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social media marketing predictions

Social Media Marketing Predictions For 2022

By Jessica Jacob
26 / 11 / 2021

The use of social media has been growing significantly in recent years. The situation of COVID-19 pandemic hastened that rise, as consumer habits and needs have shifted in response.

social media marketing predictions

As the new year approaches, now is a good time for social media marketers to assess these patterns and make plans for the future. Here are the updates and social media marketing predictions in 2022 that you need to know:


1. Facebook eCommerce

With the launch of Facebook and Instagram Shops at the start of the epidemic, Facebook made a strong push towards eCommerce. The platform allows businesses to communicate with their customers in new ways.

Since then, in-stream commerce has become a major priority for Facebook. In 2022, you may anticipate more shoppable posts, live stream shopping, quicker payment processes (perhaps with the development of Facebook Pay and its own Diem digital currency), enhanced product discovery, and more notifications for buyable things from Facebook.

2. AR/VR

With the development of the Metaverse shift, the platform is trying to provide a way to combine the company's many social media and growing tech projects. They will also expand their AR glasses, by adding more interactive tech like wristband control and next-level workplace features for its Oculus VR headsets.

3. Algorithm

Facebook is aware of the bad consequences of its programs and trying to alleviate those consequences. As a result, Facebook will provide users with an easy way to turn off the algorithm. So, users will feel more in control of their in-app experience thanks to the redesigned timeline.

4. Audio social

As audio social has been more publicly available, it has become less attractive. Because, while everyone can create, the ability to constantly create great, entertaining information is not universal.

5. Ad effectiveness

Facebook is working on systems that will help brands maintain ad effectiveness despite data restrictions. And, it will increasingly highlight key examples that show it can still deliver good results.


1. Monetization for users 

Twitter's major focus over the past year has been on creating methods for artists to profit from their tweets while simultaneously developing new income streams for the network. 

Users may now directly monetize their accounts with new features like Super Follows and Ticketed Spaces, while Twitter is also working on its own Twitter Blue subscription option that would offer users access to more tweet features.

2. e-Commerce

Twitter is already experimenting with e-commerce aspects on its Professional Profiles, as well as a variety of company sites and direct, in-stream purchasing from tweets.

The app is taking more practical steps towards the next stage of technological growth with new cryptocurrency payments.

3. Video tools 

Expect Twitter to focus more on video next year as it tries to incorporate the full-screen, short-form video options. It may be a hit in terms of engagement, with a stronger focus on expanding tweeted videos into a full-screen mode when touched.

Users will be attracted to use full-screen mode in order to see the entire context, resulting in new usage patterns.


1. e-Commerce

The more shopping possibilities Instagram can provide, the more it will be able to promote or get people used to spending.

Instagram would like every good in all posts to be shoppable, or at least, to be able to assist product discovery, and it's working on object identification capabilities for still pictures and video to help with that.

2. AR/VR

Instagram will be Facebook's AR platform, connecting users to the company's growing alternatives. This will also apply to NFTs (which are currently being developed) and digital avatars, which will become more integrated into the Instagram experience.

3. Stories and reels

Stories and reels are still a priority, and the platform is considering adding an alternate home screen for these formats.


1. Trendjacking

TikTok is currently rivaling Instagram in terms of usage. TikTok is striving to provide marketers new opportunities to tap into trends in order to help more companies succeed.

2. Live-streaming

The platform wants to enable more live-stream commerce in its app from businesses that are relevant to your interests and with whom you interact the most. 

In order to extend user habits, the app also wants to make live-streaming easier in general.

As social media marketers, we must constantly be prepared to adapt to new behavior. Adopting a variety of strategies and methods to achieve the intended goals, whether it's business lead creation, improved engagement, or increased reach.

Using social media to provide constant customer service is also the most effective technique to show them that you care about them and are interested in fixing their problems. And, to achieve that, you can use an omnichannel marketing strategy.

Customers would be able to switch channels effortlessly, in order to have a smooth buying experience. One example of an omnichannel that offers a large selection of platforms is OneTalk by

With OneTalk, you could get a single dashboard to manage WhatsApp, Twitter, FB Messenger, Telegram, LINE, and email to elevate your sales, marketing, and support experience.

Check out our full list of features, then sign up for your free trial to experience firsthand how OneTalk works. If you still have any questions, please contact our agent here.

Also read: Optimizing Your Business With WhatsApp Business Singapore

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Jessica Jacob
Jessica Jacob memiliki lebih dari empat tahun pengalaman dalam pengembangan strategis di sektor teknologi, dengan latar belakang kuat dalam penjualan korporat dan manajemen proyek. Di, dia berfokus pada inovasi dan pertumbuhan bisnis, membangun kemitraan strategis lintas industri. Sebelumnya, Jessica berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan kemitraan kanal baru dan memimpin tim lintas fungsi yang berhasil meningkatkan penjualan tahunan sebesar 45%.
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