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A business should cover all aspects before they launch their products or services. What would you provide and prepare before you launch your product? Would that be the idea that you share when you brainstorm your strategy? Ask your company some questions before you “think” you could provide your customer with what they need with your product. You need a good Product Judgement from your customers to know  “What do they really need?” is what you really need to think through before your products meet the markets.

Product Judgement is the notion that you can use your own judgment to (1) accurately predict what customers need, what they want and value, and (2) develop and provide them with a solution. 

Product Judgement does exist and it is learned. No one starts with a strong product rating. It is not innate. It took years to build and therefore ranged from very weak to very strong. It takes mature work and dedication to create it. Therefore, some have it, others do not.

Product Judgement is obtained through customers. That’s why you have to learn from your customers with their perception. Good businesses will assess their market before they launch their product. You have to know “who are you dealing with” and your product should be the answer to all of their needs. To know who you’re dealing with, you can control your Product Judgement by personally observe and correspond to them.

But you have to make sure that your products, or the way that you market your products, will make it easier for them. Customers hate it when things are complicated. Because we have to provide their needs, we need to provide them with the convenience that they demand.

You also need to make sure how your customers view your product and the way that you portrayed and presented your products.

Research by Cruz and Duarte (2011) has proven that “by designing and presenting assistive products as general consumer goods it may be possible to reduce stigmatic elements from being associated with them”.  This practically means the way you present your product will affect their willingness to buy. This is why you need to study your Product Judgement by placing yourself in a customer’s place and keep a good relationship with your customer. What are the contextual aspects that affect customer’s decisions?

You need to ensure how your products are perceived by your customer. It is important to make unique products, but it is also great if you make the same products but BETTER. To make it better, you need to constantly follow the trend. 

Now, after contemplating how you present your product, the next thing you need to do is “be them”. To know how your product or service is perceived and how is your Product Judgement, you have to use it yourself. You have to know all about it, how it works, and how it was supposed to work.

Creating a great product touches on many areas. From what problems a product solves, to how it solves them, to how it is evaluated and positioned in the market.

Product Judgement is an ever-evolving thing. Because of the change in trends, technologies, competitors, and industries. Present your product according to what the trend is. Filter their trend. Watch your competitors. Study the industries where your products grow.

When you portrayed your products or services as something that they need in everyday life and without disabilities, your customer will be convinced that they “should” be using your products or services.

Because Product Judgement is a never-ending journey, you have to keep checking and refining it. When you apply your product judgement and decisions get made, go back and check those decisions again. Never stop evolving, keep talking to the market about your product. Present them as consumer goods so they can “think that they “need” you before they actually need you.

But that perfect notion and concepts will make you think hard and question how could such a great Product Judgement exist? 

You can be the one to make such a thing!

Don’t ever doubt that you can do it too. Do the research to the customers that are using your products. You can study with as many respondents as possible. You just have to get started and the numbers add up quickly. The best part is that you will start to feel like your judgment is growing. To get high product ratings, you have to fall in love when you talk to customers. Overcome the obstacles you have today.

Companies use email as other ways to connect with their customers. They could send information regarding new products, promotions, and others to their customer by using monthly newsletter blasts. Newsletter blast is a process of sending details and product-focused content to a subscriber list which includes existing and potential customers via an emailed letter.

The newsletters contain a variety of items not linked solely to shopping. In a given topic of a newsletter, businesses might include anything from business news to fascinating facts and "how-to" articles. Since customers have already shown that they are interested in receiving the newsletter, businesses should produce more valuable content that they know will engage their base.

However, customers can unsubscribe your newsletter if they find it annoying and disturbing. You don’t want customers to miss out on any exciting news from us. To solve this problem, you need to create good newsletter strategies. 

Here are some tips to create a successful newsletter that your customer wants to read

  1. Grab the Reader with the Headline or Subject

People receive many newsletters every day. You have to make sure that your subscriber wants to read the newsletter you send. Try using a special, innovative subject line for any email you send. Your subject will tell your reader what they are going to read, and do not use deception to trick them into opening an email. The general rule of thumb is to have about 50 characters or fewer on the subject line. Avoid using words like “Free”, “limited time” and don’t use all caps on your subject. You don’t want to scream at your customer. 

  1. Provide Content Worth Reading

Of course, you want to put adverts on your newsletter. But make sure to put something else to keep your readers interested. You could provide tips and advice articles, or news regarding your company. There are the key things that your subscriber may be interested in.

  1. Establish Trust

You need to be consistent with the newsletter so your subscriber knows what to expect when the open and read it. Make sure your subscribers don't feel fooled because your subject line has little similarity to the newsletter material. Don’t forget to send them regularly so your customer didn’t forget about you.

  1. Keep It Short and Simple

Ensure people can quickly and conveniently get the information they need from your newsletter. Also, don't use too much detail and too many separate papers to fill your newsletters. Even though you've been dreaming about loads of posts for your first newsletter, you don't even have to bring them all in.

  1. Write for Your Audience

You are an expert in your profession, and perhaps your subscribers are not. That means you have to describe it in terms that most people will understand and clarify any words, abbreviations, and acronyms in the industry. We all get used to our terms of business and we still forget that others don't understand them immediately too. So be careful and proofread your newsletters in pursuit of some supposed interpretation, and better clarify it.

The most convenient way to ensure your email has been sent (and read afterward) is by using "read receipts." Many webmail clients have an email monitoring option these days. You may choose to be informed when a recipient has either received or read your message before sending your message. 

Nowadays, a variety of email monitoring tools is available, enabling sales teams to have more power as well as access to useful data. One of them is CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software.

Email monitoring tools have become a crucial part of reaching prospects and customers — old and new — at every scale. And the use of CRM with email monitoring capability has become more relevant for organizations to meet their customers at the right time and in the right sense.

Email monitoring is the ability to control the status of emails you deliver, to boost visibility and company with your customer. Through using an email monitoring app, you'll be able to receive real-time email updates for each email case. It also helps you monitor your high-funnel email measurements on an ongoing basis as email opens and click-through speeds, so you can make better business decisions.

Monitoring emails lets you directly communicate with your customers and prospects by letting you see when your emails are sent and opened. When you open your prospects and click on the link in your newsletters, you know when they actively interact with your company. You will also see how many times your emails are opened, and watch the links they clicked on. This helps you to recognize your future clients so that you can contact them at the right time or deliver the next follow-up note, and improve your chance of attracting their company significantly.

You can use CRM software such as Keap, Zoho, Hubspot, Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, and many others, you can easily find CRM software on the internet.

whatsapp web

Are you familiar with WhatsApp? If yes, maybe now is the time for you to explore more of WhatsApp, not only through your mobile phone but also with your computer. Do you know that we can use WhatsApp on our Laptop or Computer? If no, then let’s keep going because this article will guide you through the step by step and explain all about it.


Currently, WhatsApp holds the title of one of the most used applications every day. This application is quite perfect. It can be used for communication, chat, video calls, sending voice notes, contacts, voice notes, photos, and videos to documents. WhatsApp Messenger or WhatsApp is an instant and cross-platform messaging application on smartphones that allows users to send and receive messages without using credit but with an internet connection. 

WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp Web and Desktop are basically computer-based extensions of WhatsApp accounts on your phone. The messages that you send and receive are synced between your phone and computer, and you can see your messages on both devices. 

If you use WhatsApp to work and run a business, then WhatsApp web on your PC can really help you. All you need is a PC and a good internet connection on your mobile phone and PC. Yes, WhatsApp Web requires a stable connection on both devices. There are two options for you to use WhatsApp web on your Laptop or PC. You could use WhatsApp Web; A browser-based application of WhatsApp. Or you could use WhatsApp Desktop; An application you can download to your computer.

WhatsApp Web tutorial on PC or Laptop:

  1. Open your browser on your laptop or PC
  2. Open the WhatsApp Web site at
  3. Make sure that both the computer you use to open WhatsApp Web and the mobile you use to open WhatsApp have a stable internet connection.
  4. Then on your computer or laptop screen, a QR Code image will appear.
  5. Then take your mobile phone and open the WhatsApp application.
  6. Click the three dots at the top right above the chat section then select WhatsApp Web.
  7. Scan the QR code by pointing your mobile phone to the QR Code,
  8. Then, your WhatsApp will display on your PC, and now you can use WhatsApp on your PC.

WhatsApp Desktop Tutorial in Laptop or PC without a browser

  1. Open the official WhatsApp site on
  2. Click WhatsApp Web
  3. Download WhatsApp Web for PC or laptop. You can customize whether it will be installed for a Windows PC or Mac.
  4. Click Download and wait for it to finish.
  5. Then you can use WhatsApp without having to open a browser.
  6. Logging in on WhatsApp Web application is the same as the one with a browser.

Logging Out

After you log in to other devices to use WhatsApp, you have to make sure you log out of other devices to secure your privacy. WhatsApp also provides you with a log-out option in WhatsApp Web.

Log out of WhatsApp Web or Desktop

  1. Open WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp Desktop.
  2. Click Menu or the three-dot symbol above the chat list > Log Out.

Exit on Android

Alternatively, you can log out of WhatsApp Web, WhatsApp Desktop, or the Portal device from an Android phone.

  1. Open WhatsApp.
  2. Tap the three-dot symbol above the chat list > WhatsApp Web.
  3. Tap the computer or Portal listed > Log Out

To log out of WhatsApp on all devices at once, including WhatsApp Web, WhatsApp Desktop, or Portal, you can use the phone.

  1. Android: Open WhatsApp, then tap the CHAT tab > More options > WhatsApp Web > Logout from all devices > Log Out.
  2. iPhone: Open WhatsApp, then tap Settings > WhatsApp Web / Desktop > Logout from all devices > Sign Out.

Downside of using WhatsApp Web

There are a few downsides to using this feature on WhatsApp. One of them being Highly dependent on stable and strong internet access. WhatsApp Web Desktop is also unable to make or receive phone calls from your PC or Laptop. Another drawback is because it is connected to sync with your phone, it is guaranteed that the battery will run out quickly. Even certain types of cell phones can make the phone very hot. Furthermore, WhatsApp Web cannot be used when the connected mobile phone is off. So that the mobile phone that is synchronized with WhatsApp must always be On. So if your phone is running low on battery or if it is off, of course, you also can't use WhatsApp Web.

Another issue about WhatsApp web is WhatsApp Web can only be accessible by one user at the same time, so we can't open multiple WhatsApp by the same number. However, if you need multiple admins to manage your one account you can use OneTalk by OneTalk provides an omnichannel solution for businesses to grow with WhatsApp.

So, what do you think? It’s an easy enough tutorial for you to follow, right? Even with some drawbacks, this could be a very useful thing for you who use WhatsApp as a Customer Service for your business.

Now, have you used WhatsApp for your business? Do you want to change it to WhatsApp Business API? is here to help you. Contact us at for more information!

Bagi seorang pebisnis, penting untuk mencari cara terbaik dalam memasarkan produknya kepada customer. Mencari peluang terbaik untuk memberikan penawaran kepada customer tidak dapat dilakukan tanpa pertimbangan. Jika Anda menemukan kesulitan dalam memasarkan produk Anda, belum tentu hal itu karena produk yang Anda tawarkan tidak menarik. Tetapi mungkin saja “cara” Anda memasarkan produk tersebut belum tepat untuk pasar yang Anda tuju.

Oleh karena itu, Anda tentu harus mengikuti pola strategi bisnis masa kini dengan menggunakan kekuatan teknologi yang mendorong inovasi perusahaan dan wawasan berharga tentang cara beradaptasi dengan realitas pasar global saat ini. Melalui eksplorasi tentang strategi bisnis seperti ini, Anda akan belajar cara mempercepat kemampuan perusahaan Anda untuk memperoleh dan menumbuhkan pengetahuan yang penting bagi kesuksesan perusahaan di masa depan.

Jika Anda adalah salah satu perusahaan yang juga mengandalkan website sebagai salah satu platform komunikasi kalian dengan customers, maka sudah saatnya Anda menjadikan platform itu sebagai salah satu media untuk memikat pengunjung web Anda menjadi seorang customer. Memang bisa ya? Yuk, kita dalami lagi peluang ini.

Ketika seorang pengunjung website membangun ketertarikan terhadap produk yang Anda pasarkan melalui website Anda, hal itu masih belum cukup untuk membuat mereka menjadi customer. Lalu bagaimana kita membuat mereka berpindah menjadi customer? Hal tersebut bisa ditentukan dengan memutuskan konten apa yang kita tampilkan pada website untuk membuat produk kita lebih mengundang. Pertama-tama Anda harus memastikan website Anda menonjolkan keunggulan-keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh produk Anda. Kemudian, Anda juga bisa menambahkan pencapaian bisnis Anda untuk menambah kredibilitas produk di mata customer.

Menggunakan produk sebagai advertisement juga merupakan salah satu hal yang bisa meningkatkan nilai kredibilitas produk kita di mata customer. Tetapi, iklan saja tentu belum memiliki dampak sebesar itu untuk menarik customer. Masih ada satu cara penting untuk mengubahan pengunjung website menjadi customer.

Sekarang, saatnya untuk menempatkan diri pada perspektif customer. Pernahkah saat  Anda ingin membeli sebuah produk, Anda memilih produk dengan review atau testimoni paling banyak dan baik? Perspektif ini yang harus dijadikan acuan dalam menarik customer dalam jumlah lebih banyak. 

Mengutamakan kebutuhan pelanggan menjadi acuan dalam segala strategi bisnis yang kita berikan. Gunakan testimoni dan rating dari customer sebagai salah satu trik untuk menarik customer lainnya. Trik ini dapat kalian praktekkan dengan mudah menggunakan omnichannel messaging platform. Omnichannel adalah pendekatan terintegrasi untuk proses yang berpusat pada customer di mana beberapa channel digabungkan menjadi satu sistem manajemen untuk meningkatkan kepuasan customer dan pengalaman customer sebagai salah satu social messaging solution. Singkatnya, omnichannel membantu menyatukan banyak platform pesan agar memudahkan kita merespons customer.

Keuntungan dari omnichannel customer service adalah bahwa ia mengintegrasikan beberapa platform pengirim pesan sebagai cara berkomunikasi dengan customer. Hal ini membuat Anda tidak lagi perlu membuka banyak saluran komunikasi sekaligus, tetapi menyatukannya dalam satu dasbor dan platform.

Lalu, bagaimana cara menggunakan testimonial untuk mengubah pengunjung website menjadi customer?

Salah satu brand omnichannel, OneTalk, menawarkan fitur Customer Rating dan Disposition yang memungkinkan sebuah perusahaan untuk mempelajari dan merangkum disposisi dari setiap case yang masuk dalam platform channel Anda.  Fitur Disposition memastikan sebuah perusahaan tetap mendengarkan dan mengintegrasikan semua komplain dan masalah customer menjadi sebuah ide konstruktif. 

Dengan fitur ini, Anda dapat meluangkan lebih banyak waktu untuk memperhatikan customer Anda. Hal ini akan menunjukkan bahwa brand omnichannel menentukan bagaimana Anda memperlakukan customer Anda, orientasi customer service perusahaan Anda, dan seberapa banyak perhatian yang rela diberikan kepada customer Anda.

Hasil integrasi ini menghasilkan analitik dari setiap kasus yang masuk dalam customer service. Kesimpulan ini akan membantu Anda agar kasus dan masalah yang terjadi tidak terulang lagi di masa depan. Hasil analitik ini juga lah yang nantinya dapat ditampilkan di website Anda untuk menarik minat pelanggan terhadap produk atau layanan yang disediakan oleh perusahaan Anda.

Begitu pula dengan fitur Customer Rating. Fitur ini memungkinkan Customer Anda untuk dapat memberikan rating kepada agent Anda, sehingga memudahkan Anda untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan customer Anda. Selain dapat mengawasi kinerja agent Anda, Anda juga dapat menggunakan hasil kinerja mereka sebagai testimoni yang bisa dimuat sebagai konten website Anda.

Dengan “menonjolkan” kelebihan produk dan pelayanan Anda terhadap customer melalui testimoni ini,  peluangnya keberhasilan strategi pemasaran perusahaan Anda akan bertambah. Anda akan menonjolkan kualitas customer service pada perusahaan Anda dan dapat bersaing dengan kompetitor yang lain.

Selain usaha-usaha penempatan konten testimoni di atas, berikan konsistensi konten pada customer Anda. Gunakan platform-platform perusahaan Anda untuk membuat penawaran yang dapat membuat customer Anda tertarik. Anda juga bisa memanfaatkan channel customer service perusahaan Anda untuk konsisten memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada customer. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan mudah dengan omnichannel karena memudahkan koneksi antara perusahaan dan customer.

Ketika Anda sudah menampilkan testimonial yang tepat untuk ditampilkan pada website Anda, satu poin plus sudah bertambah dalam strategi bisnis Anda. Testimoni yang baik akan menentukan kualitas produk kita dan kualitas pelayanan kita yang nantinya akan memikat customer baru. 

Customer merupakan sebuah aset berharga yang harus dijaga dan diprioritaskan kebutuhannya bagi sebuah perusahaan. Fakta yang harus dihadapi adalah, sebuah perusahaan tidak akan bisa berdiri tanpa customer sebagai sumber revenue-nya. Disinilah, peran kita sebagai sebuah perusahaan bekerja untuk selalu memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi customer.

Tentu, menjaga pelayanan agar tetap baik adalah hal yang sulit untuk dilakukan. Kalian tentu pernah menghadapi berbagai macam customer dengan berbagai karakteristik. Itulah mengapa kita harus menjaga prinsip bahwa setiap customer adalah unik, dengan kebutuhan pelayanannya masing-masing. Dengan begitu, pola pikir positif terhadap customer akan selalu terjaga dan dipraktekkan.

Untuk mencapai pola pikir seperti ini, sebuah perusahaan harus menyediakan sumber daya mumpuni bagi pekerja yang harus berhadapan dengan customer secara langsung setiap harinya. Bila anda memiliki sumber daya yang bagus untuk mendukung bisnis Anda, Anda akan mengembangkan customer service yang unggul dan hasilnya, anda akan mendapatkan loyalitas pelanggan.

Di tengah-tengah customer service ini, pernahkah anda menemukan komplain-komplain pelanggan meskipun anda telah mencoba menyediakan yang terbaik bagi customer anda? Eits! Jangan mundur dulu. Pikirkanlah baik-baik. Anda baru saja mendapat sebuah ide baru untuk menambah pelayanan dan performa anda terhadap customer. Dengarkan setiap keluhan yang datang pada Anda dan rangkum semua itu agar dapat menjadi ide konstruktif bagi perusahaan. Sebagai perusahaan yang ingin memberikan customer service terbaik, Anda harus berupaya untuk mengubah komplain customer menjadi sebuah strategi bisnis.

Untuk tetap memberikan performa terbaik kepada customer Anda, kini anda dapat menggunakan terobosan dalam bidang customer service, yaitu omnichannel. Apa itu omnichannel? Omnichannel adalah pendekatan terintegrasi untuk proses yang berpusat pada pelanggan di mana beberapa channel digabungkan menjadi satu sistem manajemen untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan pengalaman customer. Dapat dikatakan bahwa omnichannel adalah social messaging solution

Pernah bertanya-tanya bagaimana cara mengintegrasikan multiple users dalam WhatsApp business? Omnichannel bisa jadi solusinya.

Keuntungan dari omnichannel customer service adalah bahwa ia mengintegrasikan beberapa platform pengirim pesan sebagai cara berkomunikasi dengan customer. Hal ini membuat anda tidak lagi perlu membuka banyak saluran komunikasi sekaligus, tetapi menyatukannya dalam satu dasbor dan platform. Fungsi ini memungkinkan kita untuk mengintegrasikan banyak pengguna dalam satu akun bisnis. Ini adalah salah satu cara menggabungkan beberapa agent anda untuk melayani customer dalam satu akun bisnis yang sama.

Namun, bagaimana omnichannel ini berperan dalam mengubah komplain customer menjadi strategi bisnis yang efektif?

OneTalk, sebuah brand omnichannel terpercaya menawarkan solusi masalah ini dalam sebuah fiturnya yang dinamakan Disposition. Disposition pada OneTalk membedakan brand omnichannel ini dibanding dengan brand-brand platform pesan omnichannel lainnya dan menjadikan OneTalk sebagai platform omnichannel yang berorientasi pada customer.

Fitur Disposition memungkinkan sebuah perusahaan untuk mempelajari dan merangkum disposisi dari setiap case yang masuk dalam platform channel Anda.  Fitur ini memastikan sebuah perusahaan tetap mendengarkan dan mengintegrasikan semua komplain dan masalah customer menjadi sebuah ide konstruktif. Anda dapat mencatat analitik dari setiap kasus yang masuk dalam customer service. Kesimpulan ini akan membantu anda untuk mendapatkan wawasan baru, agar kasus dan masalah yang terjadi tidak terulang lagi di masa depan.

Dengan fitur ini, Anda akan meluangkan lebih banyak waktu untuk memperhatikan customer anda. OneTalk menyediakan fitur ini agar Anda dapat berkomunikasi dengan lebih baik kepada customer anda, agar tidak terulang kasus yang sama di kemudian hari. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa brand omnichannel menentukan bagaimana anda memperlakukan customer Anda, orientasi customer service perusahaan anda, dan seberapa banyak perhatian yang rela diberikan kepada customer anda.

Bukankah fitur ini sangat membantu dalam membuat strategi bisnis yang baik bagi perusahaan?

Tetapi, OneTalk tidak hanya menyediakan fitur Disposition saja lho untuk mengembangkan komplain customer menjadi strategi bisnis yang baik. Ada juga Customer Ongoing Case and History yang mencatat dan menelusuri kasus pelanggan Anda untuk dapat mengetahui bagaimana agent menjawab customer dan bagaimana permasalahan diselesaikan. 

Dengan memonitor bagaimana sistem customer service di perusahaan anda dijalankan, Anda dapat mengintrospeksi sistem mana yang harus diperbaiki. Setelah mengetahui permasalahan mana yang harus diperbaiki di masa depan, strategi bisnis yang baru akan terbentuk. Strategi bisnis baru ini lah yang akan menjadi panduan anda dalam mengembangkan perusahaan anda menjadi lebih baik.

Selain itu, ada juga fitur Case Detail yang akan membantu mencatat setiap case, merupakan sebuah prelude dari fitur Disposition. Data yang dicatat melalui fitur ini adalah, berapa lama mereka telah menunggu, history mereka, channel yang mereka gunakan untuk menghubungi perusahaan, dan banyak hal lainnya. Fitur ini juga akan membantu anda menyimpulkan kasus. 

Fitur-fitur yang disediakan dari omnichannel ini akan berguna dalam menyimpulkan masalah yang dihadapi. Rangkuman atas komplain customer ini tentu akan menjadi acuan dalam memperbaiki layanan dalam perusahaan anda. Mengembangkan pelayanan perusahaan dan mengutamakan customer tentu akan membuat bisnis Anda memiliki brand dan kesan yang baik bagi customer, bukan?

These days, companies need to find the best way to grow in every direction. Business development is crucial in every aspect that matters, those who know how to use and invest their resources can grow faster than their competitors. When you take care of your companies growth, you have to realize that building your pillar from inside is important. When you have great resources to support your business, you will develop great customer service and in turn, earn customers’ loyalty. This being said, then you have to create a great establishment for your employee, as one of your most important resources to develop great customer service.

Next, you need a strong team of employees to become successful and thrive in the business. Managers and company leaders should pay close attention and care to pick who they trusted to make their company known to customers. They should pay attention to how could they support those who “support” their business too. 

For this purpose, company leaders should help their employees to find a way to offer better services. But how would they do that? The answer to this question is that you should support and help your employees expand their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Human Resources is one resource that we should treasure the most for our internal growth. You have to ensure first, which of them is fit for developing more skills and abilities to serve your customers and those who seem unable to change for the better. This being said, we should make the decision to retain the “good” employee, and eliminate “bad” employee. Those who are able to obtain new knowledge, skills, and abilities are the ones that we should maintain to become strong resources.

How do we decide which qualifies an employee as “good” or a “bad” employee? Let’s first explore the new “it” solution to customer service with omnichannel messaging platforms. What is the omnichannel messaging platform? Omnichannel is an integrated approach to customer-centered processes in which multiple channel interactions are combined into a single management system to improve customer satisfaction and user experience. The advantages of omnichannel customer service are that it integrated multiple messaging platforms as a way of communicating with users. 

One of the best omnichannel to serve this purpose is OneTalk. OneTalk offers the perfect tools to serve customers. One of the services offered by OneTalk is the All-in-One Inbox. This is the best tool to equip your employee with. As an omnichannel messaging platform, OneTalk offers this feature that will combine all channels into one Inbox with maximum features. You don’t need to make multiple Whatsapp account, or switching one messaging platform to the other, you only need this one platform to see all your customers’ messages. This allows you to combine all their communications from various channels into one, you can also see what customer information and questions they have ever asked you.

But, would you still have the trouble of assigning all these messages to your dedicated agent? Well, that’s why omnichannel also provides a social messaging solution with its messaging platforms with Assignment rules. There are three kinds of assignment rules; Unassigned, Round Robin, and Balanced. Unassigned assignment rules mean that new cases did not automatically be assigned to agents, agents will have to assign their own cases, Round Robin assignment rules means new cases will evenly be distributed and assigned to each available agent in alphabetical order, and Balanced is where new cases will be assigned to agents with fewer cases first. These assignment rules are a big plus because you can always monitor how agents work from the recorded assigning time, and of course, you can satisfy your customer’s demands by answering systematically.

To answer the former question of how do you qualify good and bad employees, the answer is in OneTalk features, Customer Rating, Real-Time Agent Activity Tracker, and Disposition. Customer Rating allows customers to rate your employee’s services. By monitoring the analytics of your employees’ performances, you can then decide whether they are a good asset or not. You can manage and recognize them by seeing the rating by your customers. While Real-Time Agent Activity Tracker monitors how your agent serves your customers.

Meanwhile, the Disposition feature creates and summarizes the dispositions of each incoming case to get business insights from your customers. The recorded data are, knowing how long they have been waiting for, their history, the channels they use, and many other things. This feature also helps you to conclude cases to avoid similar cases in the future and come up with a new business idea.

With all those tools provided by OneTalk as an omnichannel messaging platform, you provide your employee with great customer support. Now you could make sure your company will grow from within, from the people that are supporting the business to thrive.

Ketika customer ingin mengetahui informasi tentang suatu produk atau jasa yang dibutuhkan, customer biasanya akan mengunjungi sebuah website. Dan ketika customer ingin mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut berkaitan dengan produk dan jasa, customer lalu akan mencari kontak produsen. Messaging platform for sales, marketing and support dibutuhkan untuk memudahkan customer dalam mencari informasi yang dibutuhkan. 

Masalah yang sering muncul dari belanja online adalah pelanggan tidak bisa mendapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan produk. Namun, saat ini sudah mulai banyak perusahaan yang menambahkan aplikasi live chat pada bisnis online. Apa saja alasan live chat perlu dimaksimalkan untuk bisnis Anda?

Sebuah studi ATG Global Consumer Trend Study menemukan bahwa 90% dari pelanggan menganggap cara ini sangat membantu mereka selama proses pembelian berlangsung. Survei menemukan bahwa 63% lebih customer mungkin akan kembali mengunjungi situs Web yang menawarkan live chat.

Live chat secara konsisten telah menunjukkan bahwa dapat menghemat office hour customer support dan biaya telepon. Beberapa penghematan biaya yang paling menonjol adalah dapat mengurangi biaya telepon ke pusat serta meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi customer support. Beberapa chatting bisa ditangani oleh sebagian kecil customer support secara bersamaan, sehingga mengurangi kebutuhan untuk mempekerjakan lebih banyak customer support. Waktu yang digunakan untuk melakukan percakapan via live chat jauh lebih singkat dibandingkan jika dilakukan via telefon, sehingga mereka bisa melakukan hal lain selama percakapan. Ini tidak hanya sebagai proses perbaikan tetapi juga dapat meningkatkan penjualan secara keseluruhan.

Pelanggan harus memiliki seseorang yang dapat menjawab pertanyaannya mereka secara langsung saat melalui proses pembelian yang membuat mereka bingung. Hal ini dapat menghilangkan bounce situs (jumlah pengunjung yang meninggalkan situs Anda) dan memastikan adanya shopping cart (keranjang belanja) saat keluar.  

Sebuah studi terbaru oleh TELUS International menemukan bahwa banyak bisnis ritel terbaik tidak menggunakan aplikasi chat. Jika Anda ingin unggul dalam kompetisi, live chat adalah  kunci yang harus Anda miliki di website agar Anda semakin kompetitif dan penjualan semakin naik. Karena ini merupakan cara mudah untuk berhubungan dengan pelanggan yang telah menghabiskan banyak uang melalui belanja online. 

Salah satu messaging platform seperti live chat yang ada di website, membuat customer tidak akan menemukan kesulitan lagi. Customer tidak perlu menulis kontak atau menghubungi melalui alamat email. Hanya dengan menyentuh tombol live chat, customer bisa mendapatkan jawaban dari informasi yang ingin diketahuinya. Teristimewanya live chat dapat dilakukan kapan saja dan di mana saja. Dengan begitu customer akan senang, nyaman dan puas dengan kemudahan tersebut.

 Untuk lebih dekat dengan customer dan mengerti dengan apa yang customer butuhkan, live chat dapat dikirim berdasarkan waktu. Scheduled message atau timed message dilakukan untuk menjadi trigger bagi customer ketika customer sedang melakukan window shopping. Scheduled message diharapkan mengubah niat customer yang awalnya hanya sekadar ingin melihat-lihat produk atau jasa. Dari sisi customer keberadaan live chat dengan automated messages dari company dapat menunjukan effort yang besar dari produsen produk dan jasa. Effort yang besar dalam melayani customer dengan instan akan menjadi salah satu kepuasan bagi customer.

Terkadang customer yang telah mengetahui informasi tentang produk dan jasa merasa ragu untuk melanjutkan ke proses transaksi. Beberapa hal masih dirasa belum mampu membawa customer pada proses transaksi. Live chat dapat menjadi penarik customer dengan mengarahkan pada pages FAQ. Halaman ini menyajikan data-data, informasi tentang produk dan jasa dengan lebih mendalam. Penyajian tentang keunggulan produk dan jasa pada halaman ini diharapkan mampu meniadakan keraguan dan ganjalan customer. Sehingga effort ini mampu mengubah pikiran customer. Dengan begitu diskusi live chat akan berakhir dengan transaksi. Satu transaksi dengan kepuasan dan kenyamanan akan menuntun customer pada transaksi-transaksi berikutnya. Transaksi beruntun akan menjadikan customer salah satu pelanggan setia yang akan membuat grafik penjualan selalu berada pada titik target.

Dan solusi untuk mendapatkan kemudahan dalam melayani dan memuaskan customer, semua ada pada OneTalk. OneTalk adalah salah satu platform perangkat lunak yang akan membantu tugas sales, marketing and support. Perangkat lunak ini menyediakan fitur-fitur seperti live chat yang akan berdiri pada sisi produsen dan berada dekat dengan kebutuhan customer. Kelengkapan fitur-fitur OneTalk yang memuaskan customer dan memudahkan produsen dalam menjalin hubungan saling menguntungkan dengan customer. OneTalk live chat dapat digunakan pada website atau mobile apps. Keunggulan OneTalk dapat di install pada beberapa device sekaligus akan mempermudah agen untuk reach out to customers. Begitu juga sebaliknya customer dengan mudah dapat terhubung sewaktu-waktu. OneTalk dilengkapi dengan fitur Customer Rating sebagai wadah customer dalam memberikan feedback. Feedback customer akan memudahkan produsen dalam melakukan improve pada company. OneTalk sebagai Messaging platform for sales, marketing and support mengarahkan company pada apa yang diinginkan dan dibutuhkan oleh customer terkait produk dan jasa yang mereka gunakan. Jadi tidak perlu ragu untuk mengunjungi OneTalk by untuk mendapatkan back up kemudahan dan layanan dalam meningkatkan sales dan marketing. 

Semoga bermanfaat!

How to get customers to be interested in your products and/or services? The first thing that must be done is to introduce the product and service. Through marketing and sales campaign, the customer will know the definition and characteristics of the product and service offered. This will bring up the customer’s awareness to use the product and/or the service. The awareness of using the product and service will turn to a part of fulfilling customer’s needs. Below are some tips to create an effective and right on target sales campaign for your product. What are those?

You can design a challenge or creative contest that is related to your product. Creative challenges can have a snowball effect since people will talk about your product and/or service. You have to create content that can assure them to join the contest. The audience can respond to your creative challenge quickly and increase the traffic of your content.

You can create content that tells an emotional story. This is proven to be more effective in catching the audience’s attention. Your content must each have unique hidden messages to reach different types of customers. Your content must also be very convincing and authentic. Creating the emotional storytelling content has its own challenge. You can tell a sad story and at the same time link the story to your product.

You have to create a fresh and fun content to increase the chance of your audience to about your product. The benefit of this fresh and fun content is that not only its authenticity, but also gives you more power in addressing the message than in the form of a traditional press release.

The challenge is to make sure that the discussion about your product does not collide with the first launch. One of the brilliant examples of this case is a sponsored published campaign done by Samsung Tab A in Indonesia. The brand sponsors linked articles through 4 steps period; pre-launch, launch, tech review, and sustenance – through 13 lifestyle publishers and tech news sites. Creating a fresh and fun content will make your products easier to be recognized by the customer and easier to be a conversation material. Use the above methods if you want to launch new products.

To create great marketing and sales campaign in the digital era, we will need a Social Media Solution. The messages in the social media is recognized as a successful funnel to introduce a product and service to the customers.

One of the marketing campaigns that can be done by businesses is ads. Putting ads to the browser is proven to be effective to introduce the product and service. The information that appears in the browser will attract people’s curiosity. The curiosity may convert one’s mind to transactions. Or, it is possible that the ads are about the product or service that is needed by the one who sees it. Thus, the marketing campaign through ads can lead to selling transaction. Besides the ads, some marketing campaigns that can be done are conference calls and demonstrations of the product and service. It is also possible to do the marketing campaign with other interactive methods such as giveaway and etcetera. As for the sales campaign, the businesses could use the special rate or free trial method. The special rate can be applied with special terms and conditions in a certain period of time. The free trial or trial of use without paying can be offered in a certain period of time with limited facilities. The customers’ experiences in using the products and services may affect their mind. Besides resulting in transaction, the excellence of the product and service can make those customers as loyal customers.

The sales and marketing strategy can be done with one or more channels on social media. This will direct someone and turn him to a customer effectively. Moreover for the reactive customer that is easily affected by the surrounding people and things. Most of the sales campaigns are done in a limited period. This is designed to reach certain goals for both transaction agents. The seller and potential buyer can be motivated to move fast to the selling transaction. This sales and marketing strategy will expand the network in no time.

A platform that can be used as a marketing and sales campaign tool is here to help businesses. This sales and marketing platform can contact and help customers from various channels through a single dashboard. Besides that, this platform allows you to keep the customers’ data and convert it to business insights. All this is available because of the User Info & Disposition feature in OneTalk omnichannel platform. OneTalk as a social messaging solution will do the task to facilitate the selling transaction for the prospective customer as well as the business owner. The customers do not need to rewrite the information that has been given, because the user login info are automatically saved. This will make the customer’s data to not be overlapped or doubled in the system. The saved data will make the businesses to pay attention to the customer faster. To get to know more about OneTalk, the businesses can type OneTalk omnichannel by in their browsers.

How digital marketing takes over conventional marketing significantly makes the businesses take steps to go along with it. Digital marketing becomes the spearhead of the selling and marketing improvement. Digital marketing negates the time and place limits so that it can accommodate the customers’ needs anytime anywhere.  In the business world, creating digital marketing campaigns is the most effective way to sell and promote a product or service. To be a reliable digital marketer and able to create an interesting campaign, you have to do these:

The first step that you have to do is to recognize who your target audiences so that your ads will get the right target. Knowing the right market target will ease you in arranging your campaign strategy and reaching the right target.

Content is one of the keys to success in doing the campaign. As a digital marketer, you have to be able to analyze and create content that will draw the audience’s attention and make them interested in using your products or services. The right target content is the content that fits the audience criteria.

You have to have a good taste in design for your campaign ads display. Display consistency must be one of your considerations. The visual display covers the fonts, color, and style of photography that become the characteristics of the products. The visual content display must fit your target audience. For example, if your target market is women who love makeup, the colorful and bright with some accent of makeup will make them more interested.

In this part, you can use the CTA (Call To Action). CTA is an action related to your ads and can lead your audience to the final destination of the campaign, such as to your website or product. CTA usually is a button.

To become an excellent digital marketer, you can use the developing technologies and tools. The existence of various tools will help your performance in creating interesting content that attracts the customers. Especially to help your selling, you can use the sales and marketing tools available. Sales and marketing platforms are the means of the businesses to sail in the digital marketing world. One of the platforms that will give some benefits for the businesses is Omnichannel sales and marketing. The benefit of Omnichannel sales and marketing will take the businesses to the top of expected sales achievement.

The marketing in digital era needs qualified management and skill. A digital marketing leader must recognize the market needs by observing the customer’s behavior. The summary of customer’s behavior data can be used as a reference for marketing improvement in the future. Customer’s behaviors that can be recognized from their feedbacks also can be used to fix and improve the quality of the product. The businesses as the leader in the digital marketing world have to have the experience on this matter. This experience will bring a real change through a better understanding of the customer’s behavior. The omnichannel platform has the tools that can facilitate the businesses to become a qualified digital marketing leader. The features in this platform can give a huge efficiency on the business side.

One of the features on this platform will record every feedback from the customer. The feedbacks data or the disposition from the coming case can be summarized. The summary of the disposition can form a business insight from the customer. This insight can be used for adjusting the step to serve customers’ needs. For example, making an improvement to reduce a similar case that can come up in the future. This business insight can bring up new ideas for businesses related to the improvement of sales and marketing. These new ideas are something that the customers wait for as a refreshment in digital marketing. The feature in the platform that presents comfort for the customer and ease for the businesses is the Case Detail feature. The feature presenting every detail of the case from the customer is a part of the Disposition feature that can be easily accessed and used.

The existence of a sales and marketing platform as a hand that brings the customers closer to the products and the businesses is a must. With this platform, customers and businesses can go hand in hand in a profitable interrelationship. Both parties can give positive supports. The businesses can use and get the benefit of Omnichannel sales and marketing by visiting OneTalk by OneTalk will lead the businesses to get the best features that can facilitate sales and marketing. With OneTalk, the time, energy, and cost efficiency to increase the sales is no longer a dream. OneTalk will be the tool for businesses to reach the customers’ satisfaction with no limit. Customers will feel closer to the products they need and feel easier to access information about the products. Nice experience of the customers in the transaction can make him a loyal customer. A loyal customer can take his close related person to feel a nice experience in the transaction together.


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