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Start-Up Promoting Strategy: Growth-Hacking

By Ardian
12 / 10 / 2020

With the help of technology, there’s a lot of emerging startup company. What is a startup? A startup is a new enterprise that has been set up by one or more founders to create and sell a specific product or service for which they believe there is demand.

Nowadays, many startup companies have sprung up, how can your startup compete with them? You will need to think of a right and successful marketing strategy. The answer is Growth Hacking. What is Growth Hacking? Growth hacking was invented by businessman Sean Ellis in 2010. It applies to the rainbow of techniques used to move traffic as quickly as possible to a startup without investing too much in particular.

Growth Hacking is a mix of marketing, data, and technology. In order to increase the number of clients, a development hacker runs experiments based on a process-based methodology. Because of limited budgets and resources, Growth Hacking is ideal for startups, but it also lends itself to larger businesses.

Growth Hacking is basically a marketing strategy that uses creative thinking, analytics, and social metrics to gain momentum and visibility. It is now becoming part of the arsenal of tactics of online marketers, usually using low-budget and creative approaches instead of conventional marketing techniques.

If you’re looking for Growth Hack ideas, there are examples all over us. Companies are continually finding ways to innovate in the commercial room, and they also create the distribution funnel straight through their goods or services. Here are some things you may need to know if you want to Growth Hack your startup

  1. Expand Your Audience

One of the main aspects of Growth Hacking is to concentrate all of your energy on creating and expanding your audience. It's not enough to tell customers what you're doing, you want to involve them because they're going to be willing to buy from you.  Will a certain influencer followed by your potential customers? Form a partnership or what you may know as an endorsement. 

Optimize your social media marketing as well. Use a social media platform that is often used by potential customers. Dominate those social media from your competitors. You’ll have unlimited access to your followers if you can dominate a social media network over your rivals. In addition, you can redirect traffic to the social network from your website and vice versa, providing a nice place for your audience to make good use of.

Interact with your customer thru your social media. Be an active startup that shows your care for customers. Always show that you’re open to any questions, suggestions, or even critics. You can start discussions and glean fascinating information from your audience by opening the lines of communication.

  1. Form a Partnership with Other Companies

Still talking about the audience, partnerships are the unsung heroes of the field of Growth Hacking. You can work together to reach 100,000 individuals if you have an audience of 50,000 customers and another entrepreneur in a related field has an audience of 50,000 customers.

You're not looking for a competitor that is direct, instead, your looking for a company that complements your own. For example, you are selling pretty eye contacts. You may be able to work with a company selling eye drop solutions.

  1. Attend or Host a Small Event

A true Growth Hacker does not delete any alternative pathways that might lead him or her to a target. This means going offline to promote growth.

Consider participating if you have limited, niche-related activities in your area, or even outside the city. As a guest, you can go or reserve a booth for your company.

You will find a more appealing alternative than a faceless organization by meeting people face-to-face, shaking their hands, and telling them about their needs.

  1. Offer Freebies

Offer freebies or free trials. It might not do much, but it's going to get people to the entrance. Once they see that your product can benefit them, they'll want more of it. Some customers would never be turned into paying consumers, but the onboarding process is what you want to concentrate on.

Retaining clients is better than obtaining them. That is why the model of freemium fits so well. Once they’re hooked on your product, convince them to use the paid version.

These are some tips you may need to do if you want to have a successful startup. Did you know that always does one of those tips? have social media and a blog to share and reach out to their customers. has PowerTalk, which is an In-app chat framework with the best user experience. You can customize your own custom chat bubble to create a much more special connection with your customer.

There are some companies that use Growth Hacking to boost their business such as AirBnB, Facebook, Netflix, PayPal, and so many more. If you’re interested in creating your own startup, try applying the tips that were mention above.

Good luck!

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