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People on phone call, communicating. cx. Customer experience.

Customer Experience

One of the biggest challenges when starting a CX project is that the aspects are so diverse, that few people share the same definition. This guide will help define and uncover some terms and provide some world-class examples of leading organizations.

Customer experience is the integration of the interactions between organizations and their customers throughout the life of their relationship. It is now a major differentiator and growth driver in the customer-facing industry.

Businesses are beginning to prioritize their customer experience. Recent Research by Adone and Econsultancy finds that Business to Business and Business to Customers marketers alike both agree that the most exciting opportunity for 2019 is optimizing the customer experience. 

But compared to a few years ago only 10% of the responding company in that research regard themselves as “very advanced”. This proved that not many are aware of the importance of this matter, or even, not successful enough to implement methods to improve their customer experience.

Why customer experience is important?

Research by Genesys stated reasons why customer experience is important. The top three being that it improves customer retention (42%), it improves customer satisfaction (33%), and it increases cross-selling and up-selling.

There are more findings regardings customer experience, a few of which are:

There are a few tips for those of you who want to enhance your customer experience. First thing first, you need to know the basic steps to optimize it through these 5 steps:

  1. Evaluate your business’ condition
  2. Try to know your customers.
  3. Understand how your customers interact with you.
  4. Take a look at your metrics.
  5. Get your employees on board.

After you have done those steps, now, you need to use other tools to make sure your CX turns well. One of the steps of optimizing your CX is to try to get to know your customer and understand how they react with you. The point of these steps is communication.

Communication is a scarce thing if you want to develop a good relationship with your customers. You need to open your line of communication greatly so your customers always feel that they can turn to you to talk and communicate all the time.

Using omnichannel messaging platform as a messaging solution between you and your customer might be a way to improve your customer experience. Shall we take a look to one of the trusted omnichannel messaging providers?

OneTalk by has come a long way to broach these areas of customer experience as a part of their service. OneTalk integrates several messaging channels to improve customer satisfaction and customer experience as one social messaging solution. In short, OneTalk helps unify multiple messaging platforms to make it easier for you to respond to customers.

There are several features that support you to improve your customer’s experience. Start New Conversation can help you improve your sales. This feature allows you to reach your customer first and start a new case by practicing proactive chat. You can even Start New Conversation while the case is open and assigned to other agents.

You can also increase your support  with one of other features, Mobile Agent, where your agent can handle customers even from their cell phones because OneTalk provides app that can be accessed from your phone. Your agent can access all of your company's messaging platforms, be it WhatsApp, LINE, Telegram, and other platforms through just one channel with the Single Dashboard feature.

And, OneTalk is providing you with WhatsApp Business API services to support your line of communication with one of the biggest messaging platforms in the world.

With all those features, you can improve your sales and support and in turn, increasing your customer’s experience by providing what they need.

Excited for more?

Reach us here and talk to our Agent. We would be delighted to hear back from you!

Perusahaan membutuhkan semua keunggulan kompetitif yang bisa mereka peroleh untuk menjadi sukses. Namun, menemukan keunggulan kompetitif melalui produk dan layanan mereka sendiri menjadi sulit atau bahkan tidak mungkin. 

Jika Anda mencari cara untuk memberikan pengalaman pelanggan atau customer experience  yang sangat baik untuk  prospek dan pelanggan, sekarang bukan lagi saatnya anda menelepon.


Menelepon membutuhkan waktu lebih milik prospek atau pelanggan anda yang tidak bisa mereka sia-siakan. Membuang-buang waktu sungguh akan membuat pelanggan terganggu dan malah memberikan pengalaman buruk bagi mereka.

Untuk itu, saatnya Anda mulai mengganti strategi  customer experience  Anda. Menggunakan chat atau pesan untuk memberikan pengalaman pelanggan yang baik, dapat Anda mulai dengan  menambahkan saluran percakapan ke dalam perjalanan pelanggan digital Anda, misalnya saja: WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook Messenger, LINE, dll. Dengan demikian, Anda menghindari kemungkinan bahwa pelanggan akan mengabaikan telepon Anda.

Menurut survei We Are Social tahun 2020, terdapat 3,80 milyar orang pengguna aktif media sosial di dunia. Hal ini tentu mengubah kultur penggunaan gawai, dan membuat orang lebih memilih menggunakan fitur chat atau pesan yang terdapat dalam gawai mereka, ketimbang telepon.

Apa saja keuntungan dari optimalisasi chat untuk menciptakan customer experience yang baik?

  1. Menciptakan Perjalanan Digital yang Mulus Bagi Pelanggan

Sederhananya, pengalaman pelanggan yang mulus ada untuk pelanggan Anda saat ini dan di masa depan ketika mereka menginginkannya dan yang paling penting, di mana mereka menginginkannya. Baik itu panggilan telepon tindak lanjut, respons cepat melalui chat di situs Anda, atau menjawab komentar di media sosial. Anda harus berada di sana saat mereka menunjukkan ‘Saya tertarik dengan produk Anda’.

Hasil dari menciptakan perjalanan digital yang mulus ini cukup luar biasa - pelanggan setia dan pertumbuhan pelanggan yang stabil.

Hal ini dapat dicapai lebih baik dan efektif dengan respons menggunakan chat. Waktu yang dikeluarkan oleh pelanggan dapat lebih efektif, dan tentunya, salah satu kelebihan dengan menggunakan chat untuk menciptakan pengalaman ini adalah mereka dapat melihat balasan atau pesan dari Anda kapanpun mereka bisa dan ingin.

  1. Pelanggan Dapat Menghubungi Anda lewat Saluran Mana Pun yang Mereka Inginkan

Menjawab kebutuhan pelanggan lewat menanggapi pesan lewat saluran pesan yang mereka pilih dapat dikatakan akan menciptakan CX yang lebih baik. Pelanggan saat ini menggunakan berbagai saluran dan mode komunikasi. Mereka membutuhkan waktu respons yang lebih cepat, interaksi multi-saluran, dan transisi yang lebih lancar antara komunikasi di berbagai platform. Saat ini, pengalaman pelanggan adalah tentang kenyamanan, personalisasi, dan ketepatan waktu.

Hanya karena ada banyak platform, bukan berarti Anda perlu menghubungi setiap pelanggan Anda menggunakan setiap saluran. Itu tidak realistis atau tidak mungkin dan belum lagi, sangat memaksa dari sudut pandang pelanggan. Untuk meningkatkan komunikasi dengan pelanggan dan mendorong loyalitas pelanggan, yang dibutuhkan adalah pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang preferensi komunikasi.

Survei menemukan bahwa 49% orang lebih suka menerima pemberitahuan(notification) daripada pesan teks sementara 53% pelanggan menghubungi brand melalui email untuk manajemen janji temu. Untuk mendapatkan jawaban atas pertanyaan mereka, 45% pelanggan lebih suka berbicara dengan agent dan 37% lebih menyukai menggunakan pesan teks. Untuk jenis interaksi self-service, 48% pelanggan lebih suka menggunakan opsi online chat.

Jadi, preferensi saluran komunikasi pelanggan sering kali ditentukan oleh tujuan interaksi. Solusinya terletak pada penggunaan saluran pelengkap yang berbeda seperti menelepon, mengirim pesan teks, dan email untuk mendorong proses komunikasi yang mulus yang menghadirkan pelanggan dengan berbagai jalur percakapan yang sesuai untuk tujuan tertentu.

Dengan menggunakan chat, Anda dapat menjangkau pelanggan karena dapat menggunakan berbagai saluran yang disukai mereka. Hal ini akan menghasilkan pengalaman pelanggan yang lebih baik lagi dan meningkatkan pengalaman digital pelanggan.

Penggunaan chat juga dapat menguntungkan bagi agent atau perusahaan, karena setiap case atau obrolan akan terekam dan tercatat oleh perusahaan. Ini juga akan mempermudah karyawan Anda jika di kemudian hari membutuhkan data tersebut. 

Tips untuk mengoptimalisasi chat sebagai strategi bisnis dapat dilakukan dengan cara-cara berikut ini:

Gunakan nada dan suara yang menunjukkan keaslian dan keinginan Anda untuk membantu.

Tempatkan layanan obrolan langsung di laman situs Anda yang paling masuk akal dan cenderung menghasilkan paling banyak pertanyaan dari pengunjung situs.

Dedikasikan jumlah perhatian yang sama pada detail untuk masalah dan pertanyaan pelanggan Anda seperti yang Anda lakukan jika mereka menghubungi melalui telepon atau email.

Lihat hasil obrolan Anda dari waktu ke waktu untuk melihat bagian mana yang berkinerja terbaik, apa pertanyaan paling umum, dan bagaimana mereka menghasilkan penjualan untuk melihat bagaimana Anda dapat meningkatkan atau mengubah situs web Anda.

Untuk mempraktekkannya, Anda dapat menggunakan omnichannel messaging platform. Anda dapat mencari solusi untuk mengoptimalisasi chat Anda dengan menggunakan salah satu brand omnichannel yang terpercaya, OneTalk by Salah satu fitur OneTalk adalah Mobile Agent, di mana agent Anda dapat menangani pelanggan bahkan dari telepon genggam mereka karena OneTalk menyediakan aplikasi yang dapat diakses dari gawai Anda. Agent Anda dapat mengakses seluruh platform perpesanan perusahaan Anda, baik itu WhatsApp, LINE, Telegram, dan platform lainnya melalui satu channel saja dengan fitur Single Dashboard.

Selain itu, mencatat pesan atau case pelanggan tidak perlu dilakukan secara manual, OneTalk akan membantu Anda mencatatnya dengan Fitur Case Detail. Case Detail memungkinkan Anda untuk mengetahui histori pelanggan tersebut dan membantu Anda untuk menanganinya pada kemudian hari. Dengan fitur ini, Anda akan mengetahui berapa lama seorang client telah menunggu balasan atau respon, history case mereka, channel yang mereka gunakan, dan masih banyak lagi.

Ingin mencari tahu lebih dalam? Kunjungi OneTalk dan bicara dengan Agent untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Every business's goal is to sell something to somebody. Whether it is a product, service, or data, for a price, the company has something it offers to its customers. It seems like the point of sales strategies and marketing strategies is the same for that reason, that is to sell the products of services.  But by definition, the purposes and methods of sales and marketing strategies are different.

What's the difference between marketing and sales? The difference lies in how close you are to turning a prospective customer into an actual customer. 

Marketing includes the methods you use to obtain new leads or prospects into your business. It includes everything that helps increase interest in the goods and services being sold. In order for you to judge which marketing options are cost-effective and deliver results, it should have observable metrics. On the other hand, sales are the process of actually persuading someone to buy your products. It also requires some degree of human contact that convinces a client to become a client. Sales refer to all activities selling goods and services. The person in charge of the sales division has the responsibility of maintaining relationships with prospective clients which ultimately lead to sales. These prospective customers have been guided to you most of the time through marketing efforts.

Main Differences

Here are the main differences between the marketing strategy and the sales strategy:

  1. Goals

The marketing strategy's purpose is not to make sales. Instead, it's about meeting prospective consumers and raising their awareness of the goods, services, and company, and the opportunities for them all. Marketing practices are structured to help, but not inherently make sales. This is because not every visitor to your website or company is a good match for your product/service in your target market.

The goal of any sales strategy is fairly simple: to make sales. Although it is a goal, it is so much more complex than that.  Sales teams are tasked with maintaining partnerships and leading them to a buying choice with future buyers. A sales strategy can also discuss techniques to transform one-time consumers into return buyers or sources of recommendation.

For example, a marketing strategy is something that applies behind the curtain. Their team does not meet with a customer face to face. You wouldn’t meet with a marketing officer when you visit a store. But, a sales strategy is something that a customer can see. When you go to a store, you will meet some sales promotion girls (SPG) or others. Those SPG are the implementation of a sales strategy.

  1. The Strategies

The marketing strategy generally involves:

The sales strategy generally involves:

  1. The Person in Charge

Generally, the marketing strategy is set by the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) or VP of marketing, but it is guided by multiple marketing team members. This is because the marketing team interacts directly with groups, such as product, product marketing, service, and sales, that influence customer.

On the other hand, the sales strategy is set by the VP of sales or the chief revenue officer. Sales executives and new company owners then introduce it. Salespeople typically work on a segment instead of engaging with the whole group that marketing targets. So the sales staff will talk directly to customers or communicate at a time with a few qualified leads.

Both strategies equally have a different person in charge. It's just a different position’s name.

  1. How long will it take?

Marketing strategy is a long-term, forward-looking vision and an overarching game plan of any company or business with the underlying aim of recognizing the desires and wishes of consumers to achieve a sustainable strategic edge.

Usually, a sales strategy is short-term. A sales strategy is usually designed later and it draws on the marketing strategy. Depending on if the sales staff is meeting or exceeding sales expectations, you may need to make occasional improvements to this technique.

  1. Scope of work

The scope of work and its duration can also illustrate the difference in sales and marketing. Sales team jobs tend to be short term while marketing teams tend to be more long term.

This is because the marketing team must maintain harmonious relationships with business partners and vendors related to product marketing. Constant contact is required for an effective marketing strategy. Everyone on the team wants to realize how the brand campaign will better meet broader business goals. As well as using instruments such as market models, demographic studies, and competition analysis, the emphasis should also be on promoting brand promise to consumers.

The scope of marketing work also includes market research, public relations, and customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, the scope of the sales team's job is to convince (potential) customers to continue to feel the need for the products you sell.

A good sales strategy draws on the marketing team's efforts by securing individual customers who are most likely to purchase. This is typically so unless a large portion of their prospects is guided by the sales staff. Direct sales departments are busy pursuing prospects, making calls for exploration, qualifying candidates, product or service pitching, developing partnerships, and turning prospects to clients.

  1. Priorities and Functions

The difference in sales and marketing can also be seen from the priorities and work functions of these two divisions.

In terms of work priorities, the difference between these two positions lies in the activity targets. The marketing team's priority is to reach customers and build good relationships with customers so that they can become loyal customers. You can imagine a clear advantage if several large companies become regular customers of the products that your company has.

The more regular customers, the bigger the profit, of course.

Apart from that, these regular customers will be there if the service and response from the sales team also support the quality of the products and customers that have been reached.

The function of the sales team is to accommodate and target customers while helping them meet their needs with the products offered. The difference in sales and marketing in their functions and priorities is precisely what makes them synergize with each other.

The Pros and Cons of Marketing Strategy

Promotes Your Business to a Target Audience (You have a better chance of receiving the perfect customer because you know your target)Hard to Generate a Momentum(For a small business creating momentum may be hard because your brand is still small and not many people know about you yet)
Helps You Understand Your Customers(After knowing your targeted customers, you can understand them better)Cost(Big companies can afford to waste time and money focusing on a marketing strategy that struggles because they can regroup and move on. As a small business owner, though the return on spending on a marketing campaign might be poor, and that means you have spent months to cover that)
Helps Brand Your Business(Your marketing strategy isn’t just about boosting leads and converting them into buyers, it’s also about expressing the culture, values, and purpose of your business. By doing a marketing strategy you also help introducing your brand to others)

The Pros and Cons of Sales Strategy

Strengthens Customer Engagement and Commitment(Salesperson usually interact with their customers and they can ultimately build a stronger connection with customers)May Lower Brand Awareness(The overuse of some discount discounts can lead consumers to assume that the cheaper price is the normal price, which may cause them not to believe that the quality of the goods correlates with goods from comparable rivals offering less frequent or no price reductions)
Quick to Develop(Compared to other types of strategy, some sales strategies can be quickly created and made available within a market)Distributors Won’t Be Prepared(Some consumer sales strategy require the assistance of distributors (e.g. retailers), but not all distributors can support the sales strategy, particularly if the promotion requires the distributor to do additional work)
Help Sells More of Your Product(In cases where stock replacement is needed (e.g. items approaching expiration date; clearing inventory to make way for new models), sales strategy may be used to easily decrease supply.)

From recognition to purchase, both marketing and sales are integral aspects of the consumer journey. Your business teams need to align with these two strategies, and that means recognizing all points of convergence and divergence. According to Aberdeen Group, sales and marketing alignment can lead to a 32% increase in year-over-year revenue growth.

Communication between your sales and marketing departments is vital to aligning your sales and marketing activities. This means that sales have feedback on the types of marketing material that would be effective, that shared priorities are defined, and that everybody uses the same language and knows the vocabulary of each other.


Sales and marketing roles intersect, even though they are often grouped independently. Enterprises that recognize critical overlap areas may gain more value from their teams by pooling efforts. After all, both sales and marketing share the same objective: to increase sales.

Marketing Responsibilities

Awareness. An initiative to raise awareness about a product or service is the first step in the sales process. Efficient awareness-building efforts may help a prospect to remember a brand or product name or may guarantee that an organization makes a shortlist for purchase consideration.

Engagement. Engagement efforts draw on an initial marketing strategy to strengthen the relationship of the customer to a brand or product. Marketing resources for interaction can be longer (e.g. whitepaper or video) relative to a more simplistic awareness item (e.g. direct mailer or radio advertisement).

Conversion. Conversion is the vital transformation of a new client from an unknown figure to a recognised leader. In the case of marketing departments, a conversion may be the completion of an online form, the instigation of a webchat, or a phone call to a customer service line.

Retention. And after a buy, a marketing team may help a company develop its repeat customers. Maintaining a marketing role tends to sustain visibility and commitment during sales. This can include email newsletters or webinar invites that help consumers get more value from a product. In particular, the retention role of marketing is important for subscription services.

Sales Responsibilities

Follow up. The main sales feature is to follow up on the lead created by the marketing department. Successful enterprises typically create a formal hand-off mechanism such that each marketing-qualified leader receives accurate and prompt follow-up from a sales team member.

Relationship building. The "hard sell" era begins to disappear. Modern sales rely on developing relationships to help establish loyalty between the customer and the seller. Effective salesmen should consider the interests of the purchaser to create a persuasive—but not a persuasive—message to better distinguish the commodity of the business.

Closing. Often salespeople are judged by their willingness to transform leads into buyers. While some may envisage a face-to-face meeting and a handshake as the end of a sale, many companies are now closing deals online or over the phone. This could increase the responsibility for closing the sale to more workers.

Retention. Sales and marketing are responsible for improving customer satisfaction. When checking in with a current customer, a sales staff member may further show an engagement in the future of a long-term customer, not just a one-time deal. Continued efforts to develop good partnerships will help boost satisfaction and contribute to "upselling"—additional purchases outside initial purchasing.


How do the sales and marketing departments accomplish their objectives? Tactics differ depending on the culture of the market and the business. They've improved over time, too.

These are some of the traditional sales and marketing strategies that are at the heart of each practice.

Marketing Techniques

Outbound marketing. Marketing Outbound. Outbound marketing stands for conventional "push" marketing. This covers tv ads, direct mail posters, and cold calls. Outbound marketing strategies are also successful in creating strong demographic recognition. However, some new marketing tactics challenge the capacity of outbound marketing to create compelling, personal marketing messages that establish long-lasting business-customer relationships.

Inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is shifting marketing efforts from "drive" to "pull." The key concept behind inbound marketing is to attract new buyers by designing marketing materials that support users. For example, an investment company can deliver a free retirement planning webinar.  Inbound marketing aims to rely first on offering something useful to the customer, rather than having an inward focus on presenting a business message.

Sales Techniques

Limiting the opportunity. The notion of a "limited-time bid" is popular in retail, but generating a feeling of scarcity is a strategy used in many industries. A limited opportunity can be limited by time (e.g. a decent deal for this month only) or availability (e.g. the last pickup on the lot).

Focusing on pain points. A successful salesperson can determine the benefits of a product or service concerning the needs of a customer. This involves recognizing the day-to-day problems that the customer faces and reflecting on how the product can address these issues. Focus on pain points may often help to develop a friendship by expressing a salesperson's concern about the customer's issue.

Making the assumptive close. The assumptive close is a sales tactic that transforms the "yes" order into a "no." For example, instead of saying, "Do you want to try this service?" a salesperson might ask, "When would you want us to arrange the installation?"


While having the same end goal, marketing and sales strategy are two different things. Marketing advises and draws leads and prospects to your brand, product or service. Sales, on the other hand, deals exclusively with prospects to enhance the appeal of the company's solution to turn prospects into consumers.

There is a lot of pro and cons of both strategies which should take your attention because they will affect the revenue of your businesses.

If your small business is having trouble balancing the marketing and sales strategy, you could always use tools and other solutions. You don’t even need to differentiate between them, you can simply use an omnichannel messaging platform. Using a trusted omnichannel messaging platform will helps you balance it. OneTalk by as an omnichannel messaging solution can increase your sales, marketing, and support.

OneTalk can help you execute the constant contact that you require to balance marketing and sales strategy. With our ability to integrate multiple messaging platforms, OneTalk has all the features to enhance your business. One of them is Broadcast Message and Start New Conversation. The Broadcast Message feature allows you to send messages to multiple recipients all at once. Your marketing/sales strategy will be more interactive with this feature, sending them multimedia content such as photos, videos, and even pdf files. Meanwhile, Start New Conversation features allow you to do proactive chat and start a new case so your business can reach your customers first. With these and a lot of other features provided by OneTalk, you can easily balance your marketing and sales strategy.

In this pandemic situation, OneTalk, which integrates messenger platforms in one dashboard, can maintain your communication with your employees because you will be able to continuously monitor their work through the Real-Time Agent Activity Tracker feature. This feature will allow you to see in real-time the cases that are being handled by your employees.

Also, OneTalk creates an effective work system in the aspect of corporate communication with customers. With Assignment Rules which have assignment systems for different customers, you can easily share cases with your agents. The Topics feature also allows you or your employees to sort out the topics discussed by the customer so that they can easily categorize them.

Oh wow! Just how much are the features on OneTalk? Well, it seems like a lot, but there are more to be found. You can even utilize the right platform! Other than giving you privileges of integrating multiple messaging platforms, OneTalk also provides you with WhatsApp Business API services to support your line of communication with one of the biggest messaging platforms in the world. Use this to apply your Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy and increase your sales like never before.

Want to know more, contact our agent to explore all the features we provide for you.

Meningkatkan Produktivitas Perusahaan Di Masa PSBB Total

Keadaan PSBB dan kebijakan-kebijakan daerah yang hingga kini tidak pasti di banyak tempat tentu membuat banyak pelaku usaha dan bisnis kebingungan melewati situasi genting ini. Bagi anda yang merupakan salah satu pemeran dalam sistem ekonomi, tentu memiliki banyak kesulitan baru saat berhadapan dengan tantangan ini. 

Salah satu cara untuk mempertahankan pelanggan di kondisi yang tidak menentu ini adalah tetap menjaga produktivitas. Menjaga produktivitas memberikan citra bahwa perusahaan tetap berjalan dan stabil.

Selain menjaga produktivitas, menjaga sales agar tetap stabil dan berkembang merupakan prioritas seluruh pelaku bisnis.

Tips pertama ini ditujukan untuk perusahaan yang ingin meningkatkan produktivitas dengan konsumen atau kliennya. Tips-tips ini dapat dipraktekkan secara kolaboratif dan nantinya akan menambah efektivitas sales dan marketing. Ini dia cara jitu meningkatkan penjualan dengan melakukan produktivitas kerja.

Apakah saat ini anda sedang mempunyai kesulitan dalam penggunaan banyak akun sosial media bisnis dalam menjangkau customer? Atau ingin mengakses akun WhatsApp, bisnis Anda di lebih banyak perangkat untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tim sales, marketing dan support Anda?

Gunakan tantangan tersebut menjadi peluang bisnis. Manfaatkan platform komunikasi anda bersama customer anda untuk menambah reach dan engagement. Menyediakan customer sales, marketing, dan support yang baik, akan memberikan citra yang baik pula di mata customer.

Salah satu cara meningkatkan layanan sales, marketing, dan support melalui platform komunikasi efektif yang mudah adalah dengan menggunakan omnichannel. Omnichannel adalah pendekatan terintegrasi untuk proses yang berpusat pada pelanggan yang menggabungkan saluran komunikasi menjadi satu sistem manajemen untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan pengalaman pengguna. 

Keuntungan dari omnichannel messaging platform adalah integrasi beberapa platform perpesanan sebagai cara berkomunikasi dengan pengguna dan memberikan kenyamanan kepada pelanggan. Hal ini karena setiap customer akan mendapatkan tingkat respon yang sama dari setiap channel.

Platform perpesanan omnichannel terpercaya untuk sales, marketing, dan support dapat menawarkan pengalaman yang sama sekali berbeda bagi pelanggan. Salah satu platform omnichannel adalah OneTalk. OneTalk adalah produk Omnichannel Customer Engagement dari yang dapat mengintegrasikan beberapa platform pesan. Misalnya saja, anda ingin menggabungkan banyak platform pesan seperti WhatsApp Business dengan berbagai user/akun. Atau, anda ingin menjawab banyak platform pesan sekaligus dalam satu platform? Omnichannel dapat membantu anda. Produktivitas perusahaan pun akan bertambah karena lebih mudah menjalin komunikasi dengan pelanggan.

Omnichannel mungkin menjadi cara untuk mempertahankan reaksi positif dan profesional terhadap pandemi ini. Dengan omnichannel seperti OneTalk, Anda dapat mempelajari riwayat mereka, sudah berapa lama mereka menunggu, dan saluran apa yang mereka gunakan. Mempelajari kebutuhan pelanggan Anda memungkinkan Anda menawarkan hal yang paling mereka butuhkan — terlebih lagi di masa krisis ini.

Jadikan media sosial Anda sebagai kanvas untuk membuat strategi pemasaran terbaik. Gunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan pelanggan Anda. Analisis, publikasikan, dan buat keterlibatan pelanggan dengan orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Media sosial dapat digunakan untuk menyelaraskan pemasaran dengan layanan pelanggan, dan karena itu memperkuat hubungan pelanggan.

Anda bisa membagi usaha Anda di media sosial menjadi dua hal. Yang pertama tentang kampanye media sosial. Dalam aspek ini, Anda dapat memposting semua tentang produk atau layanan Anda. Gunakan platform media sosial dengan pengguna terbanyak, seperti Instagram, Facebook, dll. 

Posting tentang bagaimana produk Anda bekerja, bagaimana seharusnya bekerja, dan bagaimana itu dapat membantu kebutuhan pelanggan Anda. Jadilah apa yang mereka butuhkan dan inginkan dan tekankan di media sosial Anda. Jangan lupa bahwa visual sama pentingnya dengan hal lainnya.

Yang kedua adalah membangun hubungan dengan pelanggan Anda. Terlibat dan terhubung dengan mereka sebanyak mungkin. Anda tidak hanya perlu membangun hubungan dengan mereka, tetapi Anda juga harus memastikan hubungan itu bermakna. Keterlibatan pelanggan yang baik akan menghasilkan pelanggan setia.

Mengutamakan kebutuhan pelanggan menjadi acuan dalam segala strategi bisnis yang kita berikan. Gunakan testimoni dan rating dari customer sebagai salah satu trik untuk menarik customer lainnya. Trik ini dapat kalian praktekkan dengan mudah menggunakan omnichannel messaging platform

Dengan fitur Customer Rating dan Disposition dari OneTalk, yang memungkinkan sebuah perusahaan untuk mempelajari dan merangkum disposisi dari setiap case yang masuk dalam platform channel Anda, Anda akan dapat meningkatkan sales dengan testimoni pelanggan.  Fitur Disposition memastikan sebuah perusahaan tetap mendengarkan dan mengintegrasikan semua komplain dan masalah customer menjadi sebuah ide konstruktif. 

Dengan fitur ini, Anda dapat meluangkan lebih banyak waktu untuk memperhatikan customer Anda. Hasil integrasi ini menghasilkan analitik dari setiap kasus yang masuk dalam customer service. Kesimpulan ini akan membantu Anda agar case dan masalah yang terjadi tidak terulang lagi di masa depan. 

Begitu pula dengan fitur Customer Rating. Fitur ini memungkinkan customer Anda untuk dapat memberikan rating kepada agent Anda, sehingga memudahkan Anda untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan customer Anda. Selain dapat mengawasi kinerja agent Anda, Anda juga dapat menggunakan hasil kinerja mereka sebagai testimoni yang bisa dimuat sebagai konten website Anda.

Dengan memberikan fokus untuk “menonjolkan” kelebihan produk dan pelayanan Anda terhadap customer melalui testimoni ini,  peluangnya keberhasilan strategi pemasaran perusahaan Anda akan bertambah. Anda akan menonjolkan kualitas customer service pada perusahaan Anda dan dapat bersaing dengan kompetitor yang lain terlebih pada masa-masa krisis seperti ini.

Selanjutnya, untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan engagement dengan klien Anda, tentunya Anda harus dapat meningkatkan kualitas kerja perusahaan Anda.  Anda harus tetap menjaga perhatian pada kinerja karyawan Anda, untuk memastikan bahwa perusahaan Anda tetap berkembang dari dalam. Jika Anda dapat memastikan bahwa kinerja karyawan Anda berjalan seperti mesin dengan oli yang tepat, maka pelanggan Anda juga akan menikmati pelayanan perusahaan Anda kepada mereka, dan secara otomatis, menimbulkan rasa nyaman menggunakan perusahaan Anda.

Di bawah ini adalah tips untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan Anda.

  1. Jaga komunikasi agar tetap baik

Tidak dapat bekerja dan bertemu langsung sebagai akibat dari bekerja dari rumah atau work from home (WFH) bukan berarti menghentikan komunikasi dengan karyawan.

Setiap pekerja membutuhkan budaya kerja yang positif dan produktif. Apalagi dengan situasi saat ini, dimana terdapat ketidakpastian mengenai virus COVID-19 dan berbagai perubahan mendadak, hal ini menambah beban pikiran di tengah pekerjaan.

Gunakan berbagai platform komunikasi yang ada untuk sekedar menanyakan kabar karyawan, menanyakan pendapatnya, atau memberikan berbagai motivasi untuk menjaga semangat dan produktivitas.

Memang benar bahwa pandemi telah menyulitkan perusahaan dan semua pihak yang terlibat, tetapi kegiatan usaha harus tetap berjalan agar target yang direncanakan tetap dapat terpenuhi.

Salah satu faktor terpenting untuk mencapai hal tersebut adalah bagaimana perusahaan dapat terus meningkatkan komunikasi antar tim. Kerja sama yang baik akan terjalin melalui komunikasi yang baik. Dan dengan kerjasama yang baik maka produktivitas dalam perusahaan juga dapat meningkat.

  1. Gunakan Alur Kerja Efektif

Memindahkan ruang kerja ke rumah bukanlah hal yang mudah bagi setiap karyawan. Berbagai macam kendala seperti keterbatasan peralatan, sambungan, dan suasana kerja yang kurang mendukung masih sering terjadi.

Jika alur kerja masih konvensional seperti sebelumnya, ini hanya akan menghambat produktivitas seluruh tim.

Para pemimpin di setiap bisnis dan organisasi dapat meminimalkan ini dengan membangun alur kerja terstruktur dan mengoptimalkan interaksi antar tim. Penggunaan alat kolaborasi dapat menjadi solusi untuk menciptakan alur kerja yang lebih baik.

  1. Buat Team-Building Virtual

Kerja sama tim yang baik antar tim adalah kunci kesuksesan perusahaan. Sejauh ini, salah satu cara yang biasa dilakukan untuk mencapai hal tersebut adalah dengan membangun tim.

Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) dan larangan berkerumun membuat hal ini sedikit sulit, tetapi bukan berarti tidak bisa.

Tuntutan dalam industri kreatif untuk selalu inovatif dan kreatif setiap hari bisa membuat kita jemu dan letih meski hal itu wajar dan tidak bisa dipaksakan. Jadi, kunci untuk mempertahankan produktivitas kita di tempat kerja di industri kreatif adalah mengetahui kapan harus beristirahat dan kapan harus bekerja.

Penting bagi setiap perusahaan atau organisasi untuk meluangkan waktu sejenak, dan membuat tim virtual agar karyawan dapat tetap berhubungan dengan memaksimalkan alat untuk kolaborasi digital, sehingga kelelahan dapat dihindari dan kualitas kerja tetap terjaga.

Menjalankan perusahaan sambil menjaga agar karyawan tetap terhubung dan bekerja secara efisien di tengah pandemi bukanlah tugas yang mudah terutama jika dilakukan bersamaan dengan kebutuhan untuk beradaptasi secara hipotesis.

Lalu, Bagaimana Cara Meningkatkan Produktivitas Perusahaan Dengan Mudah?

Tenang saja, selain cara-cara di atas, ada cara mudah yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk menjamin produktivitas kerja karyawan Anda. OneTalk by, sebagai penyedia jasa messenger omnichannel dapat menyelesaikan 3 tips di atas sekaligus. Selain menjaga hubungan dan meningkatkan sales kepada pelanggan Anda, omnichannel yang serba bisa ini juga dapat Anda manfaatkan sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan Anda.

OneTalk yang mengintegrasi platform-platform messenger dalam satu dashboard ini dapat menjaga komunikasi Anda dengan karyawan Anda, karena Anda akan dapat terus memonitor pekerjaan mereka lewat fitur Real-Time Agent Activity Tracker. Fitur ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk melihat secara real-time case yang sedang ditangani oleh karyawan Anda.

Selain itu, OneTalk menciptakan sistem kerja yang efektif dalam aspek komunikasi perusahaan kepada pelanggan. Dengan Assignment Rules yang memiliki sistem assignment untuk customer yang berbeda-beda, Anda dapat dengan mudah membagikan case kepada agent Anda. Fitur Topics juga memungkinkan Anda atau karyawan Anda, memilah topik yang dibahas customer agar dapat dengan mudah melakukan kategorisasi.

Masih kurang dengan omnichannel saja? juga menyediakan aplikasi messenger yang dapat Anda akses di Android maupun iOS dengan nama TapTalk. Aplikasi messenger ini digadang-gadang dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti jika WhatsApp mulai ditinggalkan orang-orang. Aplikasi messenger ini memiliki fitur untuk dapat melakukan kustomisasi chat messenger Anda. Bahkan, keamanan Anda merupakan jaminan yang dapat ditawarkan oleh aplikasi TapTalk ini.

Menggunakan jasa omnichannel sebagai pendukung sales, marketing, support dan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja Anda merupakan win-win solution yang dapat Anda pertimbangkan dalam perusahaan. Dengan satu layanan, Anda dapat mendapatkan banyak sekali manfaat dan meningkatkan banyak aspek dalam perusahaan Anda.

Ingin mengetahui lebih banyak, hubungi agent kami (WhatsApp, e-mail) untuk menjelajahi banyak fitur yang kami sediakan. 

Companies need to think harder than ever on how to receive a big turn on the marketing aspect at absolutely no cost. But how do we exert little to no marketing cost but still receive a big impact? How do we increase our sales and still gain new customers without that much money flying around to make our products known?

We will get into it one by one in this article.

Content optimization

Fill the internet with as much as your product as possible. Or, at least, the SEO. There is a lot of ways to share your content worldwide so they can be recognizable to people. Blogs can enhance your chance at being the top in Google Search because you can optimize the use of Search Engine Optimizations (SEO). If you do it right, your website can be on the first page. And, if you got into the first page, your company will achieve more reach and engagement from potential customers.

It takes a little effort to do this without actually spending money on other forms of advertisement. Fill your website with blog content so you can reach a lot of people. Your blog should be filled with informational content, as much as you post marketing content for your stuff. It is important to do a repetition of your products’ benefits so that your customers are used to it.

But the internet is not just Google, right?

These days, a lot of online platforms can be optimized as a content-sharing platform. Optimize other platforms such as Youtube. You can make a low-cost video for a Youtube channel. Enhance your video with great editing skills to make your customer comfortable with your video. Use an easy language and words. Make it as light as possible and explain it to the point. Of course, you also need to make the right title for your video to earns maximum reach.

Optimization of Social Media to post your content

Make your social media as a canvas to create the best marketing strategy. Use it to interact with your customer. Analyze, publish, and make customer engagement with people across the world. Social media can be used to align marketing with customer service, and therefore strengthening customer relationships. 

You can divide your effort on social media into two things. The first is about social media campaigns. In these aspects, you can post all about your products or services. Use social media platforms with the most users, such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. Post on How your products work, how it was supposed to work, and how it can help your customer’s needs. Be what they need and want and emphasize it in your social media. Don’t forget that visual is as important as the other stuff.

The second is building relationships with your customers. Engage and connect with them as much as possible. Not only you need to build a relationship with them, but you also have to make sure it is a meaningful one. Good customer engagement will result in loyal customers.

Networking Online

Collaborating with others is great too! Both of the participants can increase each other popularity by being seen in other platforms with different people other than their customers. Do it constantly and engage others. Don’t forget to show your sincerity when you do the work. The goal of this point is to reach new people as much as possible.

Be a speaker

Another free advertisement but also a knowledge-sharing experience is being a speaker. When you master a field and you are good at delivering speeches about that field, being a speaker is a way to spread awareness of your products. It doesn’t have to be a hard selling speech. But your title when you do become a speaker is step one of rising product awareness.

You become the mascot of your company when you try this. You showcase your digital presence and engage with new faces that can be potential customers. This will require you to convince them that you are good at what you are doing and therefore your product is a real testament as a good example of it.

For example, if you are being the speaker about omnichannel, those who never even heard of it will know you as their first connection to what it is. Participate free or paid, it doesn’t really matter. Your product will be the first thing that they know about omnichannel. And then, new potential customers will be considering using your products.

Di era digital ini, banyak sekali perusahaan software dengan model bisnis platform bermunculan. Bisnis dengan model platform telah mengambil alih setiap industri dan sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan kita sehari-hari, disadari atau tanpa kita sadari. Contohnya adalah Airbnb, Alibaba, eBay dan lainnya. 

Apa itu model bisnis platform? Platform adalah model bisnis yang menciptakan nilai dengan memfasilitasi pertukaran antara dua atau lebih kelompok yang saling bergantung, biasanya konsumen dan produsen. 

Untuk mewujudkan pertukaran ini, platform memanfaatkan dan membuat jaringan pengguna dan sumber daya yang berskala besar dan dapat diakses sesuai permintaan. Platform menciptakan komunitas dan pasar dengan efek jaringan yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi dan bertransaksi. Bisnis bermodalkan platform tidak melakukan produksi barang, sebaliknya, mereka hanya menciptakan alat koneksi. 

Platform bisa menjadi model yang sangat efisien, tetapi terkadang perusahaan sering mengabaikan arah lain dalam keinginan pasar umum kita untuk membangun perusahaan yang layak di lingkungan modern saat ini.

Untuk membangun platform yang sukses, dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan usaha yang sangat besar. Hal ini tentunya tidak mudah. Namun jika Anda ingin mendirikan platform dari nol atau bahkan memanfaatkan platform yang sudah ada, terdapat tiga aturan penting yang dapat Anda ikuti jika ingin sukses dalam ekosistem bisnis.

  1. Anda akan kalah jika terus menunda

Jika Anda dan pesaing bisnis memulai usaha dalam waktu yang sama. Tidak mungkin masing-masing pengusaha memiliki untung 50%. Semakin cepat Anda memulai usaha duluan, untung yang diperoleh akan lebih besar dari saingan Anda. Jadi, janganlah malas dalam memulai usaha. Bisa saja Anda kalah dari pesaing karena terlambat.

  1. Jika Anda terlambat, jangan mencontek usaha orang lain

Misalnya Anda ingin membuka usaha Food and Beverage di dekat rumah Anda, tetapi Anda menunda-nunda terus karena merasa belum siap atau mungkin belum memiliki motivasi. Kemudian tiba-tiba ada yang membuka usaha Food and Beverage juga di dekat Anda. Calon pelanggan yang Anda harapkan tentunya akan menjadi pelanggan pesaing duluan. Bisa saja mereka akan lebih memilih pesaing ada meskipun nantinya Anda jadi berbisnis.

Jika Anda terlambat membangun bisnis, tidak ada gunanya meniru strategi bisnis yang sudah ada. Ketika Anda meniru strategi bisnis yang ada, maka jumlah usaha yang sama akan membanyak. Artinya saingan Anda banyak juga. Namun, jika Anda mencoba strategi yang berbeda, Anda mungkin lebih beruntung meningkatkan posisi bisnis Anda. 

Pesaing Anda menggunakan promo Buy 1 Get 1 Free pada saat ia buka terlebih dahulu. Anda yang telah terlambat janganlah menggunakan strategi yang sama, gunakanlah strategi lain seperti cashback, gratis ongkir, dan sebagainya

  1. Gunakan developers

Developers (Pengembang) saat ini adalah pembuat sukses, mereka adalah orang-orang yang menerjemahkan materi digital mentah bisnis ke dalam aplikasi dan layanan yang menghasilkan nilai. Dengan adanya developers, konsumen Anda akan dipermudah dalam berbelanja menggunakan aplikasi atau Application Programming Interface (API). Developers sering kali menggabungkan beberapa API untuk membuat aplikasi baru. Aplikasi ini kemudian digunakan oleh konsumen dalam ekosistem yang berbeda, kemudian menghasilkan permintaan.

Misalnya Google Maps beroperasi dalam banyak ekosistem developers, bertindak sebagai supplier yang API-nya digunakan oleh developer tersebut untuk membuat produk digital. Produk tersebut kemudian diterjemahkan menjadi permintaan saat konsumen menggunakannya dalam ekosistem terpisah seperti iOS dan Android.

Jadi, jika Anda ingin mendapatkan keuntungan dari ekosistem bisnis yang ada, jangan terlambat ke terjun ke market, dan jika terlambat, jangan meniru pesaing Anda. Sebaliknya, gunakan strategi alternatif untuk meningkatkan partisipasi ekosistem bisnis dan melibatkan developers. Tidak ada jaminan di market ke depannya, tetapi jika Anda mengikuti aturan ini, peluang Anda dapat meningkat secara signifikan.

Kuncinya adalah memanfaatkan software untuk menciptakan hubungan baru antara pemasok dan konsumen, tidak berarti harus menjadi platform raksasa berikutnya seperti Alibaba atau Ebay. Menjadi platform raksasa tentu saja merupakan salah satu jalan (mahal dan sulit) menuju keberhasilan dalam suatu ekosistem, tetapi perlu diingat, perusahaan juga dapat berhasil (seringkali lebih cepat, lebih murah, dan lebih mudah) dengan menghubungkan aplikasi atau Application Programming Interface (API) mereka ke ekosistem yang sudah ada.

Selain tiga aturan di atas, Anda juga bisa memanfaatkan layanan yang diberikan oleh Omnichannel messaging platform, Omnichannel adalah pendekatan terintegrasi untuk proses yang berpusat pada pelanggan di mana beberapa channel digabungkan menjadi satu sistem manajemen untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan pengalaman customer. Dapat dikatakan bahwa omnichannel adalah social messaging solution

Dengan adanya Omnichannel, pemilik usaha dapat mempermudah komunikasi dengan pelanggannya. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena semua channel komunikasi yang ada seperti WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Twitter DM, LINE, Email, dan lainnya digabungkan menjadi satu inbox. Anda tidak perlu lagi mengakses platform tersebut satu per satu.

Kemudahan ini dapat Anda akses melalui OneTalk by Tidak hanya kemudahan dalam berkomunikasi, Anda bisa mengidentifikasi perilaku customer dengan “Case Detail”. Anda bisa mengetahui lebih dalam tentang customer Anda, seperti mengetahui berapa lama mereka menunggu balasan, history produk yang pernah mereka beli, channel yang mereka gunakan, dan lainnya. Hal ini bisa digunakan untuk mengembangkan bisnis kita menjadi lebih baik sesuai dengan pengalaman Anda dengan pelanggan.

In an era with software and digital development, creating a culture of knowledge sharing is easier and just as important as selecting the best knowledge.  Sometimes, the more knowledge you know, the fewer employees are inclined to share it. This will be where you, as a business leader, should intervene and make it right. Now, we no longer live in a time where organizations can thrive with siloed information, with only a few people hold the key to the castle.

Knowledge sharing will lead to organizational transparency, which in multiple studies has proven good for business. It promotes the healthy, sustainable growth of modern businesses, regardless of industry. Several reports have shown that business transparency - both external and internal - is very expensive these days. Clients prefer companies that are honest with them, and workers consider internal transparency one of the most important factors when considering a new job.

The principle of radical business integrity is the first step towards building an organization in which employees are primarily motivated to share their experiences with colleagues. When your company's ecosystem supports the free flow of information, you not only make it easier for your people to do a good job, but you also gain benefits when it comes to bringing in the best talent.

But this culture would require a good work environment so the employees would feel safe and comfortable doing it. That was because knowledge sharing is not just about creating a knowledge base or even setting up some internal wikis. Knowledge sharing culture puts people and collaboration first. There must have been a willingness of teammates to help each other out.

According to Slack, there are three things to cultivate a healthy collaboration culture: Leadership should lead by example, be accessible to employees; feedback cycles should be encouraged among employees, management, and departments; Psychological safety should be prioritized to ensure that employees feel comfortable sharing expertise with one another without fear of competition or job instability. It makes employees more open to what they don’t know.

The next step after making it a “safe zone” for your employees to adapt knowledge sharing culture is them actually learning how to do it. Practicing skills is a more effective technique rather than simple theoretical learning. The more you encourage your employees to work with one another to practice knowledge sharing, the more effective it will be rather than an interaction between them and wiki━which can possibly be out of date or lacking tacit knowledge. That is why you need to try to keep people engaged by designing any knowledge management tool that you invest in around a people-first philosophy.

Knowledge sharing culture is an employee retention insurance

When you practiced a good knowledge sharing culture in your work environment, you could avoid losing team’s productivity due to the lack of an instrumental member at work. Workers won’t hoard expertise, all the skills and expertise would be shared among them equally. 

So rather than a single precious employee, you could have dozens of expert workers. A company that practices knowledge sharing culture makes for happier and more loyal employees who could survive a teammate’s departure. Employees will be vested in a company that creates a comfortable and positive work environment for them.

Increase overall productivity with knowledge sharing

Knowledge sharing will enable a company to learn from mistakes and increase employee engagement to the company. Employees’ professional growth can benefit a company greatly. Research around the world has shown that knowledge-sharing initiatives driven by a culture of learning and collaboration can naturally increase employee productivity as a whole. 

When employees can benefit from a knowledge-sharing culture, they are less likely to face hardships alone and are more likely to collaborate productively and think innovatively. All of this can lead to new customer solutions or product offerings, keeping your organization competitive and successful.

Simply put, transparent organizations that support knowledge sharing are self-sustaining organizations: these multiply opportunities for growth while creating employee ownership and participation. Who among us would not want to invest in a cultural strategy that can afford it?

It’s time to embrace a knowledge-sharing culture. That starts with taking a good look at how your company’s knowledge management works and starts doing an evaluation. Don’t forget to also provide your employees with the tools they need to succeed and grow.

An organization that is actively involved in sharing knowledge is at the forefront of everyone. Spending energy creating this culture of engagement requires an ongoing focus that advances employee engagement and empowerment.

In, knowledge sharing is a must. As a startup, it was an important thing to nurture. Our team works collectively as a family because of our transparency. Because of the collective work and the knowledge sharing culture, we are able to increase our productivity and build a healthy environment.

Hope this is helpful!

A business should cover all aspects before they launch their products or services. What would you provide and prepare before you launch your product? Would that be the idea that you share when you brainstorm your strategy? Ask your company some questions before you “think” you could provide your customer with what they need with your product. You need a good Product Judgement from your customers to know  “What do they really need?” is what you really need to think through before your products meet the markets.

Product Judgement is the notion that you can use your own judgment to (1) accurately predict what customers need, what they want and value, and (2) develop and provide them with a solution. 

Product Judgement does exist and it is learned. No one starts with a strong product rating. It is not innate. It took years to build and therefore ranged from very weak to very strong. It takes mature work and dedication to create it. Therefore, some have it, others do not.

Product Judgement is obtained through customers. That’s why you have to learn from your customers with their perception. Good businesses will assess their market before they launch their product. You have to know “who are you dealing with” and your product should be the answer to all of their needs. To know who you’re dealing with, you can control your Product Judgement by personally observe and correspond to them.

But you have to make sure that your products, or the way that you market your products, will make it easier for them. Customers hate it when things are complicated. Because we have to provide their needs, we need to provide them with the convenience that they demand.

You also need to make sure how your customers view your product and the way that you portrayed and presented your products.

Research by Cruz and Duarte (2011) has proven that “by designing and presenting assistive products as general consumer goods it may be possible to reduce stigmatic elements from being associated with them”.  This practically means the way you present your product will affect their willingness to buy. This is why you need to study your Product Judgement by placing yourself in a customer’s place and keep a good relationship with your customer. What are the contextual aspects that affect customer’s decisions?

You need to ensure how your products are perceived by your customer. It is important to make unique products, but it is also great if you make the same products but BETTER. To make it better, you need to constantly follow the trend. 

Now, after contemplating how you present your product, the next thing you need to do is “be them”. To know how your product or service is perceived and how is your Product Judgement, you have to use it yourself. You have to know all about it, how it works, and how it was supposed to work.

Creating a great product touches on many areas. From what problems a product solves, to how it solves them, to how it is evaluated and positioned in the market.

Product Judgement is an ever-evolving thing. Because of the change in trends, technologies, competitors, and industries. Present your product according to what the trend is. Filter their trend. Watch your competitors. Study the industries where your products grow.

When you portrayed your products or services as something that they need in everyday life and without disabilities, your customer will be convinced that they “should” be using your products or services.

Because Product Judgement is a never-ending journey, you have to keep checking and refining it. When you apply your product judgement and decisions get made, go back and check those decisions again. Never stop evolving, keep talking to the market about your product. Present them as consumer goods so they can “think that they “need” you before they actually need you.

But that perfect notion and concepts will make you think hard and question how could such a great Product Judgement exist? 

You can be the one to make such a thing!

Don’t ever doubt that you can do it too. Do the research to the customers that are using your products. You can study with as many respondents as possible. You just have to get started and the numbers add up quickly. The best part is that you will start to feel like your judgment is growing. To get high product ratings, you have to fall in love when you talk to customers. Overcome the obstacles you have today.

Companies use email as other ways to connect with their customers. They could send information regarding new products, promotions, and others to their customer by using monthly newsletter blasts. Newsletter blast is a process of sending details and product-focused content to a subscriber list which includes existing and potential customers via an emailed letter.

The newsletters contain a variety of items not linked solely to shopping. In a given topic of a newsletter, businesses might include anything from business news to fascinating facts and "how-to" articles. Since customers have already shown that they are interested in receiving the newsletter, businesses should produce more valuable content that they know will engage their base.

However, customers can unsubscribe your newsletter if they find it annoying and disturbing. You don’t want customers to miss out on any exciting news from us. To solve this problem, you need to create good newsletter strategies. 

Here are some tips to create a successful newsletter that your customer wants to read

  1. Grab the Reader with the Headline or Subject

People receive many newsletters every day. You have to make sure that your subscriber wants to read the newsletter you send. Try using a special, innovative subject line for any email you send. Your subject will tell your reader what they are going to read, and do not use deception to trick them into opening an email. The general rule of thumb is to have about 50 characters or fewer on the subject line. Avoid using words like “Free”, “limited time” and don’t use all caps on your subject. You don’t want to scream at your customer. 

  1. Provide Content Worth Reading

Of course, you want to put adverts on your newsletter. But make sure to put something else to keep your readers interested. You could provide tips and advice articles, or news regarding your company. There are the key things that your subscriber may be interested in.

  1. Establish Trust

You need to be consistent with the newsletter so your subscriber knows what to expect when the open and read it. Make sure your subscribers don't feel fooled because your subject line has little similarity to the newsletter material. Don’t forget to send them regularly so your customer didn’t forget about you.

  1. Keep It Short and Simple

Ensure people can quickly and conveniently get the information they need from your newsletter. Also, don't use too much detail and too many separate papers to fill your newsletters. Even though you've been dreaming about loads of posts for your first newsletter, you don't even have to bring them all in.

  1. Write for Your Audience

You are an expert in your profession, and perhaps your subscribers are not. That means you have to describe it in terms that most people will understand and clarify any words, abbreviations, and acronyms in the industry. We all get used to our terms of business and we still forget that others don't understand them immediately too. So be careful and proofread your newsletters in pursuit of some supposed interpretation, and better clarify it.

The most convenient way to ensure your email has been sent (and read afterward) is by using "read receipts." Many webmail clients have an email monitoring option these days. You may choose to be informed when a recipient has either received or read your message before sending your message. 

Nowadays, a variety of email monitoring tools is available, enabling sales teams to have more power as well as access to useful data. One of them is CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software.

Email monitoring tools have become a crucial part of reaching prospects and customers — old and new — at every scale. And the use of CRM with email monitoring capability has become more relevant for organizations to meet their customers at the right time and in the right sense.

Email monitoring is the ability to control the status of emails you deliver, to boost visibility and company with your customer. Through using an email monitoring app, you'll be able to receive real-time email updates for each email case. It also helps you monitor your high-funnel email measurements on an ongoing basis as email opens and click-through speeds, so you can make better business decisions.

Monitoring emails lets you directly communicate with your customers and prospects by letting you see when your emails are sent and opened. When you open your prospects and click on the link in your newsletters, you know when they actively interact with your company. You will also see how many times your emails are opened, and watch the links they clicked on. This helps you to recognize your future clients so that you can contact them at the right time or deliver the next follow-up note, and improve your chance of attracting their company significantly.

You can use CRM software such as Keap, Zoho, Hubspot, Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, and many others, you can easily find CRM software on the internet.


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