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How to Drive Company Growth From The Inside

By Ardian
24 / 08 / 2020

These days, companies need to find the best way to grow in every direction. Business development is crucial in every aspect that matters, those who know how to use and invest their resources can grow faster than their competitors. When you take care of your companies growth, you have to realize that building your pillar from inside is important. When you have great resources to support your business, you will develop great customer service and in turn, earn customers’ loyalty. This being said, then you have to create a great establishment for your employee, as one of your most important resources to develop great customer service.

Next, you need a strong team of employees to become successful and thrive in the business. Managers and company leaders should pay close attention and care to pick who they trusted to make their company known to customers. They should pay attention to how could they support those who “support” their business too. 

For this purpose, company leaders should help their employees to find a way to offer better services. But how would they do that? The answer to this question is that you should support and help your employees expand their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Human Resources is one resource that we should treasure the most for our internal growth. You have to ensure first, which of them is fit for developing more skills and abilities to serve your customers and those who seem unable to change for the better. This being said, we should make the decision to retain the “good” employee, and eliminate “bad” employee. Those who are able to obtain new knowledge, skills, and abilities are the ones that we should maintain to become strong resources.

How do we decide which qualifies an employee as “good” or a “bad” employee? Let’s first explore the new “it” solution to customer service with omnichannel messaging platforms. What is the omnichannel messaging platform? Omnichannel is an integrated approach to customer-centered processes in which multiple channel interactions are combined into a single management system to improve customer satisfaction and user experience. The advantages of omnichannel customer service are that it integrated multiple messaging platforms as a way of communicating with users. 

One of the best omnichannel to serve this purpose is OneTalk. OneTalk offers the perfect tools to serve customers. One of the services offered by OneTalk is the All-in-One Inbox. This is the best tool to equip your employee with. As an omnichannel messaging platform, OneTalk offers this feature that will combine all channels into one Inbox with maximum features. You don’t need to make multiple Whatsapp account, or switching one messaging platform to the other, you only need this one platform to see all your customers’ messages. This allows you to combine all their communications from various channels into one, you can also see what customer information and questions they have ever asked you.

But, would you still have the trouble of assigning all these messages to your dedicated agent? Well, that’s why omnichannel also provides a social messaging solution with its messaging platforms with Assignment rules. There are three kinds of assignment rules; Unassigned, Round Robin, and Balanced. Unassigned assignment rules mean that new cases did not automatically be assigned to agents, agents will have to assign their own cases, Round Robin assignment rules means new cases will evenly be distributed and assigned to each available agent in alphabetical order, and Balanced is where new cases will be assigned to agents with fewer cases first. These assignment rules are a big plus because you can always monitor how agents work from the recorded assigning time, and of course, you can satisfy your customer’s demands by answering systematically.

To answer the former question of how do you qualify good and bad employees, the answer is in OneTalk features, Customer Rating, Real-Time Agent Activity Tracker, and Disposition. Customer Rating allows customers to rate your employee’s services. By monitoring the analytics of your employees’ performances, you can then decide whether they are a good asset or not. You can manage and recognize them by seeing the rating by your customers. While Real-Time Agent Activity Tracker monitors how your agent serves your customers.

Meanwhile, the Disposition feature creates and summarizes the dispositions of each incoming case to get business insights from your customers. The recorded data are, knowing how long they have been waiting for, their history, the channels they use, and many other things. This feature also helps you to conclude cases to avoid similar cases in the future and come up with a new business idea.

With all those tools provided by OneTalk as an omnichannel messaging platform, you provide your employee with great customer support. Now you could make sure your company will grow from within, from the people that are supporting the business to thrive.

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