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The Importance of Communication in E-Commerce

By Dominic Vedericho
30 / 09 / 2019

The process of buying and selling in e-commerce certainly cannot be separated from communication that occurs between the seller, customer, and platform/e-commerce itself. According to Unlock Customer Obsession by Tying Business Features to Outcomes, 72% from 502 online shoppers that they surveyed are more likely to shop frequently with retailers or sellers who they can communicate with. One particular aspect of online customer communication leads to loyalty and this is one way to retain your customers. This data is also backed by a study from Forrester and Listrak.

In the business world, good communication is important for the daily operation of the company, but can also affect sales and profitability. Without good business communication, the internal and external structure of a business can face numerous challenges that can ultimately lead to its demise. — Kristie Lorette

If we refer to a research paper by Joel Mero, two-way communication will have a significant effect on customers’ intention to buy, satisfaction level. It will also have an impact on customer intention for example; word of mouth. This is very important especially if you want to create and run your flywheel. Flywheel:

From the amazon flywheel above, we can see that customer experience is one of the major factors and all the benefits that we cover in the last paragraph will help elevate the experience.

There are ways to improve an effective communication. One option is through live chat. It is where sellers and customers can communicate without using third-party applications like WhatsApp, Telegram, Line, KakaoTalks, and many more. Live chat enables the problem to be solved in less time. For instance, when the user faces problems regarding anything. They can approach the platform or directly to the seller in a simple way. Live chat also enables customers and sellers to communicate in real-time without having to be in the same place at the same time.

For more information, visit our website or contact us through email

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