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WhatsApp Business Automated Message: Ultimate Guide

WhatsApp Business Automated Message: Ultimate Guide

By Jessica Jacob
25 / 05 / 2023

“Hi, we’re out of the office but will get back to you soon!”

That sentence might have greeted people a ton when connecting to a brand outside working hours. And that is totally fine. Customers tend to respond positively to automated messages rather than having no responses for hours at all.

In today's fast-paced world, customers expect immediate and personalized communication from businesses. This is where WhatsApp automated messages come in. With the ability to create pre-written messages triggered by specific keywords or actions, businesses can provide instant solutions and recommendations to their customers without the need for manual intervention. 

From order updates to frequently asked questions, automated messages can streamline customer support processes and improve the overall customer experience. 

That’s why businesses use WhatsApp Automated Messages or, as we commonly refer to chatbots, to help them greet customers while away. Not only that but WA automated messages are also used to greet customers during working hours!

WhatsApp Business Automated Message: Ultimate Guide

In this article, we will delve more into WhatsApp Business Automated Message, the benefits of using automated messages, how to get auto-reply on WhatsApp Business App, and more!

Key Takeaways:

  • WhatsApp Automated Messages, also known as "chatbots", are programmed responses designed to respond to incoming messages on WhatsApp automatically.
  • There are several benefits to using automated messages on WhatsApp: Time-saving and money-saving, consistency, immediate response, increased engagement, scalability, and increased sales.
  • You can set up automatic replies on your WhatsApp account in two ways. Which are using: (1) WhatsApp Business; and (2) WhatsApp Business API.

What is WhatsApp Automated Message (Auto-reply)?

WhatsApp Automated Messages, also known as "chatbots", are programmed responses designed to respond to incoming messages on WhatsApp automatically. These messages can be customized to quickly and efficiently respond to common inquiries from businesses and organizations or to acknowledge receipt of messages when a business cannot respond in real-time.

WA automated messages can be useful for businesses or individuals who want to streamline their communication on WhatsApp. For example, a company may set up automated messages to respond to customer inquiries or to provide information about its products or services. Similarly, individuals may use automated messages to send quick replies to frequently asked questions or notify their contacts when unavailable.

There are various tools and software available that can help you set up WA automated messages. These range from simple message scheduling tools to more sophisticated chatbots that can handle more complex interactions.

Automated messages can be set up using third-party tools or directly through the WhatsApp Business API, and can include a variety of functionalities, such as providing information about products or services, scheduling appointments, fulfilling orders, and more.

Businesses can use automated messaging to improve customer service and streamline communication with their audience on WhatsApp to enhance overall customer satisfaction and increase sales.

Benefits of WhatsApp Business Automated Message

There are several benefits to using automated messages on WhatsApp:

1. Time-Saving and Money-Saving

By far, the most significant advantage of automated messaging is the amount of time, money, and resources your business can save. 

Automated messages can save a lot of time, especially for businesses that receive a high volume of messages. Just like automating other processes, automating messaging can save on labor costs. 

It's no secret that manually responding to customer messages and emails can be time-consuming. Instead of manually responding to each message, you can set up automated responses to frequently asked questions or common inquiries. This can free up time to focus on other tasks or customer interactions.

2. Consistency

Automated messages can help ensure that your responses are consistent and accurate. This is especially important for businesses that want to maintain a professional image and provide consistent customer service.

3. Immediate Response

With automated messages, you can provide an immediate response to customers or contacts who message you on WhatsApp. 

Not only time-saving during work hours, but automated messaging also saves your time during out-of-office hours. This is especially true for small businesses that may have one or two people responding to all messages that may be interrupted during evenings and weekends. 

Automated messaging may be the first and most important way to let people know you are away, so they don't linger and wait for an immediate response. It can also help answer their questions and make them feel that your business is “always there”. 

Automated out-of-office messages can include links to websites and other business information, and you can set up automatic responses to answer certain frequently asked questions immediately. This way, you can help improve customer satisfaction and prevent them from waiting for a response.

4. Increased Engagement

Automated messages can also help increase engagement by sending personalized messages to customers or contacts. For example, you can set up automated messages to welcome new customers or to offer them special promotions or discounts.

5. Scalability

Automated messages can easily scale to handle large volumes of messages, allowing businesses to manage customer interactions more efficiently and effectively.

6. Increase Sales

Automated messages are widely used for customers to receive recommendations and solutions, eliminating the need to contact the customer service team. This demonstrates that an improvement in customer experience has a positive impact on the company's reputation.

Also read: All You Need to Know About WhatsApp Business Verification Process

How Do I Set Up Automated Messages in My WhatsApp Account?

You can set up automatic replies on your WhatsApp account in two ways. Which are using:

  1. WhatsApp Business
  2. WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business App and WhatsApp Business API both support the feature of auto-reply. However, there are some differences in the way auto-reply is set up for these two platforms.

WhatsApp Business App:

By setting up automatic replies on WhatsApp Business, you can reach your customers even outside of normal operating hours. Your customers can only interact with your business at the right time, thereby reaching them 24/7, or at least close to the hour, showing them that you really want their support.

There are several ways you can customize your auto-reply messages on WhatsApp, depending on when your subscribers receive system-generated messages or when your contacts receive 'auto-reply' messages.

You can choose whether to send one 'away' message to all subscribers or customize the message for a specific set of subscribers. You can also choose the time when this 'away' message is displayed, the recommended time is when the business is closed.

The WhatsApp Business 'Auto Reply' feature has three main components:

  • Away messages
  • Greeting messages
  • Quick replies

To set up an auto-reply on the WhatsApp Business App, follow these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp Business App and go to Settings.
  2. Click on Business Settings and select which kind of messages you want to send. As mentioned before, there are 3 auto-reply features, Away Messages, Greeting Messages, and Quick Replies. 
  3. After choosing the selected feature, click on the "+" button to create a new content.
    Away messages: Messages are sent to callers outside of business hours.
    Greeting messages: This feature automatically welcomes new prospects/customers.
    Quick replies: Organize and save answers to frequently asked questions, so you don't have to type in the same answers for every question that comes into your account.
  4. Type the message you want to send. For Quick replies, don’t forget to assign a shortcut keyword to it.
  5. Save the messages

WhatsApp Business API:

To set up an auto-reply on the WhatsApp Business API, you need to use a third-party service provider that offers WhatsApp Business API integration. The steps to set up auto-reply using the API are:

To set up auto-reply using WhatsApp Business API, you need to follow these steps:

1. Choose a third-party service provider that offers WhatsApp Business API integration and create an account with them.

2. Create a WhatsApp Business account, and verify it through Facebook.

3. Request access to the WhatsApp Business API from Facebook. Note that Facebook has specific requirements for accessing the API, such as using a dedicated phone number, complying with messaging policies, and completing a business verification process.

4. Once you have been granted access to the API, use the API documentation provided by the service provider to configure and customize your auto-reply messages.

5. You can create auto-replies that are triggered by specific keywords or phrases, or by specific types of messages (such as order updates or delivery notifications).

6. Test your auto-reply messages to ensure they are working correctly.

7. Monitor your auto-replies and make adjustments as needed to ensure they are providing value to your customers.

It's important to note that setting up auto-reply with WhatsApp Business API requires technical expertise and may involve additional costs. However, the API offers more advanced customization options and can help you streamline your customer support processes and improve the overall customer experience.

Want to use a shortcut to set your automated reply on WhatsApp? This is where OneTalk by comes into play and rescues you!

Also read: All You Need To Know About WhatsApp Business Account Price

How To Set Up Automated Messages Easily With OneTalk by

How To Set Up Automated Messages Easily With OneTalk by

Now, setting up your quick reply isn’t as complicated as it should have been. Using an omnichannel messaging platform like OneTalk by makes your life easier. OneTalk by is an omnichannel messaging platform that can help you make automated messages or auto-reply on WhatsApp. Not only making Quick Reply messages but making Away Messages and Welcome Messages will also be highly sufficient using OneTalk.

OneTalk also makes your business connect quickly and easily with customers through popular media, such as Instagram and Whatsapp. All of your messages will be coming to a single dashboard! 

To set up automated messages with OneTalk by, follow these steps:

1. Create an account with OneTalk by and log in to the dashboard.

2. Navigate to the "Automated Messages" section and click "Create Automated Message."

3. Select the type of automated message you want to create from the available options, such as "Welcome Message," "Abandoned Cart Message," or "Order Confirmation Message."

4. Customize the message by adding text, images, buttons, and other elements. You can also use merge tags to personalize the message with the recipient's name, order details, and other information.

5. Choose the trigger for the automated message, such as a specific action taken by the customer (e.g., adding an item to their cart) or a specific time interval after a customer's last interaction with your store.

6. Preview the message to ensure it looks and functions as intended.

7. Save the automated message and activate it in your store.

Once the automated message is set up and activated, it will be sent automatically to customers based on the trigger you have set. Automated messages can save time and improve the customer experience by providing timely and relevant information to customers without the need for manual intervention.

The Official WhatsApp Business API by OneTalk is the best solution for your business to reach and communicate with customers. WhatsApp Business API makes it easy for you to reach customers via WhatsApp from the dashboard provided by OneTalk. This feature will not let you miss a single request from customers. 

Choose as your partner and get started with automated messaging, real-time chat, and personalized campaigns. Sign up today and see the difference in your customer engagement and revenue growth.

Bonus content ahead, some auto-reply templates for you to use!

Bonus: WhatsApp Auto-reply Examples

Here are some examples of using the WhatsApp auto-reply feature.

Out of Office/Holiday Auto Replies (1)


Thank you for contacting <BUSINESS NAME>. We are currently closed for the Lunar New Year holiday, but we will be open from New Year's Eve. If your question is urgent, please feel free to contact our customer service team at a toll-free number.

Warm regards,

<Team Business Name>

Out of Office/Holiday Auto Replies (2)


Thank you for your question. As you know, it's the holiday season, so we're closed to relax and recharge. However, we have not forgotten you and will get back to you when the office reopens on <OPEN DATE>. Thank you for your understanding.


<business name>

General auto-reply (1)


Thank you for contacting <BUSINESS NAME>. We are currently busy but one of our executives will be in touch as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you need urgent support, please send an email to <EMAIL ID> or call <PHONE NUMBER>.


<Business name>

General auto-reply (2)


We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We are unable to answer your question at this time. One of our customer support representatives will respond as soon as possible.

If you need urgent help, please contact <Contact>.

<business name>

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Jessica Jacob
Jessica Jacob memiliki lebih dari empat tahun pengalaman dalam pengembangan strategis di sektor teknologi, dengan latar belakang kuat dalam penjualan korporat dan manajemen proyek. Di, dia berfokus pada inovasi dan pertumbuhan bisnis, membangun kemitraan strategis lintas industri. Sebelumnya, Jessica berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan kemitraan kanal baru dan memimpin tim lintas fungsi yang berhasil meningkatkan penjualan tahunan sebesar 45%.
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