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How To Exert Little To No Marketing Cost, Then Receive Big Return

By Ardian
14 / 09 / 2020

Companies need to think harder than ever on how to receive a big turn on the marketing aspect at absolutely no cost. But how do we exert little to no marketing cost but still receive a big impact? How do we increase our sales and still gain new customers without that much money flying around to make our products known?

We will get into it one by one in this article.

Content optimization

Fill the internet with as much as your product as possible. Or, at least, the SEO. There is a lot of ways to share your content worldwide so they can be recognizable to people. Blogs can enhance your chance at being the top in Google Search because you can optimize the use of Search Engine Optimizations (SEO). If you do it right, your website can be on the first page. And, if you got into the first page, your company will achieve more reach and engagement from potential customers.

It takes a little effort to do this without actually spending money on other forms of advertisement. Fill your website with blog content so you can reach a lot of people. Your blog should be filled with informational content, as much as you post marketing content for your stuff. It is important to do a repetition of your products’ benefits so that your customers are used to it.

But the internet is not just Google, right?

These days, a lot of online platforms can be optimized as a content-sharing platform. Optimize other platforms such as Youtube. You can make a low-cost video for a Youtube channel. Enhance your video with great editing skills to make your customer comfortable with your video. Use an easy language and words. Make it as light as possible and explain it to the point. Of course, you also need to make the right title for your video to earns maximum reach.

Optimization of Social Media to post your content

Make your social media as a canvas to create the best marketing strategy. Use it to interact with your customer. Analyze, publish, and make customer engagement with people across the world. Social media can be used to align marketing with customer service, and therefore strengthening customer relationships. 

You can divide your effort on social media into two things. The first is about social media campaigns. In these aspects, you can post all about your products or services. Use social media platforms with the most users, such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. Post on How your products work, how it was supposed to work, and how it can help your customer’s needs. Be what they need and want and emphasize it in your social media. Don’t forget that visual is as important as the other stuff.

The second is building relationships with your customers. Engage and connect with them as much as possible. Not only you need to build a relationship with them, but you also have to make sure it is a meaningful one. Good customer engagement will result in loyal customers.

Networking Online

Collaborating with others is great too! Both of the participants can increase each other popularity by being seen in other platforms with different people other than their customers. Do it constantly and engage others. Don’t forget to show your sincerity when you do the work. The goal of this point is to reach new people as much as possible.

Be a speaker

Another free advertisement but also a knowledge-sharing experience is being a speaker. When you master a field and you are good at delivering speeches about that field, being a speaker is a way to spread awareness of your products. It doesn’t have to be a hard selling speech. But your title when you do become a speaker is step one of rising product awareness.

You become the mascot of your company when you try this. You showcase your digital presence and engage with new faces that can be potential customers. This will require you to convince them that you are good at what you are doing and therefore your product is a real testament as a good example of it.

For example, if you are being the speaker about omnichannel, those who never even heard of it will know you as their first connection to what it is. Participate free or paid, it doesn’t really matter. Your product will be the first thing that they know about omnichannel. And then, new potential customers will be considering using your products.

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