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WhatsApp Business

Optimizing Your Business With WhatsApp Business Singapore

By Jessica Jacob
12 / 11 / 2021

YouGov 2021 International FMCG/CPG report: Consumer Goods in Crisis reveals changes in FMCG/FMCG consumption in Singapore since the pandemic. Two of five (38%) of Singaporeans say they have purchased groceries or household necessities through an online supermarket, and more than two in five (46%) have done so in April 2021. Nearly two-thirds (63%) agree that they will shop more online - a sentiment particularly echoed by younger shoppers (aged 18-34) with seven in ten (69%) agreeing with this statement.

This changes shopping behavior to a more online outlet. This is a major shift but also an opportunity. As businesses try to keep up, there’s also one messenger App that facilitates these changes perfectly, WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Business

Who hasn't heard of WhatsApp messenger? Or better, who hasn't had WhatsApp messenger installed already? This app enables users to send free international messaging and free calls with their phone numbers. Do you know that WhatsApp Messenger has a small tool known as WhatsApp Business? Well, it wasn’t exactly a new feature, but for those of you who are not used to hearing it, it probably sounds alien to you. 

WhatsApp Business is basically what it is like - an app for small businesses to use. And guess what? It’s free! The idea behind this is to allow businesses to be able to interact with their customers easily.

It's not always ideal to mix work and personal life, so having a separate business messenger app is something kind of wonderful! Moreover, if you need to have business accounts and business profile to manage efficiently without using your personal phone numbers on the same phone.

Facebook WhatsApp Business enables small business owners to interact more efficiently with customers. Using it's own unique phone number, this app facilitates personal communication with your customers, highlighting your products and services, and answering their questions throughout their shopping experience. Create catalogs to showcase your products and services, and use specialized tools to automate, sort, and respond to messages quickly all on the same phone.

WhatsApp Business Provider

You could always use a Provider to make it even easier. OneTalk by, an omnichannel messaging solution is ready to provide you with this. You can easily elevate your customer journey to meet them where they are. Not only you can interact with your customer in WhatsApp messenger, but OneTalk also integrates all your other messaging platforms in a single dashboard. 

So when you want to reply to your messages on various messaging platforms, it was only as easy as clicking a button in the same window.

What Can You Achieve With WhatsApp Business in Singapore

At the beginning of the year, WhatsApp launched the WhatsApp Business app in the markets of Indonesia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and Italy.

Currently, this application is being slowly rolled out in the international market.

But, can you use WhatsApp Business in Singapore? Yes, you can. 

In Singapore, they launched it on Google Playstore. Just two weeks since the launch, the app has garnered over 70,000 reviews and rated it 4.4 stars.

So what can you achieve with WhatsApp Business with OneTalk?

Easy-to-use WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business API

Seamless integration of Whatsapp into your app, website, or system to send and receive text messages, images, audio, links, and emojis in Singapore and worldwide.

Fast and reliable messaging

Take advantage of the WhatsApp Business to reliably send WhatsApp alerts and notifications to communicate and provide great support to your customers.

Multi-agent support

Questions, requests, or customer feedback sent via WhatsApp can be managed and processed by multiple agents simultaneously.


Use chatbots to automatically answer customer questions and reduce customer service overhead. Automate answers to frequently asked questions and allow your team to focus on the tasks that matter most.


Gain insight into your team's performance and use metrics to anticipate customer needs and improve satisfaction with our interactive dashboard.

End-to-end secure messaging

Communicate securely with your customers using the trusted end-to-end encryption of the WhatsApp Business that ensures messages are converted to confidential messages and translated only by the end recipients.

Also read: Verification WhatsApp for Business to Build Trust with Customer

Buying Habits Through WhatsApp in Singapore

Customers no longer need to order products by phone, email, or direct consultation. Salespeople no longer have to reuse old catalogs that may be damaged or severely out of date. They no longer have to drive from door to door and risk getting stuck in traffic and losing sales.

All this now can be done directly from your online catalog, via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Business includes catalog shopping that enables customers to can browse and interact with catalogs on their mobile phones. When they are ready to buy, they can easily send the contents of their cart to a local representative via WhatsApp. The request will be sent directly to your inbox and can be processed instantly at the same time.

Direct selling companies know the importance of following consumer behavior. They know that their business presence is the key to success.

Instead of wanting to innovate on new platforms and add a lot of complexity to their e-commerce setup, they are looking for ways to integrate online social communities into digital versions of their core assets. Print catalog.

The benefit of Using OneTalk WhatsApp Business in Singapore

Quick and swift response

A positive first impression is a great start for building strong relationships with potential customers. With WhatsApp Business equipped with a chatbot, you can efficiently respond even outside of business hours with greeting messages or offline messages.

Increase Efficiency

With our mobile agent and desktop Omnichannel Messaging Platform which is intuitive and easy to use.

Improve Overall Business

Good customer service will improve the overall business. By always making customers satisfied, they will always be happy to be your customers.

Better Understanding Customers

Understand customers better by having 2 communication channels. Help find the best solution. Having a thorough understanding of your customers is key to creating a great customer experience. Through OneTalk’s WhatsApp Business services and omnichannel solution, your agents will have access to customer profiles and preferences, such as purchase history, preferred flight seats, or if they use Bella instead of Isabella.

Increase customer engagement at scale

Even the most complex of bots will eventually encounter complex problems that they cannot solve. OneTalk’s WhatsApp Business leverages a bot + human hybrid to enable customer support in Singapore and beyond to reduce customer failure and response times. WhatsApp messages are intelligently and seamlessly routed to the appropriate agents when bots encounter problems.

Integrate with other marketing channels

The last WhatsApp Business tip for businesses is to integrate with other marketing channels. Remember that the expectation of using a messenger like WhatsApp is for a faster response, so in using WhatsApp for business make sure you have the resources to manage, reply to messages quickly.

One way you can optimize your WhatsApp Business is to connect the WhatsApp Business API with OneTalk so that the WhatsApp number you use to communicate with customers can be accessed by multiple agents/admins that you have simultaneously.

Your agent can also be assigned to the topics that are most frequently discussed by your customers, so that in the future when this data is needed, you can find it easily.

And you can directly try these features by clicking this link.

Also read: Aware About WhatsApp Broadcast Limit to Avoid Getting Banned

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Jessica Jacob
Jessica Jacob memiliki lebih dari empat tahun pengalaman dalam pengembangan strategis di sektor teknologi, dengan latar belakang kuat dalam penjualan korporat dan manajemen proyek. Di, dia berfokus pada inovasi dan pertumbuhan bisnis, membangun kemitraan strategis lintas industri. Sebelumnya, Jessica berperan aktif dalam mengembangkan kemitraan kanal baru dan memimpin tim lintas fungsi yang berhasil meningkatkan penjualan tahunan sebesar 45%.
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