pt tap talk teknologi blog’s Views on Product: The Standards on How Things Grow

By Ardian
06 / 10 / 2020 is a startup company that was home-grown and made by our nation’s people. We understand and care for our customers─even to those precious potential customers. In, we understand how important communication is, and we believe, the very basic aspect of human life is the ability to communicate, and the presence of communication is really important to that every aspect, even in the digital world. So in this belief, we designed to bring and live up the communication in the digital world, delivering that oxygen of life to your own apps. has some objectives to help “Humanize digital interactions and empower conversations for businesses in the digital space”. That’s why creates PowerTalk.’s vision is to help businesses elevate their customer service experience, boost their sales, and maximize their marketing. This vision is the reason we create OneTalk, a messaging platform for sales, marketing, and customer support. always tries to be better to optimize all products and give the best for clients. It was proven by what we serve for our clients. Take the example from one of our products, OneTalk. OneTalk presents as a service for our clients to improve sales, marketing, and support. We provide our customers with great quality services and affordable prices. It becomes our priority to make sure all our client’s needs are met by providing the best deal.

PowerTalk is an In-app chat framework with the best user experience. We integrate our framework with a few lines of codes and we do the rest. Our customers can sit and enjoy a white-labeled chat in their own apps. We prepare the user interface for you, and you can even customize your business’ interface. We know that your brand is important, so PowerTalk prepare a framework to be ready for your customization. Customers can also customize their own chat bubble, and be limitless at that. They can create their own chat bubble and explore new things with their in-app chat.

Meanwhile, OneTalk is an Omnichannel Customer Engagement product from that can integrate multiple messaging platforms. For example, if you want to combine multiple messaging platforms such as WhatsApp business with various users or accounts. Or, you want to answer multiple messaging platforms in one platform? OneTalk can helps you. The company's productivity will also increase because it is easier to communicate with customers. OneTalk provides services with several features that will improve your business quality. 

Some of those features can even help your business to thrive with many challenges and still productive in times like this. With our services, you can use these challenges into business opportunities. Take advantage of your communication platform with your customers to increase reach and engagement. Providing good customer sales, marketing, and support will also give a good image in the eyes of the customer.

Take an example of the Disposition feature. Disposition feature creates and summarizes the dispositions of each incoming case to get business insights from your customers. The recorded data are, knowing how long they have been waiting for, their history, the channels they use, and many other things. This feature also helps you to conclude cases to avoid similar cases in the future and come up with a new business idea.

With all those tools provided by OneTalk as an omnichannel messaging platform, you provide your employee with great customer support. Now you could make sure your company will grow from within, from the people that are supporting the business to thrive. also implements constructive culture for our environment. One of them is Knowledge Sharing culture. Knowledge sharing will enable a company to learn from mistakes and increase employee engagement to the company. Employees’ professional growth can benefit a company greatly. An organization that is actively involved in sharing knowledge is at the forefront of everyone. Spending energy creating this culture of engagement requires an ongoing focus that advances employee engagement and empowerment.

In, knowledge sharing is a must. As a startup, it was an important thing to nurture. Our team works collectively as a family because of our transparency. Because of the collective work and the knowledge sharing culture, we are able to increase our productivity and build a healthy environment.

With this healthy environment, is able to serve our clients and customers with our best products. We listen and understand our clients’ demands. We listen to all demands and always trying our best to make it happen!

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