chat is the future of customer service, and it provides the type of chat support experience that is tailored to the needs of today's users. The customer doesn't want to be treated like a ticket, nor does he want to call the call center. They want quick and easy help in a way that makes them feel like humans.

But here's the good news: Live chat is not only better for customers, it's also better for business.

Best practices for live chatting

Tips untuk Membantu Bisnis Kecil Anda Unggul Dalam Customer Service

Adopting new guidelines for face-to-face chats is not without its challenges. Live Chat includes almost instant response, and many companies are afraid to manage the volume of messages that might come from adding live chat to their website.

For a business that may attract thousands or millions of people who visit their website each year, a 1: 1 conversation with every customer and prospect quickly becomes a daunting (not to mention extremely costly) task. But the good news is that you don't have to do this to be successful. Instead, it's about using live chat - as well as robots and automation - to help your team work more efficiently with the resources you have available.

Here are some simple live chat best practices to help you get the most out of your team.

Use the conversation support line

Many companies worry that installing a live chat program could "open the door wide" and cause their team to handle low-level customer inquiries ("How do I change my password?") Rather than problems or impactful questions.

This is where the conversation support line comes in. The Conversation Support Line is our framework for delivering fast, personalized customer support at scale, using a combination of proactive support, self-service and human support. By anticipating customer problems, using robots and automation to answer frequently asked questions automatically, and saving your team time and energy on high-cost items that require a human touch, you can optimize your resources and get the most out of live chat.

Set expectations

The Only Business Tips and Tricks You Need for Success

Just because you have live chat posted on your website doesn't mean you need to respond immediately. This will not only burn your troops, it is not true! Contrary to popular belief, conversation doesn't have to be direct, as long as clear expectations are set. Sure, in an ideal world, users might prefer direct responses, but in most cases they understand that more complex queries take a little longer to complete correctly.

The most important thing is to be direct and transparent. Above all, you need to tell them exactly when they will get a response. Live chat software like Intercom has a simple message answering tool to do this. This is only part of your customer's attention - don't leave them hanging at the end of the conversation. (And if you're trying to speed things up, remember that using custom troubleshooting and tuning robots can help you increase the resolution time by up to 50%.)

Extend the reach of your conversations with automation

One report shows that 89% of consumers want to be able to send messages to companies in real time, but only 48% have the tools to actually do so, which is why in past years live chat was an unpleasant experience. In fact, this so-called "live chat" is more like email than real time chat. Simply, it is not life at all.

Thanks to bot chat software and customer service, most live chat tools give you the ability to have a live and dynamic conversation, even when there is no one at the sender end of the message. For example, if you have a messaging program like Intercom, the launcher bot will automatically ask your visitors for their contact details so you can proceed.

Engage and Interact “More” with your customer

Live chat

When your customer opens your live chat option on your website, your customer can immediately get a response and select their topics and send a message. They will be directed to their chosen messenger platform and therefore, their message can land on anywhere on your messaging platform. By using an omnichannel-based messaging platform, your messages can be received by your agent. They can immediately reply and resolve their messages by using a lot of features that was offered by OneTalk as a trusted omnichannel brand. Disposition by OneTalk Customer opens chat widget on website. Disposition will keep track of your customer’s topic and analytics.  The disposition features ensures that an organization continues to listen to consumers and transforms all concerns and issues into a meaningful concept. OneTalk can assist you in keeping track of the statistics for each customer service case. This conclusion will assist you in gaining new market knowledge so that cases and issues do not recur in the future.

Other than Disposition, OneTalk can help you integrate omnichannel customer service with the WhatsApp Business API.  Without the complicated process of answering with one WhatsApp user, you can have the benefits of integrating omnichannel customer service with the WhatsApp Official Business API. No need to wonder how to use multiple users for WhatsApp business. You can simply use only one WhatsApp number to increase credibility and customer confidence in your business. With OneTalk, you can log in to your WhatsApp business account with multiple users on multiple devices all at once. Now you can use your WhatsApp Web on multiple devices and answer your customers all at once. OneTalk can Boost agent efficiency with all the integrated messaging platforms. Using an omnichannel service such as OneTalk will give WhatsApp Web access to more devices.


We can now offer this experience at scale thanks to live chat. Live chat is the de facto way to communicate with customers and prospects when they're at their most interested – in real-time, as soon as they land on your website. Whether it's through 1:1 human conversations or automated with the aid of a chatbot, live chat is now the de facto way to engage with customers and prospects when they're at their most interested – in real-time, as soon as they land on your website. Using OneTalk could also work for your business to improve sales, marketing, and support. 

To delve more into this, contact us and chat with our agent by WhatsApp or email.

Create Great Marketing Content Through Customer Service

In today's intensely demanding market world, customer service is a practice that should be top of mind for any employee at every business. Of necessity, a customer service team's main aim is to attract existing clients by making them satisfied. However, offering outstanding customer support requires more than just answering questions and addressing concerns.

Customers would focus on solving their issues on their own if they can do it easily and thoroughly. When a customer has an issue with your product or service, the first thing that comes to mind isn't to call you.

According to Dimension Data, 73% of customers choose to use a company's website for help,  instead of using their social media, SMS, or live chat. Rather than dealing with a customer service agent, they now want to look for answers online through a FAQ post or an information base.

This kind of behavior causes companies to implement a self-service system. Self-service would be the most effective way to resolve issues because they don't have to wait for the company to answer. There are many ways to use customer service as marketing content:

1. Use Frequently Asked Question

Many of the questions asked by customers are usually repeated. And the answers to these often asked questions are a gold mine with content marketing opportunities.

You can create content such as FAQ forums to help customers with the same issues. For example, Amazon has a system where they strive to stop answering the same question twice. They gathered feedback from all of their customers so they can address the same issue that’s been happening to all of their customers.

2. Use Customer Review/Rating

You can use customer testimonials and ratings as sales materials. According to Wyzowl, 9 out of 10 people value what customers have to say about a company rather than what the company thinks about itself. And according to Spectoos, consumers are more likely to pay 31% more on a company that has positive consumer testimonials.

People trust feedback just as much as they trust personal endorsements from friends and family, but as long as you have outstanding customer service, you will benefit from good reviews online and include them in your numerous onsite and offsite advertising activities. This will prove that you care for your customers and at the same time endorsing your brand.

3. Create a Customer Service and Content Marketing Hybrid

According to The Center for Generational Kinetics, you can create an easy-to-navigate self-help video library. Begin by going through the most popular questions or issues that customers carry to you, and then make a short video that demonstrates how to resolve each one. This may include instructions on how to create an online account, upgrade a battery, or swap a previously purchased item.

Use informative titles for each video so that customers can type in a particular query and get tips that are important to their search. The most important thing is that the videos contain basic step-by-step instructions and can be watched on any mobile screen. If you want to take things a step further, ask your customers to submit their own how-to videos and award awards to the best. In that way, you can kill two birds with one stone.

These aren't the only ways to use customer support in a marketing sense, but they're among the most practical and efficient. 

You can use OneTalk by to help you create great marketing content. One of their useful features is Case Detail. It allows you to know the history of your customers and help you to handle it at a later date. By doing so, you can collect your customers' frequently asked questions and then create an information base or FAQ forum. This feature also helps you find out how long a client has been waiting for a reply, their case history, the channel they use, and much more.

They also have another feature that can help you regarding the same issue. It’s called Topics. With this feature, you can separate cases according to the topics you have created. This helps you to navigate how many issues your customers have in common. You can also use it to customize the incoming case according to the right agent based on their respective department. This way, your customers can quickly be served by the right people.

Combining customer service and marketing results in enhanced organizational communications and clear messages through the business. If the two teams interact, the customer service department is aware of the exclusive deals or content that the marketing department is pushing and may direct customers to. Customer service as a marketing content encourages cross-departmental teamwork, which is just what you get when you incorporate it into your overall marketing strategy.

**For more information about OneTalk and SendTalk, do not hesitate to contact the team by WhatsApp or email!

3 Sales and Marketing Projections: What's In Store For the New Year

The sales industry was totally disrupted in 2020, and companies responded by rethinking how they develop, prepare, and grow new strategies. And like the previous year, 2021 will carry its own range of challenges and improvements. To prepare you for this year, we have some sales and marketing projection that might be useful for you

1. CMOs will be held responsible for the sales

Given their access to critical market and buyer data, CMOs play a particularly important role. CMOs can bridge the gap between marketing and sales by gathering the most valuable information for sales and providing it to them in an easily digestible format. Bridging the gap between the two will generate more revenue in the long run.

However, in this year, businesses will be under more pressure than ever before to increase revenue. It has infiltrated the re-evaluation of all operations with the goal of determining what actually raises the revenue. This means that everyone in a company is now responsible for revenue in some way.

Those who related in this area will be a part of marketing's shift from sales support to revenue accelerator.

2. The CRM is on borrowed time as we know it

The pandemic has accelerated digital transformation, such as the use of AI, bots, and others. Because your teams and buyers are now all remote, solutions must be built to operate online and rely on technology such as artificial intelligence to allow your teams to focus on revenue-generating tasks.

The CRM that we know is being phased out in favor of dynamic conversation models that aggregate data, infer conclusions, and require less human management. Because everything uses data and AI, it may result in job displacement.

But, there’s no need to be worried, displacement does not always imply destruction. While administrative tasks like email databasing and CRM data logging will be replaced by A.I., the result will be a complete reorganization of how we view work, resulting in new opportunities that require creativity, agility, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence that only a human can provide.

3. B2B Sales Culture has Changed

The pandemic has compelled B2B buyers and sellers to go fully digital. Prior to Covid-19, most salespeople relied on high-touch tactics to close deals. Such as business lunches, live entertainment, and plenty of face-to-face interaction. Even if you weren't dining, you were probably flying from one location to another for a one-hour meeting.

According to Mckinsey & Company, all of those traditional approaches will no longer work. It is because the pandemic has changed everything, which has forced a high-touch process to become digital-first. This has accelerated the third marketing era, in which brands must meet customers on their own terms and learn to close deals in a purely digital environment. Even if we are able to reassemble in a safe manner, there is no going back to the way things were.

Increased customer expectations, massive technological advancements, and the rise of omnichannel commerce are just a few of the sales trends reshaping the industry. 

According to Mckinsey survey, these pandemic-induced trends are expected to become permanent. It is clear that companies must consider how they will transform the in-store experience by utilizing emerging technologies and big data on customers. Customers want their shopping experience to be personalized in some way, and research shows that effective personalization can boost store revenues by 20-30%

To serve today's highly digital, well-informed customers, stores are increasingly expected to provide a wide range of omnichannel services, i.e., services that can be accessed through multiple channels. Many consumers, for example, use a variety of channels to gather product information before making a purchase.

As omnichannel shopping becomes the new norm, consumers and retailers must be prepared to provide fast, flawless omnichannel delivery. OneTalk by is one of the omnichannel services that you can use. They provide many channels, such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter, Line, and Facebook Messenger. The use of this technology has provided easier communication and sales transactions

With OneTalk, you can answer all chats from your customers on various platforms in one inbox. Your customers can buy, ask questions, and get answers online without any hassle by coming to your physical store. By doing so it will provide a much easier transaction because everything can be done online. Other than that, you can also monitor how your agents attend customers.

If 2020 has taught us something, it's that you never know what's around the corner, but these movements are all about being adaptable and easy to adjust. Hopefully, these projections can help you prepare for the year.

2021 business trends

It is a well-known fact that COVID-19 will change the world like never before. Businesses have spent most of the last year struggling to adjust to unusual circumstances. Although the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic has not yet been fought, with the vaccine in sight, there is at least a faint light at the end of the tunnel—along with the expectation that another train is not coming our way.

The year 2021 will be the year of transformation. In the absence of any unforeseen disasters, people, industries, and culture will begin to look forward to shaping their future rather than just running through the moment. The next normal thing is going to be different. It's not going to be going back to the terms that existed in 2019. In fact, just as the words "prewar" and "postwar" are widely used to define the 20th century, generations to come are expected to address the pre-COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 periods.

With 2020 closing by, small businesses are hopeful that 2021 will be a brighter year. While the pandemic has been front and centre since the beginning of last year, there are other developments on the horizon for entrepreneurs to watch as well.

2021 brings in a few business trends for small business entrepreneurs that you can try. Below is the list of some business trends that will bloom in 2021.

  1. COVID Credit-Card Rate Cuts

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers are paying a steep financial toll, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) is setting itself apart with its financial assistance for hard-hit clients. The bank launched the 'CIBC Pace It' initiative, which provides no fees and low interest on credit card transactions over $100, with installment plans now available. Multiple installment plans can be set up and handled, with payment periods ranging from six to 24 months and interest rates ranging from 5.99 percent to 7.99 percent a year.

  1. Pandemic Relief Banking Tools

Starling Bank, a British fintech firm, recently launched a new digital banking Toolkit as well as a US dollar account. The new tools were created in an attempt to assist British small and medium-sized business owners in managing their finances as the economy slowly recovers.

The new account allows business owners to spend directly in pounds and dollars with a single debit card, create, send and track invoices, automate expenses, record VAT, and connect with HMRC to submit VAT returns. Moreover, the account enables customers to upload bills and schedule payments to manage cash flow.

Starling Bank revealed that Toolkit will be free for the first three months for customers who sign up before July 31, 2020, to assist companies with their post-COVID recovery.

  1. Employer Health Testing Programs

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the grocer's healthcare division has unveiled the Kroger Health COVIDCare Plus initiative to assist companies and brands in returning to normal business operations. 

The COVID-19 Home Collection Kit, which allows an individual to conduct a self-administered test and communicate directly with a licensed healthcare professional for supervision, is at the core of the employer-focused program. The program seeks to improve a company's ability to have workers tested in order to prevent the spread of disease and provide them with peace of mind.

  1. Airline Rapid Testing Services

Many health authorities have now approved rapid COVID-19 testing, and companies are now considering offering it as a service to their customers. This makes sense for airlines, particularly because the outbreak has had such a significant effect on the industry.

According to Reuters, German airline Lufthansa has included rapid COVID-19 testing in their passenger kit. The test will be open to first-class and business-class passengers starting in October. This is due to the fact that test availability is limited.

  1. Meal Delivery Vouchers

Uber for Business recently announced the introduction of a new Uber Eats platform that allows companies to customize meal plans for their employees and consumers. The new vouchers can be used for anything from single lunches to 1,000-person virtual events. The program is managed through a dashboard that allows employers to tailor their employees' meal spending by setting start and end dates for vouchers, limiting the number of orders, and keeping existing features like ordering times and spending caps in place.

These granular offerings allow companies to easily meet the needs of both their workers and prospects as working from home becomes a future, even as economies slowly reopen.

  1. eCommerce Analytics Platforms

The 'Sellerium' platform seems to be a solution for eCommerce professionals that gives them access to a wide range of analytics that they can use to improve their company. Professionals will have access to tracking statistics for 20,000 vendor groups and more than 10 million items across the app, which will be used to control listening.Sellers can then adjust to the evolving demand to increase sales, or even pivot their current goods to cater to a particular customer need.

The 'Sellerium' platform will also provide a listing SEO review, which will look at the bullet points and details while also checking for any inconsistencies or inappropriate language.

  1. Online Tutoring Resources

Tutor Doctor, a prestigious tutoring company established in 2008 with over 90,000 highly trained tutors, has introduced new e-learning capabilities to assist families through the daunting changes of the "new standard."

The company caters to students of all ages, from elementary school to university, and helps them succeed in their studies.

Students are matched with a tutor based on their needs and given a "tailored learning plan suited just for them" by the new online tutoring resource, which provides the same attention and commitment as an in-person tutor.

Tutor Doctor is available in 16 countries, including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Ecuador, Australia, Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, Guatemala,Nigeria, Tunisia, South Africa, and Columbia.

  1. AI Development Bots

The 'Maya' AI business bot is a virtual solution for entrepreneurs that will assist them in automating some of their workflow in order to save time on unique tasks. The artificial intelligence (AI)-powered solution works by assisting with operations and R&D, allowing the entrepreneur to concentrate on the overall growth of the company. This could help them cut down on the amount of hours they spend coping with day-to-day activities, allowing them to concentrate their energy on more important tasks.

The 'Maya' AI business bot is one of an increasing number of AI-powered business solutions that help entrepreneurs spend less time on tasks that are necessary but not relevant.

  1. Delivery-Only Restaurant Chain Ventures

With the spread of COVID-19 keeping many people from eating out, the ghost kitchen would allow restaurant to serve customers in the area without having to invest in a costly physical venue. Customers can order from the ghost kitchen by going to their preferred participating app and selecting the things they want delivered.

In the United States, Red Lobster is expanding its menu to include a new ghost kitchen in Chicago, where customers will be able to order their favorite Red Lobster dishes from third-party delivery services such as UberEats, GrubHub, and Postmates, as well as DoorDash.

"Red Lobster places a high value on off-premise dining. In the two years leading up to COVID-19, we tripled our off-premise revenue, and we've tripled them again in the last eight months. The next logical step in growing our off-premise company is to open a ghost kitchen. It will allow us to reach out to new customers who are looking for great seafood and a hassle-free off-premise experience." CEO Kim Lopdrup said of the company.

  1. Omnichannel Customer Service

In this pandemic era, people are beginning to keep their relationship with customers close and smooth. Applying good quality customer service seems to be a priority in some cases. But for those who are having a hard time keeping those relationships with their customers because the high flow of the message coming to the company is too much, there is a solution.

The omnichannel messaging platform is all the hots for 2021. Omnichannel can integrate multiple messaging channels and put them on a Single Dashboard so you can see all the messages from all your messaging platforms.

This will be useful for business because you can also monitor your customer service agent when they work. But this all will be possible with a trusted omnichannel brand, OneTalk by 

OneTalk offers a good deal for you in turn of so many amazing features that could help your business. Starting from Real-Time Agent Activity Tracker that could track you agent performance, Disposition that can see the analytics of your interaction with customers, and you can even use WhatsApp Business API services without a hassle of the registration.

  1. WhatsApp Based OTP

With people trying to cut cost to all unnecessary spendings, using WhatsApp as a platform to send One-Time Password will be better in all accounts.There are a lot of proofs that said WhatsApp based OTP is more secure than that SMS-based OTP.

Many experts admit that sending an OTP code via WhatsApp is safer than using an SMS-based OTP. SendTalk offers more consistent delivery. A more conventional way of sending notifications via SMS or Call relies on a cellular signal. You can get faster delivery times via WhatsApp. No more problems with mobile providers.

With a lower cost compared to the SMS type OTP, SendTalk will be more profitable than the SMS-based OTP service. With SendTalk, imagine how much money you could save, instead of using an SMS-based OTP which costs from Rp350,00 to Rp500,00. The rates offered by SendTalk are certainly more affordable than SMS-based OTP.

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the economy and on people's lives, and it's far from finished. However, with the launch of vaccines, it's possible to be cautiously hopeful that the new standard will emerge this year or next.

And we agree that normal could be better in certain ways. The changes we described—in efficiency, green development, medical innovation, and resiliency—could provide an enduring framework for the long term with good leadership from both businesses and governments.

**For more information about OneTalk and SendTalk, do not hesitate to contact the team by WhatsApp or email!


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