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All You Need to Know About WhatsApp Business Verification Process

All You Need to Know About WhatsApp Business Verification Process

By Jessica Jacob
04 / 05 / 2023

Have you ever seen a green check mark next to a business name on WhatsApp? This is known as a WhatsApp green tick verification.

Many businesses value WhatsApp Business green tick verification because it provides reliability, reinforces branding, and leaves a positive impression on customers.

So, can any business obtain this green tick on WhatsApp? The answer is no, it is only available to certain businesses.

Can your company apply for the WhatsApp Business green tick? Yes, and as long as you follow the requirements and criteria outlined below, you will greatly improve your chances of approval.

You will need a WhatsApp Business account to get started. Let's find out about WhatsApp business verification process!

All You Need to Know About WhatsApp Business Verification Process

Key Takeaway

  • WhatsApp green tick is a badge to let people know your brand is credible and authentic.
  • The benefit you get from having a green badge is a great first impression, credibility in the eye of customers, outshining competitors, can create a broadcast message, and avoid having your account banned.
  • The first way to apply for verification is independently through Facebook Business Manager.
  • The second way to get the green tick is through a Business Solution Provider (BSP), who handles all the steps involved.

What Exactly Is a WhatsApp Green Tick?

WhatsApp Green Tick is a badge designed to assist WhatsApp users in differentiating between an authentic brand account and a fake account. It indicates that WhatsApp has verified the business account and that it belongs to the brand that it claims to be.

This badge is especially important for well-known brands who may have their accounts impersonated. WhatsApp is very picky about which businesses receive the Green Tick. As a result, they usually only give it to well-known brands.

By default, all WhatsApp accounts that use the Business App and API are classified as business accounts. Only companies with WhatsApp API accounts are eligible to apply for a Green Tick. 

Once the business account has been verified and has received the Green Tick, it will be designated as an Official Business Account.

While the Green Tick does not provide any additional features, it does provide many other advantages.

Also read: WhatsApp Business API Access and How to Apply for the API

Benefits of WhatsApp Green Tick

Benefits of WhatsApp Green Tick

WhatsApp has a message open rate of 98% and a click-through rate (CTR) of 45-60%, indicating a high potential for business growth.

If you have a verified WhatsApp account, you can take advantage of this opportunity. Here are some of the advantages of Green Tick verification on WhatsApp.

1. Excellent first impression

Before October 2022, only official business accounts had the advantage of displaying their company name in the business profile. However, once a company has verified its Meta Business Manager account, the company name will always be displayed. (instead of just the phone number).

The best first impression is made when people see your company name rather than just the phone number and the WhatsApp green check mark next to it.

2. Credibility and trustworthiness

When your company has an official WhatsApp Business account, it will stand out from the crowd. Prospects and customers will recognize the badge and understand that you have been verified.

The WhatsApp Green Tick significantly reduces the possibility of customers having doubts about making online transactions with your company.

3. Outperform the competition

You must go through the verification process and meet specific requirements to obtain that official account. Few companies have a verified WhatsApp Business account. This will help you stand out from the crowd and leave your competitors in the dust.

4. Create advertising campaigns

Put yourself in the shoes of a customer: you just received two WhatsApp broadcast messages, one from an unknown number and the other from a brand with a WhatsApp Business Green Tick. Which message do you think you're more likely to open?

If you own the WhatsApp Business Green Tick, it is obvious that WhatsApp broadcasting campaigns will produce better results with a higher open rate and read rate. Because the Green Tick on WhatsApp increases exposure and branding, the conversion rate is bound to increase as well. 

5. Avoid having your account banned

Some customers might report your WhatsApp messages as spam or block your WhatsApp Business account if you broadcast to them. 

They will no longer report your WhatsApp Business account as spam if you have the green tick. This is due to WhatsApp officially verifying your business and establishing the legitimacy of your brand. 

Furthermore, with the Green Tick next to your business name on WhatsApp, users are less likely to block your WhatsApp Business account because they know the messages are from a legitimate business.

Also read: WhatsApp Marketing Benefits and Tips for Applying Them

How to Verify WhatsApp Business Account

Before starting how to verify a WhatsApp account, you need to know that not all WhatsApp Business accounts can be verified. 

This is because WhatsApp Business verification is limited to a small number of businesses participating in the closed pilot program.

Let's start with the requirements for getting a Green Tick. The following are the requirements for receiving a green badge:

  • Must be using a WhatsApp API Business Account.
  • You must enable two-factor authentication.
  • Facebook Business Manager accounts must be verified by Facebook and must be used for business purposes. (Individuals are not allowed as of now).
  • It is recommended that you have a messaging level of Tier 2 or higher.
  • It must be a well-known and reputable brand.

While meeting all of the requirements may appear easy, there is no guarantee that your WhatsApp Business account will be verified. So, let's look at how to apply for WhatsApp Business verification.

1. Create and Verify a Facebook Business Manager Account

First, you need to visit to create a Facebook Business Manager account. When you visit this site, you must enter all the necessary details related to your business.

After submitting all the details and creating a Facebook Business Manager account, you need to verify it. Go to business settings and fill in the business details by adding the phone number, legal business name, and address.

In addition, you must also submit a bank statement with your address or other documents as stated by Facebook.

How to Verify WhatsApp Business Account
Source: Synup

2. Reach Out to WhatsApp's Business Solution Provider (BSP)

Business Solution Providers (BSP) can provide the WhatsApp Business API which allows your business to be verified.

An authorized BSP has full authority through WhatsApp to review your business credentials.

With their help, you can easily manage your WhatsApp Business operations. The Business Solution Provider creates a platform where you can handle messaging, collaborate with teams, and perform in-depth conversation analysis.

This BSP will collect all required details of your business and transfer them to WhatsApp. One of Indonesia's leading WhatsApp Business Solution Providers that you can contact is OneTalk by With this, it will be easier for you to get the WhatsApp Green Tick.

3. Submit Details to BSP

There will be some requirements that are usually required by the BSP. Generally, you will need to provide all the details by visiting your Facebook Business Manager account and extracting the details.

Details such as registered business name, address, email, contact number, business manager ID, and so on. Once you have submitted all details to the Business Solution Provider, it will usually take up to one month to be verified. However, with OneTalk the process can certainly be faster.

4. Verify Your Business, Policies, and Display Name

After you submit your BSP details, you still have to verify your business name and policies on Facebook Business Manager for WhatsApp to verify its authenticity.

You can do this in Business Settings → Security Center, under Verification → Start Verification. This option will be grayed out until you accept your BSP "message on behalf" request.

Your display name must also comply with WhatsApp Commerce and Business policies and must follow set guidelines. 

Also note that once you have registered your business contact name on WhatsApp under an official business account, you cannot change it without losing WhatsApp business verified status.

To get the WhatsApp Green Tick verification, you need to enter your business details, choose the type of business, and enter your phone number. 

After that, you will receive a verification code (by phone call, text message, or email). Send the code to complete the process and proceed with sending the first message via your BSP.

Usually, if a brand is to be verified, WhatsApp will contact them again within 2-4 working days. However, in certain cases, this process may take up to a week.

And, if your application is rejected, you can only re-register after a gap of 30 days. Unfortunately, there is no way to appeal.

Also read: All You Need To Know About WhatsApp Business Account Price

Simplify WhatsApp Business Verification Process with OneTalk

You can try the steps above, but there is an easier and faster way to get your WhatsApp Business account verified and get the Green Tick with OneTalk by Taptalk, the best business chat solution platform.

As a WhatsApp Business Solution, OneTalk provides an easy way to integrate with the API. There is no need to wait long for WhatsApp verification, OneTalk can simplify and speed up the verification process.

Apart from that, you can also manage the entire WhatsApp Business API and other channels seamlessly, such as:

  • Manage customer support on WhatsApp in one shared inbox.
  • Send automated notifications to customers such as their shopping cart contents, order confirmation, delivery confirmation & COD order verification.
  • Send promotional WhatsApp broadcasts to your subscriber list and grow your business.

Not only does it get a Green Tick, but OneTalk can also do a lot more for you. This BSP can help you get chatbots for WhatsApp, get real-time customer insights, do customization, and become a proactive communication tool.

Contact our agent now to find out more about WhatsApp Green Tick verification so that your business is more credible in the eyes of customers!

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Jessica Jacob
Jessica Jacob memiliki lebih dari empat tahun pengalaman dalam pengembangan strategis di sektor teknologi, dengan latar belakang kuat dalam penjualan korporat dan manajemen proyek. Di, dia berfokus pada inovasi dan pertumbuhan bisnis, membangun kemitraan strategis lintas industri. Sebelumnya, Jessica berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan kemitraan kanal baru dan memimpin tim lintas fungsi yang berhasil meningkatkan penjualan tahunan sebesar 45%.
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