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8 Best Messaging Systems for Business That Worth to Try!

8 Best Messaging Systems for Business That Worth to Try!

By Jessica Jacob
17 / 02 / 2023

Instant messaging has emerged as the preferred method of communicating with businesses. Customers expect brands to be able to communicate with them instantly. As a result, the popularity of using messaging to connect with businesses today is undeniable.

66% of consumers prefer messaging as a method of contacting a company. And, 75% of Millennials and Gen Z prefer to text people rather than talk to them.

The vast majority of customers expect to speak with support representatives immediately. They communicate with businesses via instant messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. 

Companies that have enthusiastically adopted messaging have elevated their customer experience to new heights. Businesses must leverage consumer preferences to provide an omnichannel messaging experience.

8 Best Messaging Systems for Business That Worth to Try!

What is Messaging Systems for Business?

Externally, messaging software enables your company to communicate with customers via desktop or mobile devices. This makes the best instant messaging apps popular among consumers and capable of fully integrating into your internal business systems on the business-to-customer side. 

By doing business messaging, brands can initiate and respond to customer interactions via various messaging channels. 

It enables customers to contact brands and brands to contact customers—the channels enable back-and-forth, two-way conversations rather than messaging blasts like advertisements or bulk email sends.

On the internal side, corporate instant messaging connects executives to predefined teams and individuals via digital means. 

Internal business instant messaging takes place via software installed on desktop computers and instant messaging apps installed on mobile devices by employees. The best options are inexpensive, simple to use, and adaptable.

Benefits of Business Messaging

Business messaging is an essential tool for increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

According to Market Strategies International research, consumers look for a company that meets their needs where they are already (on the website, mobile, and social), that proactively reaches out to them with relevant products and services, and that makes doing business with you simple.

The following are the primary advantages of business messaging software to customers:

1. Gain more customers

Instant messaging allows businesses to connect with customers and interact with them in real time, which meets their expectations, expands your consumer base, and increases revenue growth.

2. Increase your customer engagement

Increase customer engagement by adding new customer communication channels to existing ones. This will increase customer engagement and provide a better experience.

Businesses that provide more channels do not alienate customers who have specific messaging requirements.

3. Allow for real-time conversations.

Customers don't want to wait days for a response; they often require assistance right away. Use instant messaging to communicate with them more quickly and provide a more positive experience. Sometimes they just have a question about sizing or the color of a product—answer quickly to seal the deal before they go to another site.

4. Take on more conversations.

Businesses can only talk on the phone with one person at a time (effectively). You can have multiple conversations at the same time with messaging without affecting customer engagement or experience.

5. Improve customer service.

Customers will be happier if they can use the channels they prefer and get a faster resolution.

6. Reduce the cost per resolution.

Because business messaging software can handle multiple chats at once, it can provide immediate solutions. Because of the high-resolution rates, messaging is more cost-effective than calls or live chats.

7. Higher customer satisfaction.

When customers engage through their preferred messaging platform, they are extremely satisfied with the service and frequently rate messaging higher than live chat or phone.

Top Instant Messaging Apps for Customers

Top Instant Messaging Apps for Customers

Numerous messaging apps can help improve customer service and business metrics. Now, let's dive into a discussion on how these messaging apps help in delivering excellent customer support.

1. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the most popular business messaging app in the world, with a stronghold in the majority of countries. It has 2 billion monthly active users, making it an obvious choice for customer service for businesses.

WhatsApp is very useful for brands all over the world in terms of providing instant and personalized responses and growing their customer base. It has almost all of the basic and advanced features needed to be an excellent customer support tool.

2. Facebook Messenger

Facebook has used the app to contact businesses in addition to friends and family. If your company has a Facebook page, you should enable messenger automation to avoid missing out on communication.

Lead generation via links and messaging codes, advertising, and customer matching is also available on Facebook Messenger. The app has assisted several businesses in generating thousands of leads.

3. Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular messaging apps for customer support and engagement. Businesses all over the world use Instagram to respond to customer inquiries instantly and in real time, leveraging the 1 billion-strong user base.

Millions of people enjoy researching products and commenting on posts because of the platform's interactive nature. Instagram can be a great tool for customer service because most users follow a business account and message them directly.

4. Telegram

Telegram only has about 200 million monthly active users, so it may not be the first choice for businesses and owners over its competitors.

Furthermore, Telegram has bots that provide users with the information they requested and assist in informing them of price changes.

Telegram has also been useful in generating leads through the use of App Searches, Links & Scan Codes, and so on.

Overall, we can say that Telegram has been a useful app for some businesses as a marketing tool.

5. LINE 

LINE is a trusted messaging app in Japan with 164 million monthly active users. It also has a strong presence in Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia.

The app is regarded as an excellent messaging and video chat communication tool. It provides official accounts for businesses to engage with customers and expand their reach.

Top Instant Messaging Apps for Business

There are numerous chat apps available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Consider your needs and budget when selecting the best tool for your business. Here are three messaging apps for business to think about.

1. Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a SaaS (software as a service) offering that is integrated with Microsoft's Office 365 subscription. It creates a chat-based workspace focused on real-time collaboration, with features such as chat, meetings, notes, Office, Planner, Power BI, extensions, and apps.

It also includes features such as collaboration on Excel, Word, and PowerPoint files. Its seamless integration with Microsoft apps and third-party services makes processes quick and efficient.

2. Google Chat

Google Chat and Spaces enable teams to collaborate fluidly and efficiently from anywhere, from direct messages to group conversations. Connect securely with anyone with whom you work, and take group work to the next level with shared chat, files, and tasks.

It is a set of tools that works together to help you keep track of all your work communications and choose the best channel for each conversation.

3. PowerTalk

PowerTalk by is the best chat SDK and white-label in Indonesia. Even though it was already designed, the chat platform can be customized as if it were your own.

Other messaging APIs are not like the PowerTalk framework. We are committed to providing our users with the best possible engagement and experience.

It is a safe and secure chat solution for all sizes of businesses. Its entire content is also constantly encrypted. PowerTalk can be accessed via the web, a tablet, or your phone.

Also read:, a new Chat SDK Alternative

Why Should Businesses Use Messaging Systems?

As businesses around the world seek new and improved digital solutions, having a messaging app is no longer a "maybe." Most of the time, it's a "must-have." Here are some significant advantages of utilizing messaging apps.

1. Increased Communication

Messaging apps make it easier to communicate with one another. Because it is not always possible to be in the same room, a streamlined communication process that allows ideas, documents, and videos to be shared is essential.

2. Accountability

With remote work, internal communication is critical. Accountability can be challenging at times when you are unable to communicate with remote workers. Team members can use messaging apps to keep managers up to date on their progress.

3. Simple to Use

Last, but not least, most messaging apps are easy to use. Undoubtedly, some members of your team will be less technically inclined than others. Fortunately, messaging apps are relatively simple to learn and use while communicating effectively.

Utilize for Your Business Messaging System

During these times, your company must have a messaging app. They are a collaboration tool that is simply essential for tracking and communicating.

Integrating these with your other business tools enables smooth management and processes. offers solutions that will help your business by prioritizing the resolution of customer problems, such as PowerTalk, a messaging app for your internal business communication, and OneTalk, an omnichannel that includes multiple channels to communicate with your customers.

No matter the size of your business, you can now leverage the power of the world's most popular messaging app to connect with customers and internal teams in new and dynamic ways. 

You can also scale your use case with best-in-class, built-in tools and integrations with comprehensive onboarding support throughout the account creation process. allows you to enable business messaging across all channels where your customers interact. It can send mass marketing messages, notifications, alerts, and verification messages across WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, Telegram, LINE, and many other platforms.

Are you ready to examine your choices for business messaging? Contact our agents now for more information at WhatsApp.

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Jessica Jacob
Jessica Jacob memiliki lebih dari empat tahun pengalaman dalam pengembangan strategis di sektor teknologi, dengan latar belakang kuat dalam penjualan korporat dan manajemen proyek. Di, dia berfokus pada inovasi dan pertumbuhan bisnis, membangun kemitraan strategis lintas industri. Sebelumnya, Jessica berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan kemitraan kanal baru dan memimpin tim lintas fungsi yang berhasil meningkatkan penjualan tahunan sebesar 45%.
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