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Customer service sangatlah penting untuk bisnis karena bisnis tidak akan berjalan tanpa customer. Customer service yang hebat harus fokus pada memperlakukan customer dengan baik, menjawab pertanyaan dan melampaui harapan. Pendekatan ini membantu bisnis melibatkan pelanggan dan membangun hubungan yang kuat. Berikut adalah alasan lain mengapa customer service adalah penting:

1. Customer service dapat mencerminkan brand image, misi, dan nilai-nilai perusahaan Anda

Customer service Anda adalah koneksi yang menghubungkan perusahaan Anda kepada customer Anda. Dengan demikian, customer service mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk mewakili merek dan perusahaan Anda kepada customer Anda. Maka dari itu, customer service adalah essential untuk menyampaikan brand image sebuah perusahaan. Customer Service dapat membantu mempengaruhi customer dan meyakinkan customer untuk memilih kekuatan perusahaan Anda terhadap competitor.

2. Cost customer retention < cost customer acquisition.

Cost untuk menjaga customer untuk setia lebih murah dibandingkan dengan cost untuk mendapatkan customer baru. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cost-nya sekitar lima kali lebih besar untuk menarik customer baru daripada mempertahankan bisnis yang sudah ada. Customer yang puas akan setia ketika sebuah bisnis dapat dipercaya dan menyediakan layanan customer service yang baik. Melayani kebutuhan customer dengan baik adalah kunci untuk customer retention.

3. Memberikan pengalaman terbaik dapat mendorong business growth

“Tanpa pertumbuhan dan kemajuan yang berkelanjutan, kata-kata seperti peningkatan, pencapaian, dan kesuksesan tidak memiliki arti.” - Benjamin Franklin

Jika customer Anda senang, seluruh organisasi juga senang. Memberikan pengalaman terbaik kepada customer Anda membuat investor, partner bisnis, karyawan, dan semua nya senang. Semakin Anda menginvestasikan waktu dan uang untuk memuaskan customer Anda, semakin banyak peluang yang Anda miliki untuk menciptakan pertumbuhan organisasi, profit dan juga revenue. Dengan base customer yang bahagia dan sehat, peluang untuk menarik investasi dan growth untuk business akan jauh lebih besar.

Lalu, bagaimana cara nya supaya bisnis Anda dapat memberikan customer service yang bagus? OneTalk adalah solusinya.

OneTalk adalah omnichannel messaging platform untuk Sales, Marketing dan Support. Anda dapat meningkatkan pengalaman berinteraksi dengan customer Anda melalui beberapa channels yang dapat dipantau melalui satu dashboard! 

Untuk info lebih lengkap, dapat hubungi kami di atau hubungi website kami.

‘At, we don’t believe in good customer service but excellent customer experiences’

jualan melalui whatsapp business

Saat ini WhatsApp menjadi salah satu sosial media dengan database pengguna terbesar di dunia yang menurut data dari wikipedia memiliki jumlah Monthly Active Users sebesar 2 milyar users diseluruh dunia pada tahun 2020. Angka ini membuatnya unggul dibandingkan FB Messenger sebesar 1.3 milyar dan LINE sebesar 194 juta.

Tapi bagaimanakah cara efektif untuk berjualan menggunakan WhatsApp? Mari membahas cara tersebut lebih mendalam mulai dari mengupas sedikit tentang aplikasi WhatsApp.

Baca juga: Tips dan strategi whatsapp marketing yang terbaik

Apa Itu WhatsApp?

WhatsApp adalah aplikasi mobile gratis yang menggunakan koneksi internet ponsel untuk Anda chat dengan pengguna WhatsApp lainnya, tanpa biaya pesan teks SMS. WhatsApp memiliki fitur-fitur yang dapat mendukung Anda untuk lebih mudah berkomunikasi dengan customer Anda, antara lain berbagi file, gambar, lokasi, serta mendukung panggilan suara dan video gratis.

Aplikasi WhatsApp juga tersedia di berbagai operating system yangmana membuat WhatsApp menjadi sangat populer, terutama di wilayah dengan biaya SMS tinggi, termasuk Brasil, Meksiko, dan Malaysia di mana 60 persen penduduknya menggunakan WhatsApp.

Keberadaan WhatsApp saat ini juga sudah masuk ke ranah bisnis. Ada banyak pemilik bisnis dan toko online yang menggunakan WhatsApp sebagai saluran pemasaran dan juga komunikasi dengan customer. Melihat fenomena ini maka tidak mengherankan jika WhatsApp merilis aplikasi tambahan bernama WhatsApp Business. Sebuah aplikasi WhatsApp yang ditujukan untuk mendukung kegiatan bisnis. WhatsApp Business ini fitur-fiturnya juga lebih banyak dan sesuai untuk bisnis daripada aplikasi WhatsApp biasa.

Kemudian, mengapa WhatsApp Business dapat mendukung penjualan dari bisnis Anda?

WhatsApp Business

Salah satu alasan terbaiknya adalah mungkin karena sudah banyak customer bisnis Anda yang menggunakan messenger channel ini. Jadi yang mudah termudah untuk dijangkau dapat menjadi sebuah poin tambahan di mata customer Anda.

Berikut adalah beberapa tips dan trik untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan dari WhatsApp Business:

Melakukan Optimalisasi Business Profile

Dengan menggunakan WhatsApp business kita dapat menyediakan informasi yang lebih rinci seperti Foto profile, Alamat lengkap, Kategori bisnis, Deskripsi bisnis, Hari dan jam operasional, Alamat email bisnis, Alamat website

Salah satu alasan terbaiknya adalah mungkin karena sudah banyak customer bisnis Anda yang menggunakan messenger channel ini.

Menggunakan Label

Prinsip dari label ini adalah menandai dan mengkategorikan chat berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Tujuannya supaya memudahkan bisnis untuk melakukan follow-up. Salah satu use case nya adalah untuk membedakan chat mana sudah melakukan pembayaran dan mana yang belum.

WhatsApp Business menyediakan label default antara lain :

Yang mana label-label ini dapat di custom sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis.

Integrasikan dengan saluran pemasaran lainnya

Tips dan trik WhatsApp Business untuk bisnis yang terakhir adalah mengintegrasikan dengan saluran pemasaran lainnya. Ingat bahwa harapan dari penggunaan messenger seperti WhatsApp adalah untuk respons yang lebih cepat, jadi dalam menggunakan WhatsApp untuk bisnis pastikan Anda memiliki sumber daya untuk mengelola, membalas pesan-pesan dengan cepat.

Salah satu cara yang dapat anda lakukan untuk mengoptimalkan WhatsApp Business anda adalah dengan menghubungkan WhatsApp Business API dengan OneTalk sehingga nomor WhatsApp yang anda gunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan customer dapat diakses oleh beberapa agent/admin yang anda miliki secara bersamaan.

Agen anda juga dapat di assign ke topik-topik yang paling sering jadi bahasan customer Anda, sehingga dikemudian hari saat data ini dibutuhkan, Anda dapat menemukannya dengan mudah.

Dan anda dapat dengan langsung mencoba fitur-fitur ini langsung dengan mengklik tautan dibawah ini:

Demikianlah beberapa tips dan trik cara menggunakan WhatsApp Business untuk bisnis, semoga bermanfaat.

Baca juga: Perbedaan WhatsApp Business dan WhatsApp Business API

Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi informasi dan perubahan tren para pengguna internet di Indonesia, semakin banyak penduduk Indonesia yang menggunakan internet bukan hanya untuk mengkonsumsi media baik itu tulis maupun gambar, tetapi juga untuk kebutuhan berbelanja/commerce.

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat, pada tahun 2018 terdapat lebih dari 20 juta transaksi online, dengan nilai lebih dari 17 triliun rupiah, dari 13.485 usaha e-commerce. Dengan nilai transaksi sebesar itu, bisnis online adalah sebuah industri yang sudah tidak bisa dipandang sebelah mata.

Sebagai pemilik bisnis yang berjualan secara online, tentunya Anda perlu memberikan pengalaman terbaik bagi para pelanggan maupun calon pelanggan Anda. Pengalaman ini bisa dihasilkan dengan memiliki support/dukungan yang baik, respon yang cepat, selain tentunya menjual barang dengan mutu yang sesuai dengan yang Anda janjikan. Dengan melakukan hal-hal tersebut, maka akan meningkatkan kemungkinan pelanggan Anda untuk tetap setia dengan bisnis Anda.

Salah satu cara untuk memberikan pengalaman terbaik adalah dengan memberikan support/dukungan terbaik kepada para pelanggan Anda, dan membuat pelanggan Anda merasa mereka berinteraksi dengan seseorang yang mengerti dengan kebutuhan mereka.

Di saat yang bersamaan, Indonesia adalah salah satu negara dengan tingkat penggunaan media sosial paling aktif di dunia. Media sosial yang dimaksud adalah Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, maupun instant messenger seperti WhatsApp, Telegram, dan LINE. Mereka sudah memiliki account di media sosial tersebut, dan mereka sudah tinggal selangkah lagi untuk bisa menghubungi Anda.

Pertanyaannya adalah, bagaimana cara supaya bisnis digital Anda dapat dijangkau oleh semua orang yang sudah memiliki media sosial tersebut?

Untuk itulah, layanan seperti OneTalk hadir.

OneTalk hadir untuk memberikan Anda akses ke berbagai media sosial, tanpa Anda perlu memonitor semuanya satu per satu secara manual. Anda tinggal menghubungkan semua media sosial yang Anda miliki ke satu dashboard, lalu dari situ semua tim support Anda akan dapat merespon pertanyaan yang masuk.

Dengan begitu, calon pelanggan Anda dapat memilih platform kesukaan mereka, dan langsung bertanya kepada Anda dari situ. Hal ini akan membuat tidak perlu men-download aplikasi tambahan untuk menghubungi Anda. Dengan begitu, mereka akan merasa lebih nyaman karena mereka akan menggunakan platform yang mereka sudah familiar. Di sisi lain, Anda pun tidak perlu repot memonitor semua media sosial Anda dan mengatur berapa banyak Admin yang Anda perlukan untuk setiap media sosial.

OneTalk memungkinkan Anda untuk terhubung dengan WhatsApp, Telegram, LINE, Facebook Messenger, dan Twitter. Dengan menggunakan satu dashboard saja, semua admin Anda dapat bekerja berdasarkan channel mana yang sedang ramai, sehingga pekerjaan mereka pun akan lebih efisien.

Hubungi kami untuk mempelajari OneTalk lebih lanjut!

Your social media is one platform that could (hypothetically) help your customers in finding the solutions they needed. Simply by using a direct message feature, and voilà, they could reach a customer service line. Problem solved? Think again. Imagine having all your customer service management, routed through social media. What if we could tell you there’s a better way?

What if, they could reach out to you via your website instead?

A chat launcher can support your engagement with website visitors directly and in real-time! Which in turn, will increase the rate of sales, a conversion rate of visitors to customers, and many more! You might be surprised how a simple live chat can hugely impact both your customer service experience and the sales performance of your business.

1. Efficiently Solves Pain Points

How long do you think, will a customer wait within a queue? A survey conducted by great clips shows that 94% of customers would only accept 5 - 10 minutes of waiting time; and out of 48% of those customers would assume that your business is poorly run. Simply because of waiting time. Remember, happy customers, run businesses.

2. Economical

The cost per interaction of a live chat is significantly lower compared to any other communication gateways, i.e. phones, email assistant, etc. With a live chat feature, a single agent is able to delegate multiple customers at a time. This will increase your business productivity and maintain great customer satisfaction at the same time.

3. Happy Customers

Faster response time brings more customers to your business. Not only will it make them happy, but a lasting good impression can also be a huge impact on a customers’ conversion rate.

4. Keep Tabs on Your Customer Service Team

How do you judge the success of a business? One sure way is by measuring its customer service experience. Ring your customers of their opinions, and ask about their satisfaction with your customer service team.

Selain implikasi serius bagi kesehatan masyarakat dan layanan kesehatan, coronavirus (COVID-19) memiliki dampak yang cukup signifikan kepada semua bisnis, khususnya di Indonesia.

Kita sudah memasuki bulan ke 5 di tahun 2020, tetapi bisnis di berbagai sektor di Indonesia dan negara-negara lainnya terkena dampak buruk sebagai pandemi COVID-19 menghambat dan mempersulit kegiatan ekonomi nasional.

Bisa dibilang, hanya ada beberapa bisnis yang maju karena COVID-19 yaitu; bisnis yang menawarkan produk dan layanan kesehatan. Lalu, bagaimana untuk bisnis-bisnis lainnya? Hotel, travel agency, ritel dan restoran yang harus tutup offline store?

Apa yang dapat Anda lakukan sekarang untuk membantu menyelamatkan bisnis Anda? Salah satu solusinya adalah untuk merubah toko offline Anda, menjadi online. Sedang dikarantina, bukan berarti bisnis juga harus di karantina. Dengan mengubah toko offline Anda menjadi online, Anda tetap bisa menjalankan bisnis Anda dan melakukan transaksi online dengan customer.

Untuk bisnis online, pastikan bisnis Anda masih bisa dijangkau di saat customer Work From Home. Dengan OneTalk by, Anda dapat menjangkau customer yang sedang Work From Home dari berbagai aplikasi messenger dan juga sebaliknya. Customers dan konsumen Anda-pun dapat belanja dan tanya jawab bebas repot via online dengan omnichannel OneTalk by

Bisnis lancar dan berikan layanan kelas dunia dengan produk kami. OneTalk siap bantu Anda, hanya dengan satu dashboard untuk semua akun messenger Anda. Pantau pesan dari WhatsApp, Telegram, LINE, dan masih banyak lagi, di satu dashboard.

Yuk mulai bisnis online Anda dengan OneTalk by! provides a complete SDK (Software Development Kit) chat platform solution for mobile apps and websites. Team

Jakarta, 1 September 2019 - introduces their chat software development kit (SDK) and chat engine service that makes it easy for developers to add chat features to mobile apps and websites. became the first Indonesian company to provide a white-label chat SDK, complete with an interface (PowerTalk).

“The most fundamental aspect of human life is the ability to communicate, and the presence of communication is very important for every aspect of it, even in the digital world. We are sure that PowerTalk has greatly helped developers develop communication systems in their mobile or web applications." explained Ritchie Nathaniel, CEO of

Mobile apps and websites have been developed with chat features. It is not easy to integrate chat into an application or website. This takes time and costs for developers. comes with full service. Their chat engine provided helps companies not have to set up and maintain their own servers, while the chat SDK helps developers integrate it into the mobile app.

"There is no company in Indonesia that offers a complete SDK and engine with an interface. The interface can be customized according to the user's wishes. "

The team confirms that their chat SDK can be easily integrated. Solutions for communication protocols at the front end, local cache management, and also integration between the framework and the user interface have been prepared. If the developer already has its own user interface, PowerTalk provides a core library to be integrated.

At present, the white-label chat SDK that is generally used by technology companies in Indonesia does not provide an interface. Proudly the first chat SDK made in Indonesia, PowerTalk believes it can help develop the technology industry more rapidly by offering services that are more affordable and customizable.

About is a startup company founded by young entrepreneurs, Ritchie Nathaniel and the team. We understand that communication is very important because human culture can never be separated from communication, as technology and the digital world develops, new media for communication are born, to accommodate these developments, we created

Get more information on Instagram and website

Before I start my story about why we build PowerTalk, let me first introduce myself. I started my career as an iOS developer, and first building Scoop apps (now acquired by Kompas Gramedia), and continue working on several different startups, including Traveloka. In Traveloka, I started when they have around 12 people technical team, and left when they have more than 100. Gaining so many experiences and learn how to grow and build a startup from a small team to become a successful one. The challenge and agility makes me love to work at a startup. This passion and love guide me and lead me to co-found "Moselo - A place to find unique product, service, and experiences" as CTO, together with Richard Fang and Erwin Andreas. I meet great people when building Moselo, and together we create a very good and strong team.

We build Moselo with chat commerce in mind, and the core and most important thing for chat commerce is of course the chat platform. We start researching about chat framework, and looking for an option to go with our customization, but we couldn't find a perfect match. So with our ego as a developer, we choose to build our own, we pick an open-source engine, customize it, build the mobile apps, and proudly launched Moselo. At first, the chat seems to work well, but along with the growth of the user, it became unusable. The room list start to lag, and some of the messages in the chat room became buggy. From this experience, we analyze our current engine, find the flaw, learning our mistakes, and redesign everything from scratch. We think everything carefully, like how to handle message history, how we make the room list seamless, how to handle the data in the frontend, and how to make the frontend and backend work seamlessly, and we design the user interface and experience as good as possible. All of this process took us almost a year to build and perfect the chat engine.

On our journey to build a chat platform for Moselo, then we think, there must be another startup have the same problem with us, feel the burden of finding, and building a robust chat platform. So with this, we think, it would be a great solution for so many developers out there if we can offer this chat platform as a service, therefore, is born. Building a chat platform might seem easy, but there are so many things to taken care of. Our vision and encouragement is to help another developer to implement in-app chat easily, and bring the best chat interaction and experience for all of their users.

With that goal, we prepared our library to bring the best UI/UX possible, we learn from big consumer chat apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and many others. We research and learn how their user feel about their favorite messaging apps, and we took the goodness to Not only the UI/UX, but we also think and designing how the data is managed and stored in local device, and what is the most efficient way for the device to communicate with our server. And also, we know that branding really matters, we make our library to easily customizable, with many flexibility. All font, icon, color, and many other things can be customized. And PowerTalk also support custom chat bubble, developers can explore and create their own chat bubble with their own logic, and put it in PowerTalk UI. With this approach, we hope we can be a solution for many developers problem out there. If you need more information or have some suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Along with the growth of in-app chat and messaging usage, and the demand for in-app chat implementation, there are some SaaS emerged to provide in-app chat solution. Before PowerTalk and other chat solutions emerged, some companies might consider building their own chat engine, they need to allocate some resources to analyze, plan, design, and develop their own chat infrastructure, and integrate it into their apps. If you haven't read the comparison about build your own chat solution or use SaaS, please read our article about "Mobile In-app Chat Libary – Build or Buy?".

And next comes the big question, with some of the solution is ready on the market, which one that really suits you? And how would you consider to choose between the available choice? Let us help you get through what element you should see before making your decision.

1. What platform you need to support?

Some vendor provides a broad selection of platform and some of them provide a focused and targeted platform. See and plan what platform you want your product to support now and in the future, and choose a vendor that supports your chosen platform.

2. Is the library easy to implement?

SaaS chat solution vendor is providing not only a server-side solution but also the frontend. And how you can implement the frontend side is really matters, some of the vendors provide only the logic side of the frontend, but some of them also provide UI based implementation, depends on what you need, if you need more flexibility, go with the logic implementation, and if you want the experience build like a real messenger apps in a short amount of time, go with the UI implementation. Putting in the chat logic to UI in the frontend is sometimes understated, but it also time-consuming and has a lot of details to handle.

3. What customization do you need?

Some chat vendors are specialized in their product for some case driven purposes like customer services or live chat. Some made it for you to freely integrate it to your apps. The customization also goes beyond to customizing their UI library color, creating your own UI or interaction, until creating your own chat bubble for custom cases.

4. Did the library handle frontend logic and data optimization?

Frontend is the last layer that will interact with your user, and you need to keep it at its best performance and let the user have the best experience. Big mobile messaging app out there like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Telegram is already setting up the bar, and in-app messenger with less feature or interaction below the bar will be taken as no good. In the chat framework, the hard work is not only handled by the server-side or backend, but so many heavy lifting and optimization are handled by the frontend side. Some of them like how data is saved, when we should flush the history so it doesn't make the app size bloated, how to load the room list or chat history in the best performance, how to give the interaction as best as big messenger apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Telegram.

5. Did the library support the background process?

Mobile messaging needs to be very seamless, so many people use the messaging apps on the go - while they commute or driving, and sometimes they close the apps when they uploading an image, video, or files, or maybe when they have a bad connection when they send a message. Without the background process, this message will not be sent properly, and it will be frustrating for users because they need to re-check what message is sent and not and resend it, and also they need to wait for it to send before they can close the apps.

6. Are you need to send a transactional message to your user?

Sometimes when you integrate chat to your apps, you might need to send messages to users via your own backend-server, whether it is a transactional message like order status, or a message blast and announcement to your user.

7. Do they have any other additional features to offer?

Don't forget to see what other features outside chat main scope that offered, some features like profanity filter, chat throttle, dashboard analytics, and many other features.

8. The vendor itself might be the biggest things to consider

When you choose a SaaS vendor, the vendor itself is the biggest things for you to consider, most of all is how is their support, but there are some other things you need to see from the vendor such as:

We planned, designed, and developed all above feature you need in PowerTalk to give you and your user the best in-app chat experience, we provide you UI Based (TapUI) implementation so you can easily integrate a very good chat experience to your apps, or if you need more customization, you can use our logic-based implementation (TapCore), so you can develop your own custom UI and integrate our library to be work with it. But with our TapUI, you can do a lot of customization, from color, font, button function, and the best you can use your own custom bubble and make the interaction yourself.

The number of people using mobile messenger is growing really fast, with annual growth exceeding 15% and monthly active users more than 5.800 million users in April 2019. With this potential, so many startups initiate to put in-app chat to their own apps and delivering their user a new and better way to interact. Then the big question appears, should startup build their own in-app chat framework, or use ready solution for their apps?

So for this, let's take a look at some point, and so we can have a better understanding of what it takes to build in-app chat library, and or should we take a ready-to-use solution


So the first and most crucial thing to consider is time. Most startups need to innovate quickly and be agile to condition changes so the can stay afloat and rise against the competition. To build an in-app chat framework, there are a lot of things to do and so many crucial details to handle, and this means, building a chat framework will take a lot of time. Meanwhile having in-app chat ready in a few days will save startup a huge amount of time, and the faster you can deliver it to your user, the faster you can validate and test your minimum viable product.


The next thing to consider is budget while building a chat framework needs a lot of times, it means you need to maintain your resource for that amount of time, and having the operational cost to run for that length of time is obviously expensive. Besides the operational cost that you need to build the chat framework, you also need the cost for server hosting and maintenance after you deploy your chat framework.


When your in-app chat ready, of course, you still need to test and assure the quality, there are so many aspects to test in in-app chat framework, and to provide the best quality, you need to fix and improve the performance for your in-app chat framework, and continue the iteration. While when you use a ready-to-use framework, they might have tested and improved their solutions for years, and you just can use the solution at their best performance.


After all the points above, you will reach the time when you need to host and maintain your chat framework. How to keep your chat framework up and running, how to handle unexpected traffic, how to optimize your server, and so many other things. With ready-to-use solution, most come with a support and maintenance, and you can easily ask for help from the support if something happens.


Many ready-to-use solution comes with a library that can easily be tweaked for your needs, some of them provide a customizable user interface, and some offer a full code integration. Despite you need a really custom flow, we think most of the library in the market is offering enough flexibility.


In term of time and cost, building your own chat framework obviously take more time and cost, but if you need to cater a very custom possible case, you might need to build it on your own, but if you want a good, fast, and reliable chat, most of the framework on the market will save you a lot of time and money and help you iterate and validate your business faster to the market.

For PowerTalk, we prepared our library for you to use our complete and ready-to-use user interface, from room list, chat room, contact list, user profile, and many others. We design and maximize the performance of the apps, handle so many complex things - so you don’t have to, crafting that interaction to the micro animation, to bring out the best experience your user will feel. And the best thing of all this, you still can put in your branding inside it, you can custom every color of our component, change the font type and size, and so many other customization. Or, if you want more flexibility, you can create your own user interface, and use our library to handle chat and messaging purposes.


Reach us by phone at (021) 27939266

Business Park Kebon Jeruk blok C2-3, Jl. Meruya Ilir Raya no.88, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, 11620

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