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Expert Tips on How to Lead Customer Service Team During Crisis

By Ardian
24 / 07 / 2020

As Covid-19 shows its big hit to the business world, it has proven that the effect it causes to the business needs to be taken seriously. As world cases exceeded 11 million cases—with the number going every minute, the executives have to prepare the workforce to survive. Recent surveys from McKinsey said that according to June’s survey, global executives believe that the recovery of business coming back into shape from this pandemic will be bumpy and slow (33%).

With people grow more and more wary to go out from the safety of their home, global businesses have learned that potential crises—that we definitely learn from this pandemic—always have the possibility to be exposed to all aspects of the business.  The management team has to work through all the uncertainties of their business, to appease their customer-based work so the company could still thrive with business and crisis management plan. Not only it could result in successful business management through crises, but it could also result in a good customer service team.


So how should you manage your business to stay above water during the crisis? As communication becomes important in the time of the pandemic, businesses should develop a great crisis and customer service. Customer service has been the team that ensures the relationship between the business and the market runs very well and profitable for the business. Listed below are some of the things recommended by Co-Founder Scorebuddy Dublin, Dick Bourke, in customerthink as a crisis communication tips.

Support your team

While facing an unprecedented crisis this pandemic has caused, you have to constantly be there for your team. It is important to provide your team with emotional support so your compassion for handling the crisis will show through to your customers. This will be one of the key points that differentiate you from your competitors. 

Data and Information Gathering

While communicating with customers, your team will have time to determine the solutions to the impact of the crisis on your customers by reviewing customer service and communication policies and the change they brought during the crisis. With these insights, you will have to prepare the crisis management plan to handle the impacts that you have concluded.

Developing a Crisis Management Team

Just because your team faces a crisis does not mean that your business should go down the drain with the pandemic. Be prepared to develop the crisis management team. According to customerthink, in general, your crisis management team should consist of Crisis Manager: This person is an expansion of you to communicate and integrate your crisis communication plan; Crisis Management Advisor; directly report to Crisis Manager and providing needed resources; Emergency Director; work with emergency officials to support and assist report; Public Relations Specialist; Legal Advisor; and Medical/Security/Safety Advisor. This team will help you implement your plan of crisis management and prepared in case of future threats.

Provide an omnichannel support

To answer customer’s demands in this crisis, messaging platforms become scarce to provide customers with their communication of choice. Assuring your customers that you are always available to respond to all their demands is important, moreover in times of crisis. Using an omnichannel messaging platform might be the answer to what your customer needed.

According to qnomy, Omnichannel is an integrated approach to customer-centered processes in which multiple channel interactions are combined into a single management system to improve customer satisfaction and user experience. The advantages of omnichannel customer service are that it integrated multiple messaging platforms as a way of communicating with users and giving customers shopping convenience.

A branded omnichannel messaging platform for sales, marketing, and support can offer an entirely different experience for customers. One of the omnichannel messaging platforms is OneTalk. OneTalk is an Omnichannel Customer Engagement product from that could integrate multiple messaging platforms. This will allow you to have an all-in-one inbox to communicate with your customers. You could assure that whichever the customers’ platform of choice you could provide. Because this product eases your customer to reach you with various messaging platforms such as Whatsapp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Twitter DM, Line, email, etc.

Omnichannel might be a way to maintain a positive and professional reaction to this pandemic. With omnichannel such as OneTalk, you can learn their history, how long have they been waiting, and what channel did they use. Learning your customers’ needs abled you to offer the thing they needed the most—even more so in this time of crisis. 

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