pt tap talk teknologi blog's Ways to Boost Your Business’ Productivity While Working From Home!

By Ardian
28 / 04 / 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic may fundamentally reshape some areas of how we live our lives, especially for companies. Many companies are implementing mandatory work-from-home policies to help to slow the spread of the virus. This means that all of us are up to face an extraordinary challenge: working from home.

According to the studies, employees who have the opportunity to work from home or have the opportunity to work from another remote location are said to be more cheerful, more productive, and more loyal to their company. In a simple word, a change of working environment may lead to increased productivity for some, but on the other hand, it can lead to a dip in productivity for others. As follows, how do you ensure that your team is staying productive when working from home or working on various remote environments?

If you are one of the few lucky businesses that could have the option to allow your employees to work from home during this period, you should make sure that your team is set up for success. Here are some of the actions that you can take at this moment:

1. Set the Expectations

Setting expectations around working hours and productivity levels are very crucial for employees. For instance, establishing that employees should plan to be working on normal business hours when working from home is a solid starting point.

2. Embrace Digital Working Space

Leverage productivity tools and app to help you interact in a better way and build a much stronger communication with your employees.
You can use platforms for video and audio like Zoom, GoogleMeets and many others to schedule quick every day meetings, and also giving the employees a place to express their aspirations and discussions about the problems they face.

In like manner, for day-to-day communication within the organization we recommend using Microsoft Teams to communicate with all employees.

3. Provide Guidance on Timekeeping.

Employees will still need to accurately record all hours worked. Make sure you provide an accurate and helpful tools for your employees, with the purpose that they can track and record their time while doing the remote working. Real-Time Activity Tracker feature on Omnichannel Customer Support to monitor your employee’s performance and keep them on track.

For more information, visit our website or contact us through email

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