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Chatbot: The Secret Key To Increase Sales in Holiday Season

Chatbot: The Secret Key To Increase Sales in Holiday Season

By Jessica Jacob
23 / 12 / 2021

This year's holiday season will feel different than any other we’ve ever experienced. There will be fewer consumers looking for products in physical stores to escape the crowd. But that doesn't mean they're buying less. 

Globally, Gen X’s and Boomers’ mobile purchases increased by more than 50% year on year during the Christmas season, with more than 30% messaging businesses. Covid-19 also drives more than 80% of Boomers and Gen X shopping online at this time.

These data tell two things to you. First, there is a golden opportunity to increase sales this holiday season. Second, you need to be prepared. OneTalk by offer chatbot experience in their omnichannel messaging platform. 

WhatsApp chatbot by OneTalk can help e-commerce gain better customer experience, engagement, and higher conversion rates. 

Chatbot: The Secret Key To Increase Sales in Holiday Season

Here are the secret key to increase sales in holiday season with chatbot.

How To Use Chatbot To Increase Sales

1. Use catchy and personal greetings

A persuasive greeting is an unobtrusive way to greet a visitor, but it can also do much more than that. It is also a way to increase website engagement. When your agent send proactive messages to your customer, they have the opportunity to join the chat and educate them about the offer.

Create a customized welcome message that stands out. Customers don't like reading scripts, so the shorter and creative the better. Data proves that 52% of customers expect offers to always be personalized When messaging through WhatsApp chatbot, you also need to pay attention to the Broadcast Messages Limit.


“Hi, beauties! I see your beauty shines through the screen. What can we help you?”

2. Give product recommendation

E-commerce sites can offer their customers a variety of choices that physical stores often cannot offer. Indecisive shoppers, on the other hand, often leave online stores, overwhelmed by the myriad of options displayed on their screens. Customized product recommendations sent by the chatbot can save customers time and nerves. They outperform mainstream marketing messages and help close the personalization gap that impacts e-commerce businesses. Research also shows that over 70% of customers expect brands to understand their needs. Customized product offerings enable businesses to meet these expectations.

If your chatbot succeeds in grabbing a customer's attention, it can ask you a set of clear questions to help you find offers that match their preferences. After finding a match, the e-commerce bot can use colorful product cards or carousels to bring products to customers. This will get your customers interested and help them make a purchase decision.


“Looking for Tweed Blazer? Here are some of our recommendation for you” 

(attached products)

3. Exclusive Product Discount

Discounts are a great way to encourage customers to explore your store and help them convert. 37% of consumers say that the opportunity to buy a product at a lower price makes them more likely to buy more of an item than they had planned. 

You can segment your audience for new users, returning customers, or users who were redirected from certain referral pages and offer coupons only to selected groups. This allows bots to better complete a customer's buying journey.

You can also use the discount as a reward for completing a feedback survey or providing an email address. You can send exclusive product discount to customers through various messaging platform. The sense of personalized message and exclusive discount will increase their buying intent.

4. Customize the look and feel of your business

Matching colors and beautiful graphics help grab your visitors' attention and better convey your message. You can apply your logo, brand colors and images to match your brand style.

You can even go a step further this season and activate a special Holiday theme. You can design a custom avatar and create a friendly Christmas name. Make your business more unique with vivid background images and colors.

Example : Decorate your logo or profile picture with Christmas things, such as Santa hat, Christmas tree, etc.

5. Package tracking ensures a positive shipping experience

Ensuring a positive shipping experience is just as important as the products you ship. 39% of consumers say they will never buy again from a store that provides a disappointing delivery experience. However, when a parcel delivery service is managed by an outside company, speed or quality is not always affected. But what you can do is let customers know when their order will show up at your door.

OneTalk allows customer to track their order. Customers only need to provide their order number so the bot can check the delivery status. Thanks to this, the customer will know when the package will arrive and will be calmer. 

6. Reduce cart abandonment

A study of over 18 million e-commerce sessions found that nearly 74% of U.S. online shopping carts were abandoned over the past holiday season. For example, on frictional pages, such as checkout pages, this can be minimized by proactively triggering targeted messages that offer help (or discounts) to customers. You can even provide a live chat option at this stage so the support team can complete the purchase. They may ask about shipping terms, return policies, and it may be the difference between a sold or abandoned train that gives you the option to get your questions answered.

Advantages of Chatbot

According to Forbes, the chatbot market is estimated to reach $1.25 billion by 2025.

AI-based chatbots increase operational efficiency and save business costs while offering customer convenience. Businesses can automate FAQs and reduce the need for human interaction.

There are several advantages to using a Chatbot for your business, namely:

1. Available for you 24/7

One of the advantages of a chatbot is that it is available 24/7. Even though it's not working hours, chatbots can still serve customers anytime.

2. Increase Customer Satisfaction

With a chatbot, customers who can contact you anywhere and anytime will get an immediate response. This will increase customer satisfaction because they will feel that your company is responsive.

3. Save Time and Cost

With immediate response speed, it will certainly reduce wasted time because the company can respond to customers quickly.

4. Build Customer Trust

Creating an environment of credibility between your business and your potential customers is a fundamental factor, and having a chatbot can help a company make that happen.

5. Increase Sales

Increased customer trust and customer satisfaction means you can increase sales. This automatically happens because customer trust and satisfaction are related to sales within the company.

6. Generate and Qualify Leads

Chatbots can be designed to collect important user information such as email, phone, etc., and then send that information to the sales team so they can follow up on the conversation. Also, chatbots can filter and qualify potential customers by asking questions and evaluating responses. The results of these filters can then be passed on to your sales team.

7. Can Handle Online Purchase and Payment Management

Chatbots help simplify the online shopping and payment process. They provide information and solve problems that users have during the buying decision process.

Chatbots can also perform searches, provide similar products or even allow payments from the chat conversation itself.

Chatbot does not require additional applications that are quite troublesome to install. 

Get the benefits of using a chatbot using OneTalk. Not only chatbots, you can also integrate various messenger apps in a Single Dashboard. What's more, now that the Instagram API is available on OneTalk, you can connect with your customers across multiple channels. Customer Satisfaction of your customers will increase and in turn, your sales will skyrocketed too. It's time to say goodbye to complicated customer service.

OneTalk is always ready to answer your questions, contact our agents here and get various other interesting features.

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Jessica Jacob
Jessica Jacob memiliki lebih dari empat tahun pengalaman dalam pengembangan strategis di sektor teknologi, dengan latar belakang kuat dalam penjualan korporat dan manajemen proyek. Di, dia berfokus pada inovasi dan pertumbuhan bisnis, membangun kemitraan strategis lintas industri. Sebelumnya, Jessica berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan kemitraan kanal baru dan memimpin tim lintas fungsi yang berhasil meningkatkan penjualan tahunan sebesar 45%.
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