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Design is not easy to expand. Design is a system that requires driving elements. It will be just an “empty entity” that must be filled by “something” so its existence is recognized. It has become a huge part of companies to make them stronger and successful in this competitive digital market.

Improving design through work, without setting standards, is a myth. With each new promise, new ideas for color palettes, typography, and patterns emerge in the product, increasing diversity and increasing maintenance costs. Each new employee increases design entropy. There is only one way to stop the growth of this chaos. A commitment to run a design system

A design system can help by scaling. Design can scale, but it can only scale with design system.

The design system is now very popular. Why? Because it is effective like everyone says it will be. Applying a design system to your business will bring a lot of benefits:

10 Steps to build design system

1. Evaluates current UI inventory and note differences

To start a good design system, it is best if you evaluate what you already have. In this aspect, consider which element will be the best, and which part do you want to replace? Try to find differences and inconsistencies between your products or pages.

A few elements that you need to pay attention are color schemes, how every color is used, Stylistic text choices, photo libraries, icon libraries, UI patterns, page templates, and other graphics.

2. Prepare your team to be onboard

You need a team to implement and manage a design system throughout the product design cycle. For most design systems, teams need front-end designers and developers. Start by identifying the skills you need and then identifying the people who have them.

3. Establish principles and rules for the design system

The design system is a system of values shared throughout the design system. This includes the techniques - CSS in Javascript or something else - that you will use to write your design scheme; How will you distribute the design system; And if you're going to use one of your digital products as a starting point for the system.

4. Color palletes

Color is an important aspect because it can impact all of your work. Decide on the hue and color for each of the colors you use most often, and write down final instructions on how to use them. Of course, this includes your primary brand colors, but also pay attention to your secondary colors. For example, what color is your text? Your link? Special keys? Background?

Be as detailed as possible when writing your code. Check out your own design style to fix any problems you might encounter while testing the color palette in the product UI.

5. Typographic elements

Now, you would want to review and finalize your typographic choices. Design systems can be more technical than static pattern guides, so take advantage of that. Note your preferred text size, spacing, font, etc., as well as any rules about where and when to use it. For example, how big is the section title in your blog post? What fonts do you use for an on-site call-to-action?

Don't ignore subtle details, like line height, font weight, or custom kerning rules.

6. Graphic design assets

The well-designed design system allows you to directly drag and drop visual components into your new prototype. The more graphic design assets you collect in your design system, the faster you can progress your work for future projects.

Don't forget to include any appropriate code snippets or documentation that the developer might need. These small aspects will be useful during the development stage.

Within all your graphic design assets, you will need libraries to implement: icons libraries, photography libraries, illustrations, and branding images.

7. Standardize Other Style Properties

Design decisions also include complementing grid patterns and other characteristics not covered in the previous section, such as spacing. As with the other components of your design system, here, standardization also aims to remove inconsistencies.

8. Build the First Design System Pattern

Don’t focus on building all the patterns in one go, because building design system pattern can be an iterative process. Build it one by one by identifying the best architecture for your pattern library.

9. Run a Sprint Retrospective

Sprints can be a great way to ensure fast learning across teams. All product teams should set up regular retrospective sprints to analyze progress and make necessary improvements. 

10. Conclusion

All of the steps mentioned here will provide you with a set of design guidelines that promote a consistent design language. Don't think of a design system as a project. Instead, treat it as an ongoing process that requires rapid iteration.

Pada zaman industri 4.0, banyak tantangan baru yang akan hadir bagi para eksekutif teknologi. Terlebih beradaptasi pada masa pandemi yang tidak pasti. Mulai dari kekurangan keterampilan hingga masalah personal dan data, eksekutif teknologi perlu mengatasi sejumlah tantangan di sepanjang perjalanan digital mereka tahun ini.

Ada 9 tantangan baru yang mungkin akan dialami oleh eksekutif teknologi di tahun 2020.

  1. Kekhawatiran Gig Economy

Gig Economy adalah salah satu hal yang mulai umum terjadi di industri 4.0. Gig economy adalah suatu kondisi pergeseran status pekerja perusahaan dari awalnya pekerja tetap, berubah menjadi pekerja kontrak atau temporer, independent workers, ataupun karyawan tidak tetap.

Gig economy ini merupakan salah satu hal yang dirasa cukup memberikan dampak positif bagi perusahaan. Banyak juga kaum milenial yang mulai menunjukkan ketertarikan kepada gig economy, karena lebih fleksibel.

Namun, tentu Gig economy ini memiliki sisi negatif yang tidak dapat terelakkan. Bagi mereka yang tidak siap untuk bereksplorasi dan berinovasi, hal ini akan mempersulit mereka yang belum tentu memiliki keterampilan yang mumpuni.

Selain dari sisi pekerja, Gig economy ini mengkhawatirkan bagi para eksekutif teknologi karena bersangkutan dengan penjagaan data pribadi dan perusahaan yang sensitif. Bukan hanya dalam faktor keamanan data pribadi dan perusahaan, gig economy juga membuat pencarian sumber daya menjadi sulit.

  1. Privasi Data

Dengan berjalannya masa pandemi ini, tata kelola data akan terus berkembang dan menjadi kekhawatiran dalam setiap departemen dalam suatu organisasi. Perlu dibuat peraturan untuk melindungi privasi data secara lengkap dan detail, agar di masa yang serba mobile dan remote ini, privasi data masih dapat terjaga dan dipelihara.

  1. Mengukur Teknologi Baru dengan ROI(Return of Investment)

Perusahaan yang mempertimbangkan teknologi canggih seperti AI dan otomatisasi proses robotik (RPA) perlu mempertimbangkan manfaat inovasi dengan manfaat yang dapat dibuktikan untuk bisnis daripada hanya mengadopsi teknologi yang sedang tren. Tidak pernah ada cukup sumber daya untuk melaksanakan setiap ide bagus yang dapat dilakukan oleh bisnis, jadi peta jalan selalu perlu memprioritaskan nilai tambah tertinggi dan ide tingkat upaya terendah, terlepas dari apakah nilai tersebut berasal dari teknologi baru yang canggih atau pemanfaatan kemampuan yang ada. 

  1. Ancaman Keamanan

Dengan ancaman yang semakin banyak dan semakin rumit, ada baiknya meningkatkan sistem keamanan kepada ancaman yang sudah ada, dibanding dengan ancaman baru. Tingkatkan sistem pada ancaman yang memang belum diatasi, baru beranjak untuk menghadapi ancaman-ancaman keamanan yang baru.

Ancaman-ancaman baru di tahun 2020 adalah, para hackers yang akan memulai serangan keamanan dengan strategi baru. Pemanfaatan pihak ketiga akan mungkin menjadi celah ancaman keamanan. Sebuah perusahaan harus terus menerus fokus memantau ancaman keamanan.

Tantangan lainnya yang mungkin muncul adalah ransomware. Ransomware adalah jenis malware yang menuntut tebusan finansial atas ancaman publikasi, penghapusan, atau penanganan data pribadi korban.

  1. Mengelola risiko dan ekspektasi

Teknologi dan informasi yang dikelola di masa ini harus mengadopsi teknologi, tren, dan pendekatan baru untuk bergerak sesuai kecepatan yang diharapkan. Sulit untuk tetap tepat waktu dan sesuai anggaran. Eksekutif perlu mengelola semua proyek dengan cara yang dapat mengurangi risiko. Mulailah dengan memastikan proyek menggunakan pendekatan modern dan tempatkan semua aktivitas berisiko tinggi di awal siklus proyek. 

Dengan begitu, jika sebuah proyek tidak akan berhasil, itu bisa gagal di masa awal dibanding di tahap selanjutnya. Distribusikan inisiatif menjadi proyek-proyek berbeda untuk mengurangi risiko di seluruh organisasi.

  1. Menghadapi kesenjangan keterampilan

Kesenjangan keterampilan yang dimiliki orang-orang di bidang teknologi dan informasi membuat banyak perusahaan mulai beralih ke otomatisasi. Tim IT harus mulai meningkatkan fokus pada otomatisasi untuk membantu mereka benar-benar melakukan lebih banyak hal dengan lebih sedikit dengan mengotomatiskan tugas dan proses yang berulang dan memungkinkan setiap profesional IT untuk mengelola lebih banyak infrastruktur per orang.

  1. Meningkatkan keterampilan dengan cepat

Mengembangkan keterampilan baru, menciptakan budaya pembelajaran, dan pengembangan harus dilakukan di masa kini untuk mengatasi tantangan otomatisasi. Merealisasikan ekspektasi tinggi dari pelanggan harus menjadi prioritas eksekutif teknologi.

  1. Cloud whiplash

Strategi cloud-first yang tidak memiliki visi dapat menyebabkan masalah yang menyebabkan organisasi mundur. Hal terbaik yang harus dilakukan perusahaan adalah menganalisis data dan beban kerja yang mereka miliki sebelum mempertimbangkan untuk pindah ke cloud untuk mengetahui biaya dan potensi dampak layanan yang terlibat. Memiliki strategi yang mengutamakan cloud perlu diperiksa untuk memastikan bahwa itu adalah hal yang benar untuk bisnis.

  1. Perubahan kultur/budaya di dunia digital

Transformasi digital yang sekarang terus menerus berkembang membutuhkan komitmen berkelanjutan dan perubahan dalam pola pikir dibanding mengandalkan teknologi saja. Kita perlu memahami bagaimana bisnis dapat mendorong tingkat penyesuaian organisasi yang diperlukan untuk memberikan hasil yang berarti dengan cukup cepat untuk mempengaruhi bisnis. 

Akan menjadi mudah untuk menggunakan teknologi baru pada suatu masalah, tetapi perubahan yang harus terjadi membutuhkan tingkat dukungan budaya dan organisasi yang dapat menjadi tantangan untuk didorong dan dipertahankan dalam jangka panjang.

Jika ada pertanyaan, hubungi kami di Semoga membantu!

Why is Customer Satisfaction Important?

Customers are a basic element of every business. The customer is the determining factor for the existence of a company. It is from customers that the source of the company's revenue comes from. The more customers the more income opportunities are obtained. The more the frequency of purchases, the more opportunities for increased income.

Customer satisfaction is one important factor that must be considered by the company because the customer is the reason why a company exists. And without customers, the company cannot maintain its survival. It is to measure how products or services provided by a company meet customer expectations. The importance of satisfying your customers can't be underestimated, and consistent efforts must be made to achieve. It plays an important role in creating long-term relationships with people and having them come back to your business.

Increase customer loyalty

In a business, increasing consumer loyalty is an important aspect that must be considered. Why? Loyal customers have a big influence on business progress, they can make sales stable and continue to grow. Moreover, if you invite other parties to visit. For example, a culinary business, even though many competitors also have a good sales strategy, both from a cheaper price, purchases can be delivered directly, or a place that is closer but not infrequently customers choose a place to eat that has been trusted with delicacy and friendly service. Therefore, customer satisfaction and comfort need to be maximized in order to maintain and increase their loyalty.

Maintaining long-term business

Not a few businesses that can not survive in a long time, over time it must close because of the lack of buyers. This can be caused by several things, including low target markets, difficult to reach locations, or also from unpleasant services. So that businesses can last a long time, of course, they must choose the right type of business, crowded and interested in consumers' abilities (purchasing power). Meanwhile, if the location of the business is a constraint or is relatively difficult to reach by visitors, delivery services can be utilized to facilitate the buyers to obtain the desired goods. Services are generally also known in the form of communication, for example, having a friendly attitude and giving a quick response. All in the form of good service makes it possible for the business to run in the long run. Imagine if buyers continue to grow and the reputation of the business is well known, of course, there is no reason to close a managed business.

Then, how to do it. Can you provide good customer service? You can use customer service monitoring tools like OneTalk. OneTalk is an omnichannel messaging platform for Sales, Marketing, and Support which can be used for customer service monitoring tools. You can improve the experience of talking to your customers through several channels that can be monitored through one dashboard!

For more information, please contact us at or visit our website!

There are many companies that can provide chat services if you are thinking of integrating chat features to your websites and applications. It is known that companies like Sendbird, Qiscus, Zendesk, and etcetera could be a solution to that. However, there is a new alternative chat SDK in town and that is In this article, we will tell you many reasons why you should consider as a solution and provide the service for your business.

UI Integration Feature

One of our advantages is being able to integrate a ready UI to your business websites and applications. sees countless and innumerable problems that can arise. For instance, small-medium businesses around us that may not have sufficient spending power to develop chat features starting from UI. Another example is those who want to implement UI with little time. This feature enables companies to implement a chat feature along with the User Interface (UI). In, the UI is built and designed with User Experience as its core by the companies UI/UX team.

With seamless UI integration in, companies will be able to implement chat features with ready-to-use UI in a short time and simple integration process.

Smart Local Cache

The smart local cache is another special feature of The smart local cache allows you to optimize storage usage and enhance chat performances. This feature will also cut down the size of your applications. This is made possible by cleaning all local data and cache of messages that are older than one month. But no need to worry, all messages can be accessed again when you need it because they are stored in’s server.

You don’t need to go through and think about all the painful processes to solve any problems because with, all of these features are built-in.

UI Customization — Including Chat Bubble

When companies want to chat services for their business, there are a lot of things to consider. Things like “Will your chat company’s UI be able to match my business’ personality?” or “Can your company provide the kind of chat bubble that goes along with our needs?”. With, the answer is YES. has UI customization which can be custom-tailored to your company’s brand and personality. knows that each and every businesses and organization have different personalities and uniqueness, not to mention the needs when it comes to chat bubbles. In, you can customize the color in our standard UI and insert your own custom bubble that your businesses need and correspond with your business’ flow and personalities.

These three features are why you should consider is a suitable solution for your business. Aside from these three, there are other benefits that your business can get if you use Features

For more information, visit our website or contact us through email


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