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Customer Experience, Key for Successful Business

Customer Experience, Key for Successful Business

By Jessica Jacob
18 / 02 / 2022

The era of advanced customers has arrived. They have more access to knowledge on the internet, are well-informed, and are aware that they have more alternatives. 

That is why, when people interact with a business, they anticipate a positive experience. A good product is not the only key. If your customer service is useless, unreliable, or just difficult to contact, people will complain. In the end, you will lose customers. 

That is one of the main reasons why customer experience is so important for long-term business success. But actually, why is customer experience is crucial for your business?

Customer Experience, Key for Successful Business

What is Customer Experience?

Basically, customer experience or CX is the sum of a customer's interactions with your company. It differs from surfing the website, speaking with your agent, untill receiving the product or service they purchased. 

Everything you do has an impact on your customers' journey and their decision to return it or not. As a result, a great customer experience is vital to your business's success.

Why is CX Important for Business?

When a consumer has a good experience, they are more inclined to tell their family and friends about it. And, given that word-of-mouth accounts for 90% of all sales, this can only be beneficial to you.

Bad experiences, on the other hand, might contribute to unfavorable word-of-mouth. In fact, the average unhappy consumer informs up to 16 others about their unpleasant experience. 

Delivering a positive customer experience is critical for every company. The better the customer experience, the more recurring business and favorable feedback you'll get. It’ll also lower the friction of customer complaints and returns.

What Makes Great Customer Experience?

What Makes Great Customer Experience?

Before you know what makes a great customer experience, you need to know that each consumer will have a different interpretation. Using a feedback form from customers can help you figure out how they rank your business. 

When describing an excellent customer experience, it includes consideration of various factors. They expect things to be smooth from purchase to delivery, and they want the information they need to be conveniently available. 

In a summary, a good customer experience may be attained if you:

  • Make it a major priority for everyone in the company to listen to consumers.
  • Provide your agents with the resources they need to deliver quick, personalized service
  • Get rid of friction at checkout and other procedures when your consumers' ultimate aim is to finish a transaction, form, or anything similar as quickly as possible.
  • Providing clients with self-service options so they can receive answers quickly
  • Customizing the client experience to their preferences, such as connecting with them through their chosen channels

How to Give a Fantastic Customer Experience

How to Give a Fantastic Customer Experience

Moving on, we may explore key components of a successful customer experience and incorporate them into your own brand's strategy.

1. Respond immediately to the issue and find a solution.

As much as possible, resolve each customer support request in a single encounter. Customers' time is valuable, therefore make speed a priority, especially for minor difficulties or routine requests.

You can start by having “Quick Replies”. With this feature, you can set your customer's most frequently asked questions as templates, and use them to increase the efficiency and productivity of your support team.

2. Provide your agents with the necessary tools.

Your customer service representatives are an important element of the consumer experience. Your clients' degree of happiness and repeat sales is determined by their ability to provide quick, tailored, and accurate help.

It's critical to give your agents the tools they need to offer excellent service. Accessing client profiles, conversation history, context cards, and other facts with a few clicks may be the difference between a decent and a fantastic customer experience.

3. It's important to use many channels.

Businesses must give up-to-date, accurate, and conveniently available information over numerous platforms in order to provide great service, particularly to their always-connected millennial clients. 

It would be good if businesses have multiple channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more.

Summing Up

So, in order to offer a great customer experience, your business needs a tool that can fulfill all the points above. And, OneTalk by is the perfect solution for a fantastic customer experience. Why? Because OneTalk offers many features that you can utilize.

OneTalk has a Quick Replies tool so you can answer customer questions faster. They also identify customer behavior with Case Detail. You can see Customer Ongoing Case and History.

And, most importantly, OneTalk offers many channels that you can integrate into one inbox. This will give customers options on what channel they want to use.

What are you waiting for? Your customers are waiting for you to become a business with a good customer experience. Click here to chat with our agent.

Also read: How Omnichannel Boost Social Media Customer Service

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Jessica Jacob
Jessica Jacob memiliki lebih dari empat tahun pengalaman dalam pengembangan strategis di sektor teknologi, dengan latar belakang kuat dalam penjualan korporat dan manajemen proyek. Di, dia berfokus pada inovasi dan pertumbuhan bisnis, membangun kemitraan strategis lintas industri. Sebelumnya, Jessica berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan kemitraan kanal baru dan memimpin tim lintas fungsi yang berhasil meningkatkan penjualan tahunan sebesar 45%.
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