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WhatsApp Marketing Benefits and Tips for Applying Them

WhatsApp Marketing Benefits and Tips for Applying Them

By Jessica Jacob
10 / 02 / 2023

Businesses now frequently use WhatsApp as a platform for marketing purposes, such as promoting their goods or services, in addition to using it to communicate with customers.

This is so that businesses can reach and interact with their audience conveniently and privately using WhatsApp.

But how do you do marketing on WhatsApp? How successful are WhatsApp's marketing campaigns?

Before we dive deeper into the various strategies businesses can use to conduct WhatsApp marketing, let’s discuss the reasons why you should use WhatsApp marketing.

WhatsApp Marketing Benefits and Tips for Applying Them

Key Takeaways

  • WhatsApp supports personalized messaging which helps you boost client loyalty. It is also a cost-effective marketing channel, perfect for small-medium businesses.
  • WhatsApp Marketing is a useful tool for companies looking to connect and interact with customers cost-efficiently and personally.
  • WhatsApp marketing is useful for encouraging engagement with customers, and improving conversion rates & sales. It also allows automation so you can assist your customer faster.

Why Should Your Business Use WhatsApp Marketing?

With more than 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp is a well-liked messaging service with high user engagement.

As a result, it serves as a useful platform for connecting with and interacting with customers. Additionally, WhatsApp supports personalized messaging, which can assist businesses in fostering client loyalty.

It is also a cost-effective marketing channel, especially for small businesses, enabling them to reach a large audience without incurring significant advertising expenses.

To create a seamless customer experience, WhatsApp can also be quickly integrated with other marketing channels like email and social media.

Additionally, WhatsApp boasts up to 98% open rates, making it an essential marketing tool for any company wishing to connect with customers in both developed and developing nations.

In conclusion, WhatsApp Marketing is a useful tool for companies looking to connect and interact with customers cost-efficiently and personally.

What are the Benefits of WhatsApp Marketing?

Because of how quickly technology is developing, customers demand the best possible experience when dealing with any company. Companies have a fantastic opportunity to improve their marketing strategy by using WhatsApp.

Using WhatsApp Marketing for businesses has several advantages, such as:

1. Stronger and More Profound Connections with Customers

WhatsApp marketing is a reliable and effective tactic for building deep and lasting relationships with customers because more than 55% of people believe they are better associated with a brand when they use messaging apps.

In turn, maintaining such a connection benefits brands in reducing costs as customer retention is 5 to 25 times less expensive than acquisition.

Businesses can use WhatsApp to effectively reach and serve customers, and customers can use the platform to quickly connect with businesses to make purchases or ask questions.

As a result, businesses may be better able to connect with their clients and market their goods.

2. Encourages Engagement and Personalized Communication

One of the best features of the app is that it gives you a variety of communication options, allowing you to reimagine custom interactions with each of your customers.

With WhatsApp, you can send messages and deliver a variety of content, including contacts, videos, images, PDF files, and other documents. Additionally, it enables you to divide your audience into distinct groups based on their tastes, preferences, and decisions, increasing client loyalty.

You can also gather user behavioral information through WhatsApp, such as information on their interests and shopping preferences. By using this data, you can better tailor your future promotions and deliver the most pertinent products at the ideal moment.

3. Increased Conversion Rate

It's critical to pick the best communication channel to use when getting in touch with your customer base. 

People who can't reach you via social media or the email may become agitated and frustrated by phone calls.

WhatsApp is useful in reminding your clients and encouraging potential customers to make purchases in this situation. Additionally, messaging increases conversion rates by 112.6% after the first point of contact with a prospect.

These statistics demonstrate the effectiveness of WhatsApp as a marketing channel and the significance of connecting and engaging with customers through it.

4. Improved sales

Additionally, WhatsApp marketing is incredibly effective for generating leads for sales. In fact, by using a straightforward trick like including your WhatsApp phone number on your website, you can generate more leads for sales.

It seems that prospective customers are more likely to contact a brand via messaging apps. About 60% of consumers believe they will use messengers for purchasing in the future, and about 66% of people feel better about using a brand that is active on messengers.

Additionally, WhatsApp can function as a stand-alone sales channel, particularly given the rising trend of customers making all of their purchases through messaging apps.

In general, adding a WhatsApp presence to your company can be a useful tool for boosting sales and lead generation.

5. Enables Automation and FAQ

You can efficiently automate all of your message flows and conversations with WhatsApp Business, which will let you get back to your audience right away. 

For instance, some service-related industries, like the tourism sector, require immediate responses to general inquiries. Customers may get in touch with your company to ask about flight schedules, booking confirmations, and other information. 

Automation becomes extremely important at this point. Instead of starting over with new responses each time, creating a single response template is easier.

Other than that, one of the app features "Quick Replies," lets you save and reuse the message you're expected to send to your clients or customers regularly.

6. Lower Marketing Costs

Last but not least, WhatsApp is a remarkably affordable marketing channel, which makes it even more appealing for small and medium-sized businesses. All that is required is that you keep this app online.

In the meantime, there is a good chance that your messages will be read by the customer because, on average, a WhatsApp user checks, opens, and uses the app more than 23 times per day. Additionally, the cost of advertising is essentially zero.

WhatsApp, on the other hand, boosts sales, deepens relationships, and drives more conversions, as was previously mentioned. These all don't require significant marketing costs.

Also read: Verification WhatsApp for Business to Build Trust with Customer

7 Tips on WhatsApp Marketing

Of course, incorporating WhatsApp into your company's marketing strategy takes some planning. Your marketing channel will be more successful the more carefully thought out your strategy is.

It's crucial to take into account your goal and target market when creating a WhatsApp marketing strategy, as well as the platform's distinctive features and capabilities.

Here are some tips for maximizing your WhatsApp marketing efforts:

1. Create Business Accounts

You need to register for a WhatsApp Business account to use it for marketing.

You can communicate with customers using the platform and gain access to extra features like automated messaging and quick replies with this account.

To get more sophisticated features that can support your WhatsApp marketing, you can also use an Official Business Account or the WhatsApp Business API.

WhatsApp Business was created specifically to meet the needs of both small and large businesses. It operates independently and has a ton of useful features, including: 

  • A business profile with your company's description, email address, website, and office address.
  • Labels to categorize and label customer chats in accordance with the stages of the sales funnel.
  • A catalog for an online showcase of your goods.
  • Statistical tracking of messages that have been sent, delivered, read, and received.
  • Quick, automated responses to stay in touch with clients and offer prompt service.

2. Provide customized messaging

Businesses can send customers personalized messages using WhatsApp's blast feature. With just one click, this feature also makes it simple to send bulk messages. This may be a powerful strategy for fostering engagement and loyalty.

You must make broadcast lists before sending a WhatsApp blast. It is the perfect feature for sending your contacts customized offers, promotions, or recommendations using WhatsApp Blast based on customer preferences and previous purchases. 

They are a group of recipients who have been gathered together. Similar to how you can divide up your mailing list recipients into different groups, your contacts cannot see one another and will each receive messages separately.

Using personalized messaging like this to connect with customers and increase engagement can be very effective.

3. Decide Who Are Your Target Market

Your target audience is the driving force behind all of your marketing initiatives and the benchmark for success. As a result, you can experiment with various strategies to identify your target market. 

Do not guess or speculate, regardless of the strategies you decide to employ. You should instead research your audience.

Making a customer profile is one of these strategies, which will allow you to conduct surveys on social media sites and include information from your CRM, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Facebook, etc. 

You can use these tools to determine the demographic and geographic characteristics of your prospects.

4. Chatbot for Automate Messaging

The WhatsApp API's chatbot feature enables companies to automate messaging and engage with clients in real-time.

This can be a helpful tool for providing information about goods and services or for responding to frequently asked questions. Chatbots can help to improve customer engagement and streamline communication.

Also read: WhatsApp Chatbot Advantages for Banking and Finances

5. Think Through Your Communication

Comparing WhatsApp to other social media platforms, it has much higher open rates. But using WhatsApp as a marketing tool would be useless if you didn't provide pertinent and high-quality content.

Start by deciding on the most important themes and points you want to make to your audience. Additionally, you shouldn't limit yourself to only sending advertisements. Keep your messages succinct and entertaining while concentrating on educating and entertaining your target audience.

Most WhatsApp users are mobile and cannot afford to read through lengthy messages. However, you also need to be careful not to continually barrage them with messages at irregular intervals, as this can lower their level of interest and engagement in your brand. It would be better to send no more than 5–10 messages a week.

Finally, you can increase the impact and effectiveness of your messages by incorporating animations, videos, images, or gifs. Emojis can also be used effectively in WhatsApp marketing.

6. Provide Top-notch Customer Service

The core of WhatsApp's marketing strategy is providing top-notch customer service. Nearly 28% of customers expect a response within an hour, so this feature is essential. 18% of respondents, in contrast, want a prompt response.

7 Tips on WhatsApp Marketing

7. Connect WhatsApp to Your Other Online Tools and Marketing Channels

Consider integrating WhatsApp with your other marketing channels, like social media, to create a consistent and seamless customer experience.

This might entail promoting WhatsApp on your social media accounts or using the app to follow up on email campaigns.

You can provide a more unified and consistent customer experience by incorporating WhatsApp with your other marketing initiatives.

Additionally, you can integrate WhatsApp with other complementary programs like CRM and Omnichannel thanks to WhatsApp's API, which can optimize your company's marketing efforts.

Begin Your WhatsApp Marketing Right Now With!

Begin Your WhatsApp Marketing Right Now With!

WhatsApp is a powerful communication and marketing platform for businesses. However, it is critical to use WhatsApp marketing responsibly and to respect users' privacy.

Businesses can effectively use WhatsApp to boost their marketing efforts and reach their target audience by adhering to best practices and staying up to date with the latest features and strategies. provides a WhatsApp Business API that can help you increase sales, marketing, and customer service. With this, you can create personalized, engaging customer interactions with the world's most popular messaging app using a single, streamlined API that WhatsApp officially supports.

With our help, you can boost your brand's visibility and credibility by adding the "Green Tick" next to your company name using WhatsApp Business API.

WhatsApp marketing is a fantastic way to strengthen your brand and develop deep, long-lasting relationships with customers. To achieve better results, go beyond WhatsApp and master all of your customers' preferred channels.

Hence, also provides an omnichannel solution that can connect all your channels into one inbox, including your WhatsApp. 

You can contact our agents here if you want to learn more about all of our features.

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Jessica Jacob
Jessica Jacob memiliki lebih dari empat tahun pengalaman dalam pengembangan strategis di sektor teknologi, dengan latar belakang kuat dalam penjualan korporat dan manajemen proyek. Di, dia berfokus pada inovasi dan pertumbuhan bisnis, membangun kemitraan strategis lintas industri. Sebelumnya, Jessica berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan kemitraan kanal baru dan memimpin tim lintas fungsi yang berhasil meningkatkan penjualan tahunan sebesar 45%.
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