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Using a Broadcast List on WhatsApp? Here’s a Good Reason Why

Using a Broadcast List on WhatsApp? Here’s a Good Reason Why

By Jessica Jacob
18 / 05 / 2023

We have established how important communication is while working in the business world. Whether it's sending updates about new products, promotions, or just keeping in touch with customers, businesses need an effective way to communicate with their customers. That's where WhatsApp Business broadcast lists come in. 

Broadcast lists allow businesses to send the same message to multiple customers at once, without the need for creating a group chat. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of WhatsApp Business broadcast lists and provide tips on how to use them effectively.

Using a Broadcast List on WhatsApp? Here’s a Good Reason Why

Key Takeaways:

  • WhatsApp Business broadcast lists are an excellent way for businesses to communicate with their customers.
  • Benefits of WhatsApp Business Broadcast List: reach multiple customers at once, personalized communication, compliance with messaging policies, and easy to use.
  • WhatsApp Business offers a broadcast list feature that allows businesses to send the same message to multiple customers at once without creating a group chat.
  • By using this feature effectively, you can reach multiple customers all at once, saving time but still being able to share a personal experience. Using OneTalk by will help you achieve this goal efficiently.

Benefits of WhatsApp Business Broadcast List

WhatsApp Business broadcast lists are an excellent way for businesses to communicate with their customers. They are easy to use, personalized, and compliant with messaging policies. By using broadcast lists effectively, businesses can reach multiple customers at once, saving time and effort, and improving the overall customer experience. 

Here are some benefits of WhatsApp Business Broadcast List.

1. Reach multiple customers at once

Broadcast lists allow businesses to send the same message to multiple customers at once. This is a great way to communicate important information, promotions, and updates to a large audience quickly and efficiently. It also eliminates the need to send individual messages, saving time and effort.

2. Personalized communication

Broadcast lists allow businesses to personalize their communication with customers. For example, businesses can use merge tags to address customers by name or include order details in the message. This helps to create a more personalized experience for the customer, increasing engagement and improving the overall customer experience.

3. Compliance with messaging policies

WhatsApp Business has strict messaging policies that businesses must adhere to. Broadcast lists allow companies to send messages to customers who have agreed to receive messages from them, ensuring compliance with these policies. This helps to build trust and maintain a positive reputation with customers.

4. Easy to use

Creating and using broadcast lists on WhatsApp Business is easy. Businesses can create a list of recipients in a few simple steps, and send messages directly from the app. This means businesses don't need to invest in expensive marketing automation tools or hire additional staff to manage their messaging.

How to Use Broadcast List on WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business offers a broadcast list feature that allows businesses to send the same message to multiple customers at once without creating a group chat. Here's how to use the broadcast list feature on WhatsApp Business:

  1. Open WhatsApp Business and go to the chats tab.
  2. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner and select "New Broadcast."
  3. Select the customers you want to add to the broadcast list. You can choose customers from your contact list or enter their phone numbers manually.
  4. Once you have added all the recipients, tap on the checkmark icon to create the broadcast list.
  5. Type the message you want to send and tap on the send button.
  6. The message will be sent to all the recipients in the broadcast list individually. This means that each recipient will receive the message as a separate chat with your business.

It's important to note that WhatsApp Business has some rules and restrictions on using the broadcast list feature. For example, you cannot send promotional or marketing messages using broadcast lists, and you can only send messages to customers who have agreed to receive messages from your business. Additionally, you cannot add or remove recipients from a broadcast list after creation. Therefore, it's important to ensure that the list is accurate and up-to-date before sending the message.

Also read: Guide to Send WhatsApp Broadcast Messages for Business

Why You Should Broadcast With OneTalk by

Why You Should Broadcast With OneTalk by

Technically, yes, you can get the features on WhatsApp Business already. But you will be missing out big time if you don’t use OneTalk by broadcast features.

OneTalk is an omnichannel messaging platform that integrates multiple messaging platforms in a single dashboard. 

Not only that, but OneTak also offers a lot more features. With Advanced Broadcast, you can use Contact Segment Broadcast, Scheduled Broadcast, Multiple Message Broadcast, and Personalized Broadcast.

Advanced Broadcast on OneTalk by

Contact Segment Broadcast

With Contact Segment Broadcast, you can send messages to a selected segment of your contacts. This means you can send messages to targeted customers. For example, when you want to send messages to Jakarta customers only, Contact Segment Broadcast can help you achieve that.

Scheduled Broadcast

Say bye, to waiting around! The scheduled Broadcast feature sends your messages at your chosen time. Making it easier for your agent so they don’t have to stick around for a long time.

Multiple Message Broadcast

Not only text, you can send multiple formats of messages, such as images, files, etc.  

Personalized Broadcast

Call them by their name in your messages? Yes, please. This feature is a great way to ensure a personal experience for customers—even if the message comes from a Broadcast Message. With Personalized Broadcast on OneTalk, you can add variables such as Name, Alias, Email, and Phone Number from your customer database.

Also read: Aware About WhatsApp Broadcast Limit to Avoid Getting Banned


WhatsApp Business Broadcast List is a great way for businesses to get up close and personal with customers. By using this feature effectively, you can reach multiple customers all at once, saving time but still being able to share a personal experience.

Using OneTalk by will help you achieve this goal efficiently. Contact our agent to have a better and more personalized customer experience! Click here!

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Jessica Jacob
Jessica Jacob memiliki lebih dari empat tahun pengalaman dalam pengembangan strategis di sektor teknologi, dengan latar belakang kuat dalam penjualan korporat dan manajemen proyek. Di, dia berfokus pada inovasi dan pertumbuhan bisnis, membangun kemitraan strategis lintas industri. Sebelumnya, Jessica berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan kemitraan kanal baru dan memimpin tim lintas fungsi yang berhasil meningkatkan penjualan tahunan sebesar 45%.
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