pt tap talk teknologi blog, a new Chat SDK Alternative

By Dominic Vedericho
10 / 10 / 2019

There are many companies that can provide chat services if you are thinking of integrating chat features to your websites and applications. It is known that companies like Sendbird, Qiscus, Zendesk, and etcetera could be a solution to that. However, there is a new alternative chat SDK in town and that is In this article, we will tell you many reasons why you should consider as a solution and provide the service for your business.

UI Integration Feature

One of our advantages is being able to integrate a ready UI to your business websites and applications. sees countless and innumerable problems that can arise. For instance, small-medium businesses around us that may not have sufficient spending power to develop chat features starting from UI. Another example is those who want to implement UI with little time. This feature enables companies to implement a chat feature along with the User Interface (UI). In, the UI is built and designed with User Experience as its core by the companies UI/UX team.

With seamless UI integration in, companies will be able to implement chat features with ready-to-use UI in a short time and simple integration process.

Smart Local Cache

The smart local cache is another special feature of The smart local cache allows you to optimize storage usage and enhance chat performances. This feature will also cut down the size of your applications. This is made possible by cleaning all local data and cache of messages that are older than one month. But no need to worry, all messages can be accessed again when you need it because they are stored in’s server.

You don’t need to go through and think about all the painful processes to solve any problems because with, all of these features are built-in.

UI Customization — Including Chat Bubble

When companies want to chat services for their business, there are a lot of things to consider. Things like “Will your chat company’s UI be able to match my business’ personality?” or “Can your company provide the kind of chat bubble that goes along with our needs?”. With, the answer is YES. has UI customization which can be custom-tailored to your company’s brand and personality. knows that each and every businesses and organization have different personalities and uniqueness, not to mention the needs when it comes to chat bubbles. In, you can customize the color in our standard UI and insert your own custom bubble that your businesses need and correspond with your business’ flow and personalities.

These three features are why you should consider is a suitable solution for your business. Aside from these three, there are other benefits that your business can get if you use Features

For more information, visit our website or contact us through email

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