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Is This The Best All in One Chat Solution Ever?

Is This The Best All in One Chat Solution Ever?

By Jessica Jacob
08 / 03 / 2022

Nowadays, customers don’t answer phone calls as much as they do. And, the time it waits for an email response is excessive. Self-service alternatives are impersonal and insufficient to address all potential circumstances.

So, how does your business solve it all? Well, the answer is an all-in-one chat solution app.

They help to address all customers’ needs. First, they are convenient and easy to use. Second, online communication happens in real-time. And lastly, it can solve problems quickly and personally.

Is This The Best All in One Chat Solution Ever?

Don’t look too far, cause is the perfect all-in-one chat. provides solutions that will support the customer's business and prioritize solving the problems that customers face to the end.

Not only offers a solution for Business users, also delivers a better solution for Users/Customers in communication. is definitely an expert in its products.

The Most Valuable Chat Solutions for Your Company

The Most Valuable Chat Solutions for Your Company

1. PowerTalk

PowerTalk is Indonesia's most excellent chat SDK and white-label. Despite the fact that the chat platform was designed by us, you may customize it as if it were your own.

The PowerTalk framework is different from other messaging APIs. We are dedicated to giving all of our users the greatest possible engagement and experience.

It's a safe and secure chat solution for businesses of all sizes. Its entire material is likewise constantly encrypted. You may use PowerTalk on the web, on a tablet, or on your phone.

2. SendTalk

Have you ever received an OTP message? One of’s products does that. 

SendTalk was developed as a WhatsApp-based one-time password (OTP) code service provider for websites and business applications. By using WhatsApp to send OTP codes, customer account security will be more protected.

The advantages of SendTalk OTP are more consistent WhatsApp-based OTP delivery, verification, real-time verification, and account activity notifications.

With this product, we can help you to save costs. Because sending OTP with WhatsApp is cheaper than SMS.

3. OneTalk

Lastly, one of best products is OneTalk.

OneTalk is an omnichannel communication solution for your company. You may respond to consumers using the messenger that they choose.

To improve your sales, marketing, and support experience, use a single dashboard to handle WhatsApp, Instagram DM, Twitter DM, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, LINE, and email.

What other features does OneTalk have?

1. One management dashboard and inbox

OneTalk brings all of your channels together in a single mailbox. You can meet your clients' demands and communicate with them through numerous methods.

This omnichannel can handle online orders with a quick response chat from anywhere at any time. It will completely satisfy your customer.

You can also manage your WhatsApp account from a single dashboard, making it easier to manage chats and keep track of your team members.

2. FAQ Chatbot for Bot 

Workflows and chatbots that are simple to set up reduce duplicate messages. You can compile what is the most frequent query asked by your customers and create an automatic answer for all those questions.

You're also able to send out greetings and away messages to let your customer know how you appreciate their presence.

3. Agent Allocation

Agents can focus on high-value inquiries if work is offloaded. You may establish assignment rules in OneTalk, such as unassigned, round-robin, and balanced. Set up case assignments in three different methods and choose the one that best suits your organization and process.

Aside from that, you may allocate agents to cases based on their expertise. As a result, they will be able to resolve client issues more quickly.

4. Broadcasting is more advanced and personalized

With our broadcast feature, you can send information automatically. You may send your customers alerts on a regular basis to keep them informed about the information, promos, and others.

You are also allowed to create a specific segment of your database, personalized, and send multiple broadcast messages.

5. Personalized Proactive Notifications and Send Message API

Keep consumers updated throughout their journey by sending timely notifications, reminders, incentives, and alerts.

If you use OneTalk for the health business, for example, you may send a message to your patient if there is a schedule change or a reminder. As a result, your patient hasn't missed a single visit. 

Alternatively, you can send out messages on a regular basis to remind your clients of their forthcoming payment due date.

6. Case Detail and history

Case Details can be used to identify client behavior. You may learn more about your consumers by looking at how long they've waited, their case history, the channels they use, where they're from, and others.

WOW! How amazing is that? With, you can have so many features to connect with your customer.

Well, if you're still not convinced this is the reason why you should choose us.

  • We have no limitation for the number of agents. That means you can add as many as you want!
  • Unlimited feature for any WABA package, corporate package, and latest + upcoming feature

Lastly, our agent is always there and ready to help solve all of your problems and questions. All you need to do is click here.

Also read: Why You Should Invest On Communication Platform

Trial Akun Demo TapTalk
Jessica Jacob
Jessica Jacob memiliki lebih dari empat tahun pengalaman dalam pengembangan strategis di sektor teknologi, dengan latar belakang kuat dalam penjualan korporat dan manajemen proyek. Di, dia berfokus pada inovasi dan pertumbuhan bisnis, membangun kemitraan strategis lintas industri. Sebelumnya, Jessica berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan kemitraan kanal baru dan memimpin tim lintas fungsi yang berhasil meningkatkan penjualan tahunan sebesar 45%.
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