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Public Vs. Private Social Network: Pace For Social Efficiency in 2022

By Ardian
06 / 05 / 2022
Public Vs. Private Social Network. People waving and smiling. twitter, facebook, instagram, whatsapp, facebook messenger, telegram.

Public vs. Private Social Networks: Why One-on-One 'Pace for Social Efficiency' is Needed?

Social media has gone through a few generations so far. Before people were “on” with Instagram, Snapchat, and even Vine, there had been the first generation of social media, which is Facebook and Twitter, that of course still going strong to this day. Strategies have been upgraded from one to another, from a temporary content (e.g. Snapchat) or even short visual content (e.g. Vine and Instagram).

After decades of social media development, the focus of each new social network has shifted, which now is user privacy. Businesses start to use two types of approaches to their customers through various channels. Now, we have what we call Private and Social Channel. Each approach has its advantages.

Public Social Networks

Public Social Networks are defined as social media platforms where people can access and share a lot of personal information. Social channels have the advantage of sharing items in a public environment. They have bigger reach and opportunities for engagement rather than private channels.

Some organizations prefer public platforms like Facebook for social networking, while others prefer private online communities. Most businesses start their communities on public social media sites. This platform is free and easy to get started.

According to Harvard Business Review, 60% of hiring managers use social media and industry expert references for initial screening when hiring. In these and other cases, sharing ideas, photos, contacts, networking opportunities, and achievements can damage your reputation rather than damage it. If you're proud of what's going on in your work life, choosing to share your work with personal followers can help you identify the quality of your work. It also adds value from a branding perspective that takes the work seriously enough for employees to increase their self-esteem and leadership.

However, if your organization puts a higher priority on customer engagement and loyalty is very important to your business performance, it's worth building a private online community. Private social networking offers more value on its platform. And this is just one of the many differences between these two types of social networking sites.

Private Social Network

Private channels, traditionally defined as intended for a single person or a group of immediate people. Private channels range in a few private messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp, LINE, and even telegram. Private channels resulted in a more direct communication. There is no feed or timeline. 

Using a private channel for your customer approach will be more curated and personal. All of your shares are definitely untraceable. Private messaging channels are becoming more relevant to ordinary social media users, and perhaps more important than traditional social media means.

Millennials and Generation Z prefer instant messaging platforms over public social media. Growing up in the reality defined by social media and fully aware of the pitfalls and dangers, this generation is more aware of privacy issues and thus makes good use of and understands the Private Message channel. They will present the future of social media marketing and social media customer service. It is wise to get involved in channels today to keep innovative brands at the forefront.

Another great benefit of private networking is the more intimate approach one-on-one communication offers. Because many customers feel most comfortable in social media settings, both in their personal lives and in the customer experience, brands need to adapt and adapt to where they are. Socially mature brands adopt a personal and original tone, rather than auto and cool brands with ready-made answers. Customers want to experience relationships that solve problems instantly with the push of a button. Building relationships makes a lot more sense with personal communication channels.

You can achieve this goal by using an omnichannel messaging platform. Choose a trusted one, such as OneTalk by, and your private network will result in a quality relationship and social efficiency for your business.

Omnichannel worked to integrate various private messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, LINE, Telegram, etc into a Single Dashboard so you can manage to establish a more intimate relationship with your customer without being overworked.

You don’t have to worry about organizing your messages because OneTalk got it all handled! You can send Broadcast Messages for your customer to send messages to multiple recipients at the same time. You can even provide your message with photos, videos, or even PDF files to support your interaction.

Private social networks that are supported by OneTalk will handle all aspects of your business such as sales, marketing, and support. Releasing half the burden of marketing on private channels will result in a remarkable intimate relationship and achieve a one-on-one time with your customers.

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